Specification Sheet

JavaScript Alias: maps/sortrondelag

Map Name: Sortrondelag Dimensions (Width x Height): 482x600

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List of Entities

ID Short label Label
no.st.ag AG Agdenes
no.st.bj BJ Bjugn
no.st.fr FR Frøya
no.st.he HE Hemne
no.st.hi HI Hitra
no.st.ho HO Holtålen
no.st.kl KL Klæbu
no.st.ma MA Malvik
no.st.md MD Meldal
no.st.mh MH Melhus
no.st.mg MG Midtre Gauldal
no.st.op OP Oppdal
no.st.ok OK Orkdal
no.st.os OS Osen
no.st.re RE Rennebu
no.st.ri RI Rissa
no.st.ro RO Roan
no.st.rr RR Røros
no.st.se SE Selbu
no.st.sk SK Skaun
no.st.sn SN Snillfjord
no.st.tr TR Trondheim
no.st.ty TY Tydal
no.st.af AF Åfjord
no.st.ol OL Ørland
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