
Beginner's Guide

Charts / Gauges / Maps Guide

Customizing Charts


Integrating With Your Stack


A regression line, rendered as a straight line, is used to show the trend of y values with respect to the x values or the trend of x values with respect to the y values. A regression line, therefore, can be used to derive a particular trend from the scattered data points in the chart canvas and predict values accordingly. For example, regression lines can be used to find trends and predict future sales, stock prices, currency exchange rates, productivity gains resulting from a training program, and so on.

There are several methods to calculate and draw regression lines; scatter charts, using linear regression, use the least-squares deviation method (also known as the least absolute deviation method). This method calculates the best-fitting straight-line for the observed data by minimizing the sum of the squares of the vertical deviations of each data point from the line (if a point lies on the fitted line exactly, then its vertical deviation is 0). As the deviations are first squared and then summed, there are no cancellations between positive and negative values.

A select-scatter chart rendered with a regression line is shown below:

FusionCharts will load here..
{ "chart": { "theme": "fint", "caption": "Products Sold vs. Price points", "subcaption": "Harry's SuperMart - Last Week", "yaxisname": "Quantity Sold", "xaxisname": "Price(In US $)", "xaxismaxvalue": "1000", "xaxisminvalue": "100", "yaxismaxvalue": "200", "xnumberprefix": "$", "ynumbersuffix": " units", "showcanvasborder": "1", "canvasborderthickness": "0.4", "canvasborderalpha": "50", "showXAxisLine": "0", "showformbtn": "1", "formAction": "#", "submitdataasxml": "1", "showRegressionLine": "1" }, "categories": [ { "verticallinecolor": "666666", "verticallinethickness": "1", "alpha": "40", "category": [ { "label": "$100", "x": "100", "showverticalline": "0" }, { "label": "$200", "x": "200", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "label": "$300", "x": "300", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "label": "$400", "x": "400", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "label": "$500", "x": "500", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "label": "$600", "x": "600", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "label": "$700", "x": "700", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "label": "$800", "x": "800", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "label": "$900", "x": "900", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "label": "$1000", "x": "1000", "showverticalline": "0" } ] } ], "dataset": [ { "drawline": "0", "seriesname": "Televisions", "color": "#6baa01", "anchorsides": "3", "anchorradius": "4", "anchorbgcolor": "#6baa01", "anchorbordercolor": "#6baa01", "data": [ { "id": "TV_1", "y": "559", "x": "714" }, { "id": "TV_2", "y": "293", "x": "988" }, { "id": "TV_3", "y": "231", "x": "970" }, { "id": "TV_4", "y": "528", "x": "142" }, { "id": "TV_5", "y": "95", "x": "800" }, { "id": "TV_6", "y": "515", "x": "813" }, { "id": "TV_7", "y": "444", "x": "928" }, { "id": "TV_8", "y": "592", "x": "238" }, { "id": "TV_9", "y": "229", "x": "959" }, { "id": "TV_10", "y": "238", "x": "521" }, { "id": "TV_11", "y": "285", "x": "222" }, { "id": "TV_12", "y": "524", "x": "863" }, { "id": "TV_13", "y": "422", "x": "820" }, { "id": "TV_14", "y": "344", "x": "894" }, { "id": "TV_15", "y": "510", "x": "800" }, { "id": "TV_16", "y": "132", "x": "785" }, { "id": "TV_17", "y": "381", "x": "214" }, { "id": "TV_18", "y": "210", "x": "961" }, { "id": "TV_19", "y": "496", "x": "575" }, { "id": "TV_20", "y": "330", "x": "847" }, { "id": "TV_21", "y": "436", "x": "893" }, { "id": "TV_22", "y": "406", "x": "157" }, { "id": "TV_23", "y": "125", "x": "349" }, { "id": "TV_24", "y": "450", "x": "818" }, { "id": "TV_25", "y": "455", "x": "615" }, { "id": "TV_26", "y": "328", "x": "256" }, { "id": "TV_27", "y": "188", "x": "460" }, { "id": "TV_28", "y": "565", "x": "350" }, { "id": "TV_29", "y": "149", "x": "582" }, { "id": "TV_30", "y": "425", "x": "970" } ] }, { "seriesname": "Cell Phones", "color": "#f8bd19", "anchorsides": "4", "anchorradius": "4", "anchorbgcolor": "#f8bd19", "anchorbordercolor": "#f8bd19", "data": [ { "id": "Mob_1", "y": "335", "x": "156" }, { "id": "Mob_2", "y": "339", "x": "927" }, { "id": "Mob_3", "y": "328", "x": "847" }, { "id": "Mob_4", "y": "1", "x": "177" }, { "id": "Mob_5", "y": "246", "x": "175" }, { "id": "Mob_6", "y": "368", "x": "441" }, { "id": "Mob_7", "y": "146", "x": "200" }, { "id": "Mob_8", "y": "347", "x": "482" }, { "id": "Mob_9", "y": "1", "x": "463" }, { "id": "Mob_10", "y": "63", "x": "440" }, { "id": "Mob_11", "y": "77", "x": "211" }, { "id": "Mob_12", "y": "108", "x": "824" }, { "id": "Mob_13", "y": "44", "x": "850" }, { "id": "Mob_14", "y": "77", "x": "712" }, { "id": "Mob_15", "y": "15", "x": "199" }, { "id": "Mob_16", "y": "333", "x": "836" }, { "id": "Mob_17", "y": "31", "x": "482" }, { "id": "Mob_18", "y": "90", "x": "604" }, { "id": "Mob_19", "y": "294", "x": "716" }, { "id": "Mob_20", "y": "241", "x": "870" }, { "id": "Mob_21", "y": "258", "x": "421" }, { "id": "Mob_22", "y": "186", "x": "456" }, { "id": "Mob_23", "y": "255", "x": "327" }, { "id": "Mob_24", "y": "203", "x": "995" }, { "id": "Mob_25", "y": "35", "x": "792" } ] } ] }
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<title>My first chart using FusionCharts Suite XT</title>
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             * getDataFromChart method prepares the
             * tabular string from selection and
             * write in a div and display it.
            getDataFromChart = function() {
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                //Form tabular string
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                str += '<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#ffffff" width="100%">';
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                        ds += '<td width="40%" style="font-weight: bold;font-size: 12px;background-color: #EEEEEE;text-align:center"> Price (in USD)</td>';
                        ds += '<td width="40%" style="font-weight: bold;font-size: 12px;background-color: #EEEEEE;text-align:center"> Quantity Sold</td>';
                        ds += '</tr>';
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                            var id = String(dataArr[j].id),
                                price = String(dataArr[j].x),
                                qty = String(dataArr[j].y);

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                            ds += '<td width="20%" align="center">' + id + '</td>';
                            ds += '<td width="40%" align="center">&#36;' + price + ' </td>';
                            ds += '<td width="40%" align="center">' + qty + ' units</td>';
                            ds += '</tr>';
                        ds += '</table>';
                        str += '        <td width="80%" style="padding: 3px">' + ds + '</td>';
                        str += '    </tr>';

                str += '</table>';
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                    str = "No Data Selected";
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        "beforeDataSubmit": function(evtObj, argObj) {

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  <div id="chart-container">FusionCharts XT will load here!</div>

Given below is a brief description of the attribute used to show regression lines:

Attribute Name Description


It is used to specify whether a regression line will be shown for the chart. Setting this attribute to 1 will show the regression line, setting it to 0 (default) will hide it. This attribute belongs to the dataset object.

Modes of Regression

Regression lines can be drawn in one of the following two modes:

  • Y on X: (Default mode) Used when y values are predicted, or a trend of y values is calculated, based on the x values

  • X on Y: Used when x values are predicted, or a trend of x values is calculated, based on the y values

In the select-scatter chart shown above, the regression line is drawn in the Y on X mode.

The same chart with the regression line drawn using the X on Y mode looks like this:

FusionCharts will load here..
{ "chart": { "theme": "fint", "caption": "Products Sold vs. Price points", "subcaption": "Harry's SuperMart - Last Week", "yaxisname": "Quantity Sold", "xaxisname": "Price(In US $)", "xaxismaxvalue": "1000", "xaxisminvalue": "100", "yaxismaxvalue": "200", "xnumberprefix": "$", "ynumbersuffix": " units", "showcanvasborder": "1", "canvasborderthickness": "0.4", "canvasborderalpha": "50", "showXAxisLine": "0", "showformbtn": "1", "formAction": "#", "submitdataasxml": "1", "showRegressionLine": "1", "showYOnX": "0" }, "categories": [ { "verticallinecolor": "666666", "verticallinethickness": "1", "alpha": "40", "category": [ { "label": "$100", "x": "100", "showverticalline": "0" }, { "label": "$200", "x": "200", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "label": "$300", "x": "300", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "label": "$400", "x": "400", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "label": "$500", "x": "500", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "label": "$600", "x": "600", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "label": "$700", "x": "700", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "label": "$800", "x": "800", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "label": "$900", "x": "900", "showverticalline": "1" }, { "label": "$1000", "x": "1000", "showverticalline": "0" } ] } ], "dataset": [ { "drawline": "0", "seriesname": "Televisions", "color": "#6baa01", "anchorsides": "3", "anchorradius": "4", "anchorbgcolor": "#6baa01", "anchorbordercolor": "#6baa01", "data": [ { "id": "TV_1", "y": "559", "x": "714" }, { "id": "TV_2", "y": "293", "x": "988" }, { "id": "TV_3", "y": "231", "x": "970" }, { "id": "TV_4", "y": "528", "x": "142" }, { "id": "TV_5", "y": "95", "x": "800" }, { "id": "TV_6", "y": "515", "x": "813" }, { "id": "TV_7", "y": "444", "x": "928" }, { "id": "TV_8", "y": "592", "x": "238" }, { "id": "TV_9", "y": "229", "x": "959" }, { "id": "TV_10", "y": "238", "x": "521" }, { "id": "TV_11", "y": "285", "x": "222" }, { "id": "TV_12", "y": "524", "x": "863" }, { "id": "TV_13", "y": "422", "x": "820" }, { "id": "TV_14", "y": "344", "x": "894" }, { "id": "TV_15", "y": "510", "x": "800" }, { "id": "TV_16", "y": "132", "x": "785" }, { "id": "TV_17", "y": "381", "x": "214" }, { "id": "TV_18", "y": "210", "x": "961" }, { "id": "TV_19", "y": "496", "x": "575" }, { "id": "TV_20", "y": "330", "x": "847" }, { "id": "TV_21", "y": "436", "x": "893" }, { "id": "TV_22", "y": "406", "x": "157" }, { "id": "TV_23", "y": "125", "x": "349" }, { "id": "TV_24", "y": "450", "x": "818" }, { "id": "TV_25", "y": "455", "x": "615" }, { "id": "TV_26", "y": "328", "x": "256" }, { "id": "TV_27", "y": "188", "x": "460" }, { "id": "TV_28", "y": "565", "x": "350" }, { "id": "TV_29", "y": "149", "x": "582" }, { "id": "TV_30", "y": "425", "x": "970" } ] }, { "seriesname": "Cell Phones", "color": "#f8bd19", "anchorsides": "4", "anchorradius": "4", "anchorbgcolor": "#f8bd19", "anchorbordercolor": "#f8bd19", "data": [ { "id": "Mob_1", "y": "335", "x": "156" }, { "id": "Mob_2", "y": "339", "x": "927" }, { "id": "Mob_3", "y": "328", "x": "847" }, { "id": "Mob_4", "y": "1", "x": "177" }, { "id": "Mob_5", "y": "246", "x": "175" }, { "id": "Mob_6", "y": "368", "x": "441" }, { "id": "Mob_7", "y": "146", "x": "200" }, { "id": "Mob_8", "y": "347", "x": "482" }, { "id": "Mob_9", "y": "1", "x": "463" }, { "id": "Mob_10", "y": "63", "x": "440" }, { "id": "Mob_11", "y": "77", "x": "211" }, { "id": "Mob_12", "y": "108", "x": "824" }, { "id": "Mob_13", "y": "44", "x": "850" }, { "id": "Mob_14", "y": "77", "x": "712" }, { "id": "Mob_15", "y": "15", "x": "199" }, { "id": "Mob_16", "y": "333", "x": "836" }, { "id": "Mob_17", "y": "31", "x": "482" }, { "id": "Mob_18", "y": "90", "x": "604" }, { "id": "Mob_19", "y": "294", "x": "716" }, { "id": "Mob_20", "y": "241", "x": "870" }, { "id": "Mob_21", "y": "258", "x": "421" }, { "id": "Mob_22", "y": "186", "x": "456" }, { "id": "Mob_23", "y": "255", "x": "327" }, { "id": "Mob_24", "y": "203", "x": "995" }, { "id": "Mob_25", "y": "35", "x": "792" } ] } ] }
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<title>My first chart using FusionCharts Suite XT</title>
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                        ds = '<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="' + objDataset[i].color + '" width="100%">';
                        ds += '<tr>';
                        ds += '<td width="20%" style="font-weight: bold;font-size: 12px;background-color: #EEEEEE;text-align:center"> Id</td>';
                        ds += '<td width="40%" style="font-weight: bold;font-size: 12px;background-color: #EEEEEE;text-align:center"> Price (in USD)</td>';
                        ds += '<td width="40%" style="font-weight: bold;font-size: 12px;background-color: #EEEEEE;text-align:center"> Quantity Sold</td>';
                        ds += '</tr>';
                        for (j = 0; j < dataArr.length; j++) {
                            var id = String(dataArr[j].id),
                                price = String(dataArr[j].x),
                                qty = String(dataArr[j].y);

                            ds += '<tr>';
                            ds += '<td width="20%" align="center">' + id + '</td>';
                            ds += '<td width="40%" align="center">&#36;' + price + ' </td>';
                            ds += '<td width="40%" align="center">' + qty + ' units</td>';
                            ds += '</tr>';
                        ds += '</table>';
                        str += '        <td width="80%" style="padding: 3px">' + ds + '</td>';
                        str += '    </tr>';

                str += '</table>';
                if (!flagData) {
                    str = "No Data Selected";
       = "block";
                tableContainer.innerHTML = str;
        "beforeDataSubmit": function(evtObj, argObj) {

        "dataRestored": function(evtObj, argObj) {
            document.getElementById("tableView").style.display = "none";
            document.getElementById("tableView").innerHTML = "";
  <div id="chart-container">FusionCharts XT will load here!</div>

Given below is a brief description of the attributes used to set the mode and customize regression lines:

Attribute Name Description


It is used to specify the mode in which a regression line will be drawn. Setting this attribute to 0 will draw the regression line in the X on Y mode , setting it to 1 (default) will draw the regression line in Y on X mode. This attribute belongs to the dataset object.


It is used to specify the hex code of the color that will be used to draw the regression line.


It is used to specify the thickness of the regression line.


It is used to specify the transparency of the regression line. This attribute takes values between 0 (transparent) and 100 (opaque), e.g. 50.

The formulae used to draw the regression lines for both the modes are given below:
Y on X: The regression equation of Y on X is the equation of the best fitting straight line in the form y=a+bx, where x is the explanatory variable and y is the dependent variable and b=( n . Σ (x.y) - (Σ x).(Σ y) )/ (n Σx² – (Σx)² ).
X on Y: The regression equation of X on Y is the equation of the best fitting straight line in the form x=a+by, where y is the explanatory variable and x is the dependent variable and b=( n . Σ (x.y) - (Σ x).(Σ y) )/ (n Σy² – (Σy)² ).
