Install FusionExport Server SDKs

The FusionExport Server SDKs are tools for interacting with FusionExport Server from various supported languages for direct export integration in your application. Internally, it communicates with FusionExport Server using APIs.

Installation and basic usage guide for all the language SDKs

To install the Node.js module, simply use the npm command:
    $ npm install fusionexport-node-client --save
To require the SDK into your project:
    const FusionExport = require('fusionexport-node-client');
To install the Python package, simply use the pip command:
    $ pip install fusionexport
To import the SDK into your project:
    from fusionexport import ExportManager, ExportConfig
You can install the SDK using the NuGet package manager. To install, open the NuGet package manager console and run the following command:
    $ Install-Package FusionExport -Version 1.0.0-rc0
To use the SDK into your project:
    using FusionCharts.FusionExport.Client; 

Using Gradle

To use as part of a Gradle project, first add the maven central repository to your repositories list:

    repositories {
Then, add this SDK as a dependency to your build.gradle file:

    dependencies {
        Compile "com.fusioncharts.fusionexport:fusionexport:1.0.0-rc"

Using Maven

To use the SDK with your maven project, add this dependency to your pom.xml file:

To import the SDK into your project:
 import com.fusioncharts.fusionexport.client.*; 
To install the go package, simply use go get:
    go get 
To require this into your project:
    import ""
To install this package, simply use composer:
 composer require fusioncharts/fusionexport-php-client:1.0.0-rc 
To use the SDK in your project:

    use FusionExport\ExportManager;
    use FusionExport\ExportConfig;

What’s next?

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