Exporting Charts

FusionCharts Suite XT uses JavaScript to render charts in the browser using SVG and VML. A prominent feature of the suite is the ability to export the rendered charts in JPG, PNG, SVG, PDF formats and export chart data as well. This article focuses on how you can export charts using angularjs-fusioncharts component.

In this section we will discuss how to:

Export Charts as Image and PDF

A server-side helper library enables export by conveting the SVG to the required format. You can also export VML as it is converted to SVG internally before exporting. During the export process, the data to be exported is first sent to the FusionCharts servers to be processed, finally generating the output in the required format.

When charts are exported on the client side, the entire exporting process is carried out using the user’s browser. The chart’s SVG is converted into the selected export format and download using the HTML5 download attribute.

You must have an active internet connection for this feature to work.

To enable chart exporting, the chart level attribute exportEnabled is set to 1. The image (menu) button is then visible on the top-right corner of the chart. Click/hover over this button to see the dropdown menu with export options, as shown in the image below:


From the menu rendered, select the required format. The chart is downloaded to your machine in the selected format.

A column 2D chart with export enabled is shown below. Click the image (menu) button and select the required export format.

FusionCharts will load here..
    "chart": {
        "caption": "Countries With Most Oil Reserves [2017-18]",
        "subCaption": "In MMbbl = One Million barrels",
        "xAxisName": "Country",
        "yAxisName": "Reserves (MMbbl)",
        "numberSuffix": "K",
        "exportEnabled": "1",
        "theme": "fusion"
    "data": [
            "label": "Venezuela",
            "value": "290"
            "label": "Saudi",
            "value": "260"
            "label": "Canada",
            "value": "180"
            "label": "Iran",
            "value": "140"
            "label": "Russia",
            "value": "115"
            "label": "UAE",
            "value": "100"
            "label": "US",
            "value": "30"
            "label": "China",
            "value": "30"

The code to render the above chart is given below:

//  Require AngularJS 
var angular = require('angular');

// Require FusionCharts 
var FusionCharts = require('fusioncharts');

// Include angularjs-fusioncharts 

// Require Chart modules 
var Charts = require('fusioncharts/fusioncharts.charts');

// Require Fusion theme
var FusionTheme = require('fusioncharts/themes/fusioncharts.theme.fusion');

// Initialize Charts with FusionCharts instance

// Initialize FusionTheme with FusionCharts instance

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ng-fusioncharts']);
myApp.controller('MyController', ['$scope', function($scope){
    $scope.myDataSource = {
        "chart": {
            "caption": "Countries With Most Oil Reserves [2017-18]",
            "subCaption": "In MMbbl = One Million barrels",
            "xAxisName": "Country",
            "yAxisName": "Reserves (MMbbl)",
            "numberSuffix": "K",
            "theme": "fusion",
        "data": [
            { "label": "Venezuela", "value": "290" },
            { "label": "Saudi", "value": "260" },
            { "label": "Canada", "value": "180" },
            { "label": "Iran", "value": "140" },
            { "label": "Russia", "value": "115" },
            { "label": "UAE", "value": "100" },
            { "label": "US", "value": "30" },
            { "label": "China", "value": "30"}

The HTML code of the above sample is given below:

<div ng-app="myApp">
    <div ng-controller="MyController">

The above chart has been rendered using the following steps:

  1. Include the necessary libraries and components using require. For example, angularjs-fusioncharts, fusioncharts, etc.

  2. Add the chart and the theme as dependencies to the core.

  3. Store the chart configurations in a JSON object.

  4. Add the <div> with an fc-chart directive in your HTML, assuming that it is inside a controller named MyController. In the <div>:

    • Set the chart type as column2d. Find the complete list of chart types with their respective alias here.
    • Set the width and height (in pixels).
    • Embed the json data as the value of the dataSource.
    • Set the value of exportEnabled attribute to 1, which enables the export feature of the chart.

Export Multiple Charts

FusionCharts lets you export multiple charts in a single image at once, in different formats. In the sample given below, we have two charts-Column2D and Stacked Column2D chart.

FusionCharts will load here..
FusionCharts will load here..

The code to render the above chart is given below:

//  Require AngularJS 
var angular = require('angular');

// Require FusionCharts 
var FusionCharts = require('fusioncharts');

// Include angularjs-fusioncharts 

// Require Chart modules 
var Charts = require('fusioncharts/fusioncharts.charts');

// Require Fusion theme
var FusionTheme = require('fusioncharts/themes/fusioncharts.theme.fusion');

// Initialize Charts with FusionCharts instance

// Initialize FusionTheme with FusionCharts instance

var myApp = angular.module("myApp", ["ng-fusioncharts"]);
myApp.controller("MyController", ["$scope", function($scope) {
    // datasource for first chart
    $scope.firstDataSource = {
        "chart": {
            "caption": "Countries With Most Oil Reserves [2017-18]",
            "subCaption": "In MMbbl = One Million barrels",
            "xAxisName": "Country",
            "yAxisName": "Reserves (MMbbl)",
            "numberSuffix": "K",
            "theme": "fusion",
        "data": [{
            "label": "Venezuela",
            "value": "290"
        }, {
            "label": "Saudi",
            "value": "260"
        }, {
            "label": "Canada",
            "value": "180"
        }, {
            "label": "Iran",
            "value": "140"
        }, {
            "label": "Russia",
            "value": "115"
        }, {
            "label": "UAE",
            "value": "100"
        }, {
            "label": "US",
            "value": "30"
        }, {
            "label": "China",
            "value": "30"
    //datasource for second chart 
    $scope.secondDataSource = {
        chart: {
            caption: "Yearly Energy Production Rate",
            subCaption: " Top 5 Developed Countries",
            numbersuffix: " TWh",
            showSum: "1",
            plotToolText: "$label produces <b>$dataValue</b> of energy from $seriesName",
            theme: "fusion"
        categories: [{
            category: [{
                    label: "Canada"
                    label: "China"
                    label: "Russia"
                    label: "Australia"
                    label: "United States"
                    label: "France"
        dataSet: [{
                seriesName: "Coal",
                data: [{
                        value: "400"
                        value: "830"
                        value: "500"
                        value: "420"
                        value: "790"
                        value: "380"
                seriesName: "Hydro",
                data: [{
                        value: "350"
                        value: "620"
                        value: "410"
                        value: "370"
                        value: "720"
                        value: "310"
                seriesName: "Nuclear",
                data: [{
                        value: "210"
                        value: "400"
                        value: "450"
                        value: "180"
                        value: "570"
                        value: "270"
                seriesName: "Gas",
                data: [{
                        value: "180"
                        value: "330"
                        value: "230"
                        value: "160"
                        value: "440"
                        value: "350"
                seriesName: "Oil",
                data: [{
                        value: "60"
                        value: "200"
                        value: "200"
                        value: "50"
                        value: "230"
                        value: "150"

    $scope.exportChart = function() {
        // export charts
            exportFormat: "pdf"

The HTML code of the above sample is given below:

<div ng-app="myApp">
  <div ng-controller="MyController"> 
    <div style="display: flex;justify-content: center">
        <button ng-click="exportChart()">Export both charts as a single PDF</button>

The above chart has been rendered using the following steps:

  1. Included the necessary libraries and components using require. For example, angularjs-fusioncharts, fusioncharts, etc.

  2. Add the chart and the theme as dependencies to the core.

  3. Store the chart configurations in a JSON object.

  4. To export multiple charts as PDF, set the batchExport to PDF.

  5. Add the <div> with an fc-chart directive in your HTML, assuming that it is inside a controller named MyController. In the div:

    • Set the chart type as column2d for the first chart and stackedcolumn2d for the second chart. Find the complete list of chart types with their respective alias here.
    • Set the width and height (in pixels).
    • Set the dataFormat as JSON.
    • Embed the json data as the value of the dataSource.

Modes of Export

FusionCharts Suite XT supports the following three modes of export:

  • Server-side export
  • Client-side export
  • Auto-export

By default, charts are exported using the auto-export feature.

The exportMode attribute is used to switch between the different modes of export.

Starting from version v3.12.1, the exportMode attribute replaces the exportAtClientSide attribute.

To process the export data on your own server, configure one of the export handlers by following the Setup Private Export Server guide.

Export Chart Data

FusionCharts lets you export the rendered charts in JPG, PNG, SVG, and PDF formats. Starting v3.11.0, FusionCharts Suite XT introduces exporting chart data in the XLS format (as an Excel spreadsheet).

To enable chart exporting, set the chart level attribute exportEnabled to 1. The image (menu) button is then visible on the top-right corner of the chart. Click/hover over the button to see a dropdown menu with the export options, as shown in the image below:


To export chart data, select the Export as XLS option. The XLS file with the chart data gets downloaded to your machine.

A column 2D chart with export enabled is shown below. Click the image (menu) button and select the Export as XLS option to export the chart data.

FusionCharts will load here..
    "chart": {
        "caption": "Countries With Most Oil Reserves [2017-18]",
        "subCaption": "In MMbbl = One Million barrels",
        "xAxisName": "Country",
        "yAxisName": "Reserves (MMbbl)",
        "numberSuffix": "K",
        "exportEnabled": "1",
        "theme": "fusion"
    "data": [
            "label": "Venezuela",
            "value": "290"
            "label": "Saudi",
            "value": "260"
            "label": "Canada",
            "value": "180"
            "label": "Iran",
            "value": "140"
            "label": "Russia",
            "value": "115"
            "label": "UAE",
            "value": "100"
            "label": "US",
            "value": "30"
            "label": "China",
            "value": "30"
<chart caption="Countries With Most Oil Reserves [2017-18]" subcaption="In MMbbl = One Million barrels" xaxisname="Country" yaxisname="Reserves (MMbbl)" numbersuffix="K" exportenabled="1" theme="fusion">
    <set label="Venezuela" value="290" />
    <set label="Saudi" value="260" />
    <set label="Canada" value="180" />
    <set label="Iran" value="140" />
    <set label="Russia" value="115" />
    <set label="UAE" value="100" />
    <set label="US" value="30" />
    <set label="China" value="30" />
	<title>My first chart using FusionCharts Suite XT</title>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.fusioncharts.com/fusioncharts/latest/fusioncharts.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.fusioncharts.com/fusioncharts/latest/themes/fusioncharts.theme.fusion.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">
			var chartObj = new FusionCharts({
    type: 'column2d',
    renderAt: 'chart-container',
    width: '700',
    height: '400',
    dataFormat: 'json',
    dataSource: {
        // Chart Configuration
        "chart": {
            "caption": "Countries With Most Oil Reserves [2017-18]",
            "subCaption": "In MMbbl = One Million barrels",
            "xAxisName": "Country",
            "yAxisName": "Reserves (MMbbl)",
            "numberSuffix": "K",
            "exportEnabled": "1",
            "theme": "fusion",
        // Chart Data
        "data": [{
            "label": "Venezuela",
            "value": "290"
        }, {
            "label": "Saudi",
            "value": "260"
        }, {
            "label": "Canada",
            "value": "180"
        }, {
            "label": "Iran",
            "value": "140"
        }, {
            "label": "Russia",
            "value": "115"
        }, {
            "label": "UAE",
            "value": "100"
        }, {
            "label": "US",
            "value": "30"
        }, {
            "label": "China",
            "value": "30"
		<div id="chart-container">FusionCharts XT will load here!</div>

To export a chart in the XLS format using server-side exporting, it is mandatory that the exporting server has the latest code, available in the FusionCharts package. Alternatively, you can also use the FusionCharts export link, export.api3.fusioncharts.com. For client-side exporting, the exporting chart data feature is supported only by modern browsers with canvas support (except Safari and IE9). You can still export your charts, without including the configurable data.

To process the export data on your own server, configure one of the export handlers by following the Setup Private Export Server guide.