Specification Sheet

JavaScript Alias: maps/switzerland

Map Name: Switzerland Dimensions (Width x Height): 510x341

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List of Entities

ID Short label Label
01 AA Aargau
02 AR Ausser-Rhoden
03 BL Basel-Landschaft
04 BS Basel-Stadt
05 BE Bern
06 FR Fribourg
07 GE Geneva
08 GL Glarus
09 GR Graubünden
10 IR Inner-Rhoden
26 JU Jura
11 LU Luzern
12 NE Neuchâtel
13 NI Nidwalden
14 OB Obwalden
15 SG Sankt Gallen
16 SC Schaffhausen
17 SH Schwyz
18 SO Solothurn
19 TH Thurgau
20 TI Ticino
21 UR Uri
22 VA Valais
23 VU Vaud
24 ZU Zug
25 ZR Zurich
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