Install FusionExport Server SDKs

In this article, we illustrate how to install FusionExport Server SDK for your preferred programming language. We provide SDKs for the following languages:

  • C#

  • Java

  • PHP

  • Node.js

  • Python

To export charts and dashboards using FusionExport, you can develop the application in any one of the supported languages. Internally, the SDKs communicate with the server by using the FusionExport API. So, for interacting with the FusionExport Server from your project, we recommend using the SDKs and not FusionExport CLI.

Install the C# SDK client for FusionExport using the NuGet package manager (.NET >= 4.0). Open the NuGet package manager console and execute the following command:
    $ Install-Package FusionExport -Version 1.0.0
Install Java SDK for FusionCharts using any of the following mechanisms:


To use the SDK as part of the Gradle build system, add the following in the build.gradle file of your project (Java >= 8, JDK >= 1.8, gradle >= 4.x):

1. Maven central repository to the repositories list:

repositories {

2. FusionExport Java SDK to the dependency list:

dependencies {
    compile "com.fusioncharts.fusionexport:fusionexport:1.0.0"
    compile group: 'javax.websocket', name: 'javax.websocket-api', version: '1.1'
    compile group: 'org.glassfish.tyrus.bundles', name: 'tyrus-standalone-client', version: '1.13.1'
    compile ''
    compile group: 'org.jsoup', name: 'jsoup', version: '1.7.2'
    compile group: 'org.apache.ant', name: 'ant', version: '1.8.2'


To use the SDK with your maven project (Java >= 8, JDK >= 1.8, maven >= 3.x), add these dependencies to the pom.xml file:






Install the PHP SDK client for FusionExport using composer (PHP >= 7.x, composer >= 1.7.x):
 $ composer require fusioncharts/fusionexport:1.0.0
Install the Node.js SDK client for FusionExport using npm (Node.js >= 8.0.0, npm >= 5.0.0):
 $ npm install fusionexport-node-client --save
Install the Python SDK client for FusionExport using pip (Python >= 3.x):
 $ pip install fusionexport

Note: To avoid global installation, we recommend creating a virtual environment before installing the package. If you want pip to install the package in a specific directory without using virtual environment, you may also experiment with the suggestions in this StackOverflow thread , or this Github issue .

Next Steps

After you have installed FusionCharts Server SDK for the language of your choice, refer to the following tutorials to get started with exporting charts:

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