Classifying Events
FusionCharts Suite XT includes a comprehensive set of events that can be used to trigger actions for different stages in the life cycle of a chart or when you interact with a chart.
These events are classified based on when they are triggered, or the chart-type they belong to.
For example, there are events that are triggered during/when the chart renders, events triggered when chart data is loaded, events specific to pie charts, events specific to drag-able charts, and so on.
This article gives you a detailed classification of the events in FusionCharts Suite XT.
ready is the first event that should be triggered when the FusionCharts library is included in the page, to ensure integrity of all the listeners. All interactions with the FusionCharts framework should initiate only after this event is fired.
Given below is the classification of the rest of the events.
Chart Rendering-related Events
- loaded
- rendered
- renderComplete
- backgroundLoaded
- backgroundLoadError
- beforeRender
- renderCancelled
- beforeInitialize
- initialized
- dataRestored
- chartUpdated
Data Load-related Events
- dataLoadRequested
- dataLoadError
- dataLoadCancelled
- dataLoadRequestCancelled
- dataLoadRequestCompleted
- beforeDataUpdate
- dataUpdateCancelled
- dataUpdated
- dataInvalid
- dataXMLInvalid
- dataLoaded
- noDataToDisplay
Events Specific to Chart Types
Events Related to Editable Charts (Select Scatter Chart, Drag-able Charts, Drag-node Charts)
Events for Drag-able Charts
Events for the Drag-node Chart
- nodeAdded
- nodeUpdated
- nodeDeleted
- connectorAdded
- connectorUpdated
- connectorDeleted
- labelAdded
- labelDeleted
- labelClick
- labelRollOver
- labelRollOut
- labelDragStart
- labelDragEnd
Events for Pie and Doughnut Charts
- rotationEnd
- rotationStart
- centerLabelRollover
- centerLabelRollout
- centerLabelClick
- centerLabelChanged
- slicingStart
- slicingEnd
Events for Scroll Charts
Events for Real-time Charts
Events for the Gantt Chart
- processClick
- processRollOver
- processRollOut
- categoryClick
- categoryRollOver
- categoryRollOut
- milestoneClick
- milestoneRollOver
- milestoneRollOut
- connectorClick
- connectorRollOver
- connectorRollOut
Events for the Select-scatter Chart
Events for the Zoom-line Chart
Event for the SSGrid Chart
Map-related Events
- entityRollOut
- entityRollOver
- entityClick
- markerRollOver
- markerRollOut
- markerClick
- connectorRollOver
- connectorRollOut
- connectorClick
Generic Events
- annotationRollOver
- annotationRollOut
- annotationClick
- dataLabelRollOver
- dataLabelRollOut
- dataLabelClick
- beforeDispose
- disposed
- disposeCancelled
- logoRollover
- logoRollout
- logoClick
- logoLoaded
- logoLoadError
- beforeResize
- resized
- resizeCancelled
- chartTypeChanged
- chartClick
- chartMouseMove
- chartRollOver
- chartRollOut
- dataRestored
- chartUpdated
- chartCleared
- pinned
- beforeExport
- exported
- exportCancelled
- legendPointerDragStart
- legendPointerDragStop
- legendRangeUpdated
- legendItemClicked
- legendItemRollover
- legendItemRollout
- linkClicked
- beforeLinkedItemOpen
- linkedItemOpened
- beforeLinkedItemClose
- linkedItemClosed
- dataplotRollOver
- dataplotRollOut
- dataplotClick
- overlayButtonClick
- beforePrint
- printComplete
- printCancelled
- printReadyStateChange