
Type ExportManager

ExportManager acts as a client, sending the export chart configuration to the FusionExport Service and delivering the exported charts through the attached listeners.

type ExportManager struct {
    Host string
    Port int


func NewExportManager () ExportManager

It constructs an ExportManager with the default export server's IP address and port and returns it.

func (em *ExportManager) SetConnectionConfig(host string, port int)

It sets export server's IP address and port.

func (em *ExportManager) Export (exportConfig ExportConfig, exportDone func([]OutFileBag, error), exportStateChanged func(ExportEvent)) (Exporter, error)

It exports charts with the specified configurations, ExportDone listener and ExportStateChanged listener, and returns an Exporter instance.

func SaveExportedFiles(fileBag []OutFileBag) error

It is a helper function to save the whole OutputFileBag in the intended path.

func GetExportedFileNames(fileBag []OutFileBag) []string

It extracts all the realPath from the outputFileBag.

type ExportEvent

ExportEvent is passed to the ExportStateChanged listener on each state change. Refer to the code below:

type ExportEvent struct {
    Reporter string 
    Weight int 
    CustomMsg string 
    Uuid string 

type OutFileBag

OutFileBag is passed to the ExportDone listener. Refer to the code below:

type OutFileBag struct {
    RealName string 
    TmpPath string 

type Exporter

Exporter is responsible for any individual export request made by the ExportManager. Generally, the ExportManager uses this class internally to make chart exporting request to export server. Refer to the code below:

type Exporter struct {
    ExportDoneListener func([]OutFileBag, error)
    ExportStateChangeListener func(ExportEvent)
    ExportConfig ExportConfig
    ExportServerHost string
    ExportServerPort int


func (exp *Exporter) Start () error

It starts the chart exporting process according to the export configurations.

func (exp *Exporter) Cancel () error

It cancels the chart exporting request.

type ExportConfig

ExportConfig holds the configurations for chart exporting like chart data, template file, dashboard config, etc. These configurations are sent to the ExportServer by ExportManager to export charts.

type ExportConfig struct {
    configs map[string]string


func NewExportConfig () ExportConfig

It constructs a new export configuration.

func (config *ExportConfig) Set (name string, value string{}) error

It sets a single export configuration with the specified configuration value. It returns the object so it can be chained.

func (config *ExportConfig) Get (name string) interface{}

It returns config value for the specified configuration name.

func (config *ExportConfig) Remove (name string)

Removes the specified configuration and returns true if configName is found. It also returns the object so that it can be chained.

func (config *ExportConfig) Has (name string) bool

Checks if the specified configuration is present or not, returning true if the configName is found.

func (config *ExportConfig) Clear (name string)

Clears all export configurations already added.

func (config *ExportConfig) Count () int

Returns the total number of configurations currently stored.

func (config *ExportConfig) ConfigNames () []string

Returns all configuration names in an array.

func (config *ExportConfig) ConfigValues () []string

Returns all configuration values in an array.

func (config *ExportConfig) Clone () ExportConfig

Returns a new instance of ExportConfig with same content as the current one.

func (config *ExportConfig) GetFormattedConfigs () (string, error)

Returns all export configurations in JSON format.

Supported Export Configurations

  • chartConfig - Sets the configuration of a single chart or multiple charts in an array.

  • inputSVG - Sets the path for the SVG file input.

  • templateFilePath - Sets the path of the HTML template used for dashboard export.

  • callbackFilePath - Sets the path for a Javascript file that would be injected at the bottom of the page for each export.

  • asyncCapture - Sets if the export process will wait for CAPTURE_EXIT event.

  • maxWaitForCaptureExit - Sets the maximum time FusionExport would wait for the CAPTURE_EXIT event to be triggered.

  • dashboardLogo - Sets the path to the logo file.

  • dashboardHeading - Sets the title of the dashboard.

  • dashboardSubheading - Sets the sub-title of the dashboard.

  • type - Sets the format of the output file.

  • quality - Sets the quality of the output file. Provide either good, better or best.

  • outputFile - Sets the output filename template, along with the path.

  • outputFileDefinition - JS file defining functions or array to resolve output file names.

  • exportAsZip - Sets if the chart(s) will be exported as a zip file or as individual file(s).

  • resourceFilePath - JSON file having the dependencies of the template when templateFilePath is provided.

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