
Beginner's Guide

Charts / Gauges / Maps Guide

Customizing Charts


Integrating With Your Stack




Fetches chart data from the URL provided and passes it to the setChartData() method.

If the chart is already rendered, it is updated with the new data as soon as it is fetched from the URL. If the chart is not rendered, data is fetched from the URL and stored locally till the chart is rendered.

It is not recommended to use this method to set data for a new chart. A preferrable alternative is to pass the URL as value to the dataSource attribute in the FusionCharts constructor.

FusionCharts uses AJAX to transport data. Therefore, ensure that the chart is running from a web-server to prevent the browsers’ restrictions of fetching local (file://) files.



: string


URL to fetch the chart data


: FusionCharts~dataFormats


Format of the data being fetched. If the value for this parameter is not a valid dataFormat, then the default or previously set data format is assumed.

If the data format is already known, then the setJSONUrl() or the setXMLUrl() methods can be used.


// Render a chart and fetch data from a JSON file and then when a button is pressed, change the data.
FusionCharts.ready(function () {
    var chart = new FusionCharts({
        type: "column2d",
        renderAt: "chart-container",
        dataSource: "weekly-sales.json",
        dataFormat: "jsonurl"

    // Assign the functionality of updating data to a button which already
    // exists in page body and has a specific Id.
    document.getElementById("data-update-button").onclick = function () {
        // Specify the new Url to fetch data from.
        chart.setChartDataUrl("average-employee-sales.json", "json");


Sets the data for a chart.

When this function is called on a chart that is already rendered, the chart is instantly updated with the new data. When it is used to set data for a chart before it has rendered, data is initially stored internally and is passed to the chart when it is rendered.

A preferrable alternative to using the setChartData() method is to pass chart data to the dataSource attribute of the FusionCharts constructor.

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: string or object


Data to be passed to the chart


: FusionCharts~dataFormats


Format of the data being passed. If the value for this parameter is not a valid dataFormat, then the default or previously set data format is assumed.

If the data format is already known, then the setJSONData() or the setXMLData() methods can be used.


// Create a chart in a page and pass data to it in `JSON` format and on click of a
// button update it with newer data.
FusionCharts.ready(function () {
    var chart = new FusionCharts({
        type: "pie2d",
        renderAt: "chart-container",

                   dataSource: {
            chart: {
                caption: "Market Share",
                showPercentage: "1"
            data: [
                { label: "Current Prototype", value: "30" },
                { label: "Revised Prototype", value: "35" },
                { label: "Previous Prototype", value: "25" },
                { label: "Recalled Prototype", value: "10" }
        dataFormat: "json"

    // Set data on the chart using the setChartData function when a button is clicked.
    document.getElementById("update-data").onclick = function () {
            chart: {
                caption: "Market Share Impact",
                numberPrefix: "USD"
            data: [
                { label: "Current Prototype", value: "13773" },
                { label: "Revised Prototype", value: "16069" },
                { label: "Previous Prototype", value: "11477" },
                { label: "Recalled Prototype", value: "4591" }
        }, "json");


Fetches the data set for a chart, in one of the valid dataFormats. The function needs to be called on an existing chart. If called on a chart that has no data, it returns an empty chart object for json data, an empty <chart /> node for xml data, and an empty string for csv.

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: FusionCharts~dataFormats


Format in which chart data has to be retrieved


// Render a chart and upon click of a button alert the chart's data in
// CSV format.
FusionCharts.ready(function () {
    var chart = new FusionCharts({
        type: "column2d",
        renderAt: "chart-container",
        dataSource: "weekly-sales.json",
        dataFormat: "jsonurl"

    // Assign the functionality of retrieving and alerting CSV data to
    // click event of a button
    document.getElementById("alert-csv-data").onclick = function () {


Determines whether a chart will render properly with the data set on it. This includes data that is set using the setChartData() or setChartDataUrl() methods.

If the function is unable to determine whether data is ready or not, it returns undefined.

The function returns true or false only after the chart has rendered (the renderComplete event is triggered). The function returns false when: no data is set faulty data is set data is incompatible with the chart type; for example, single-series data is set for a multi-series chart.

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: boolean


Setting this parameter to true returns the status of the data, irrespective of its compatibility with the chart type. In that case, this function will return false if data provided to the chart triggers the dataLoadError or dataInvalid events



transcodeData static function

FusionCharts supports a number of formats in which data can be provided. Click here to view the list of formats supported. This function allows data to be transcoded from one supported format to another, without initializing a new instance of FusionCharts. It is very useful when you already have a set of data stored or prepared in one FusionCharts data format and want to convert it to another format. The fact that we do not need to instantiate a new FusionCharts instance speeds the conversion process.

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: string or object


Data to transcode


: FusionCharts~dataFormats


Source format


: FusionCharts~dataFormats


Target format


: boolean


Request the transcoding to return data in a verbose format where it returns the conversion result along with additional trancosing information. In advanced mode, the returned data of this function is in the following format:

Property Type Description
data object, string Result of the transcoding process
error object Object containing the error message



// We would convert JSON data that is already in FusionCharts data format into CSV data format.
FusionCharts.ready(function () {
    var salesData = {
        chart: {
            caption: "Harry's SuperMart",
            subCaption: "Top 5 stores in last month by revenue",
            label: "Bakersfield Central",
            value: "880000"
            label: "Garden Groove harbour",
            value: "730000"
            label: "Los Angeles Topanga",
            value: "590000"
            label: "Compton-Rancho Dom",
            value: "520000"
            label: "Daly City Serramonte",
            value: "330000"

    // Alert the data after converting it to CSV data format.
    alert(FusionCharts.transcodeData(salesData, 'json', 'csv'));


Renders a chart inside a container element on a page. If the chart is already rendered, it can be re-rendered inside the same container DOM element or a different element.

Creating a chart using new FusionCharts() only creates a JavaScript instance for the chart; this function is called to render the chart. Usually, the renderAt construction parameter specifies the element on the page, inside which the chart will be rendered. If renderAt is not provided, then the container element is specified as the parameter to this function.

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: string or DOMElement


Reference or ID of the DOM element inside which the chart is to be rendered. If this argument is not provided, it is assumed that the renderAt attribute is provided during chart creation.


: FusionCharts~DOMInsertModes


Method for inserting the chart’s DOM element within the containerElement. Click here to read more about the DOM insert modes.




: FusionCharts~renderCallback


Callback function executed after the chart is successfully rendered. If the last parameter to the render() function is a function, it is treated as a callback.


Resizes the chart to the specified width and height. The values for the width and height are passed, in pixels or percentage, as parameters to this function. If the function is called without any parameters, it returns the current value of the chart width and height.

This function is useful in controlling the chart dimensions based on changes in the dimensions of a resizable dialog box. It is also useful in resizing charts for responsive layouts, based on device orientation change.

When the chart dimensions are set in percentage, the chart partially redraws itself when the chart container is resized. The chart uses a very low-profile polling, at an interval of 300 ms to check whether the container has effectively resized.

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: number or percent


Chart width to set, in pixels or percentage


: number or percent


Chart height to set, in pixels or percentage


Disposes a chart completely, when called on an instance of FusionCharts. This clears the entire chart object and removes it from the DOM tree structure. When the chart is successfully disposed, chartInstance.disposed is set to true.

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Configures status messages that are displayed while rendering a chart. For example, while a chart’s data is being fetched from a remote URL, the chart will display the message Retrieving data. Please wait.

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: FusionCharts~chartStatusMessages


To configure a single attribute, specify the attribute (the key) as a string. To configure multiple attributes, this can be an object having key-value pairs of all configuration options.


: string


If the option parameter has a single value as the key, this parameter is the value of that key.

setCurrentRenderer static function

Sets the default renderer for all the charts that are subsequently instantiated. The renderer changes depending upon the variant of charts being rendered (example: flash, javascript)



: string


The name of the renderer (variant of chart rendering method) that is used.

getCurrentRenderer static function

Gets the current renderer that will be used during instantiation of new charts.

render static function

Uses a one-line argument parameter to render FusionCharts directly into the container specified in the arguments.

Calling this function directly is same as creating a new instance of FusionCharts and calling .render() on it. For example, var chart = FusionCharts.render({...}); is same as var chart = new FusionCharts({...}); ... chart.render();.

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: object


Chart configuration options required to create a chart. The options must include the renderAt parameter for the chart to render instantly.


: FusionCharts~renderCallback


Callback function executed when the chart is successfully rendered


FusionCharts.ready(function () {
    var chart = FusionCharts.render({
        type: "column2d",
        renderAt: "chart-container-div",
        dataSource: "data.json",
        dataFormat: "jsonurl"


Fetches chart data in the JSON format. This function needs to be called on an existing chart; if called on a chart that has no data set for it, it returns an empty chart object.

This function is shorthand for chart.getChartData('json').

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Sets chart data in the JSON data format. When this function is called on a chart that has already rendered, it immediately updates the chart with the new data. The function can also be used to set data for a new chart.

A preferrable alternative to using this method is to pass chart data to the dataSource attribute of the FusionCharts constructor.

The setJSONData() function is shorthand for the setChartData() method, where the data format is set to json. So, calling chart.setXMLData({'chart': ...}) is the same as calling chart.setChartData({'chart': ...}, 'json').

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: string or object


JSON data to be set for the chart, as a string or as a JavaScript object


Fetches chart data from the URL provided, in the JSON format. When this function is called on a chart that has already rendered, it immediately updates the chart with the new data. The function can also be used to set data for a new chart.

A preferrable alternative to using this method is to pass chart data to the dataSource attribute of the FusionCharts constructor.

The setJSONUrl() function is shorthand for the setChartDataUrl() method, where the data format of the URL is set to jsonurl. So, calling chart.setJSONUrl('data.json') is the same as calling chart.setChartDataUrl('data.json', 'jsonurl').



: string


Path to the JSON data file


Prints individual charts. It hides all elements on a page except the chart to print and then invokes the page printing function (window.print()).

This function works only for charts that have rendered completely, i.e. only after the renderComplete event has been triggered.

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Object containing the printing options configured

: {

Hides all buttons on the chart



// In this snippet of code, we will render a chart on a page and
// call the print method on the chart on click of a button.
FusionCharts.ready(function () {
       type: 'column2d',
       dataFormat: 'jsonurl',
       dataSource: 'data.json',

       // assuming an HTML div element exists on the page
       renderAt: 'chart-container-div'

       events: {
           renderComplete: function (event) {
               // assuming a button exists on page with a specific id
               var button = document.getElementById('print-button');
               button.onclick = function () {



Exports a chart as an image or as a PDF document.

To enable exporting of a chart, the exportEnabled attribute (of the chart object) should be set to 1.

When exporting is done programmatically using this method, the export configuration is passed as parameters to this function.

The exportChart function remains undefined until the loaded event is triggered. The exporting process is initiated only after the renderComplete event is triggered.

To read on how you can export charts using the export-related context menu, click here.

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The exportChart method takes the following parameters:

: {

: string


A chart can be exported in one of the following formats:

Export Format Description

| ——— | :————-|

png Exports the charts in the high quality lossless PNG format
jpg Exports the chart in the high quality JPEG image format
pdf Exports the chart as a PDF document



: string


File name for the chart being exported, excluding the extension. The extension is automatically appended depending on the value of exportFormat parameter.




: string


When the exportAction parameter is set to download as , this parameter lets you configure whether the return image or PDF will open in the same window (as an attachment for download), or in a new browser window (_blank).




: string


URL of the export server


: string


Specifies whether the exported image will be sent back to the browser as download, or whether it will be saved on to the server.

Action Value Description

| ———-| :————————|

download The exported chart image or PDF will be downloaded as file.
save The exported chart will be saved on the server.

For the charts to be saved on the server, you would need to setup your own export handling server.




: function


Callback JavaScript function executed when the export process is complete. If this parameter is not assigned a value, then the window.FC_Exported is executed.





Fetches the SVG of a chart, created by FusionCharts while rendering the chart, as a string.

This function can be called only after the chart has rendered.

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Controls a chart’s automatic resizing ability when its dimensions are in percentage. This function has to be called before a chart has rendered. Using the hasRendered() method can be useful here. If the lockResize() function is called without a parameter, it returns the current state of the resize lock.



: boolean


Setting this parameter to true will lock the automatic percentage-based resizing. If resize is already locked, sending false unlocks it.


Shows a text message on a chart.

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: string


Text message to be displayed


: boolean


Boolean value to indicate whether the message will be shown on an overlay button or on the chart.




: boolean


If set to true, the modal can be closed by clicking. Defaults to false.

Applicable only if modal is set to true.




Feeds real-time data to real-time charts and gauges.

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: string


Real-time data for charts and gauges


Returns the value of the data set for real-time charts and gauges.


Feeds real-time data to real-time charts and gauges.

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: number


Numeric value to feed to the real-time chart/gauge. For single-value gauges (LEDs, bulb, cylinder, and thermometer gauges), this is the only parameter required.


: string


For the angular gauge and the horizontal linear gauge, this parameter specifies the dial number.


Stops a self-updating real-time chart/gauge from polling the server for real-time updates.


Resumes real-time updates for a chart/gauge.


Returns true if real-time update is enabled for a chart. Returns false is real-time update is stopped using the stopUpdate() method.

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Clears the entire chart canvas when a real-time chart is being updated.

An alternative to calling this function is using the Clear Chart option from the real-time context menu, on real-time charts. To activate the real-time context menu, set the showRTMenuItem (under the chart object) to 1.

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Checks whether a particular slice of the pie/doughnut chart is sliced-out or sliced-in.

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: number


Index of the pie/doughnut slice being checked


// Render a pie 2d chart with some data in sliced out state, provide data index
// in an input textfield and get the sliced state of the pie on click of a button
FusionCharts.ready(function () {
    var chart = new FusionCharts({
        type: "pie2d",
        renderAt: "chart-container",
        dataSource: "data.json",
        dataFormat: "jsonurl"

    // Get the sliced state of a pie returned when clicked on a button
    // (with an id pie-sliced-state). It picks the data index from
    // an input textfield (with id pie-data-index).
    document.getElementById("pie-sliced-state").onclick = function () {
        var dataIndex = document.getElementById("pie-data-index").value,
            slicedState = chart.isPlotItemSliced(dataIndex);


Slices in/slices out a pie/doughnut slice.

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: number


Index of the pie/doughnut slice


: boolean


If set to true, it will slice out a slice, which is in the sliced-in state. If the slice is already in the sliced-out state, the state is retained.


// Render a pie 2d chart, provide data index in an input textfield
// and toggle the sliced state of the pie on click of a button
FusionCharts.ready(function () {
    var chart = new FusionCharts({
        type: "pie2d",
        renderAt: "chart-container",
        dataSource: "data.json",
        dataFormat: "jsonurl"

    // Toggle the sliced state of the pie when clicked on a button
    // (with an id pie-sliced-state). It picks the data index from
    // an input textfield (with id pie-data-index).
    document.getElementById("pie-sliced-state").onclick = function () {
        var dataIndex = document.getElementById("pie-data-index").value;


Configures the center label in a doughnut chart.

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: string


Text to be displayed as the center label in the doughnut chart

Optional parameter holding a host of configurable parameters, like the cosmetic properties, for the center label.

The properties are case sensitive.

: {

: string


Font face for the label text


: string


Font size of the label text


: boolean


Specifies whether bold formatting will be applied for the label text


: boolean


Specifies whether the label text will be in italics


: hexcolor


Font color for the label text


: alpha


Font opacity for the label text


: hexcolor


Hover color for the label text


: alpha


Hover opacity for the label text


: hexcolor


Background color for the label


: alpha


Opacity of the label background


: hexcolor


Border color for the label background


: alpha


Opacity of the label background border


: number


Thickness of the label background border


: number


Radius for a rounded label background border


: number


Padding between the extremities of the label and the inner periphery of the doughnut. For a rectangular label background, it is relative to any of the four corners. For a circular background, is the gap between the two concentric circles-the background border and the inner periphery.


: number


For a rectangular label background, it is the gutter between the text and the background border. For a circular background, it is the minimum space between the background border and the containing circle of the text.


: string


Tooltip text for the label



// Render a doughnut 2d chart and set center label with some
// configuring params on click of a button
FusionCharts.ready(function () {
    var chart = new FusionCharts({
        type: "doughnut2d",
        renderAt: "chart-container",
        dataSource: "data.json",
        dataFormat: "jsonurl"

    // Assign the functionality of setting the center label when clicked on
    // a button (with an id set-center-label).
    document.getElementById("set-center-label").onclick = function () {
        chart.centerLabel("The central label", {bold: true, toolText: "center label tooltext"});


Rotates the pie/doughnut chart to a specific angle or by a specific angle. The mode of operation is controlled by the optional second parameter.

Starting angle of a pie/doughnut chart is the angle at which the starting face of the first data slice is aligned to. Each subsequent pie/doughnut slice is then drawn in the counter clock-wise direction.

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: degrees


Angle measure by which the pie/doughnut chart will be rotated




: boolean


Mode of operation for the rotation. Specifies whether the angle being set is relative to the current angle or is w.r.t absolute 0




// Render a pie 2d chart and rotate the chart by 90 degrees on click of a button
FusionCharts.ready(function () {
    var chart = new FusionCharts({
        type: "pie2d",
        renderAt: "chart-container",
        dataSource: "data.json",
        dataFormat: "jsonurl"

    // Assign the functionality of rotating the chart by 90 degrees when clicked on
    // a button (with an id rotate-chart).
    document.getElementById("rotate-chart").onclick = function () {
        chart.startingAngle(90, true);


Gets the HTML of SWF


Adds variable to Flash chart. Equivalent to configure for JavaScript charts


Returns the chart configuration and data in the XML format.

This method can be called only after the loaded event is triggered. Alternatively, the getXMLData() method can be used, which does not have this limitation.

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Sets XML data for a chart, equivalent to the setXMLData() or the setChartData() methods.

This method can be called only after the loaded event is triggered. Alternatively, the setXMLData() method can be used, which does not have this limitation.

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Sets the URL to fetch the XML chart data from.

This method can be called only after the loaded event is triggered. Alternatively, the setXMLUrl() method can be used, which does not have this limitation.


Returns true if the chart has rendered successfully, false if it has not.

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Sets the background color of the container DOM element, within which the chart is rendered, as transparent.

This is not to be confused with the chart’s background.

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: boolean


Passing true implies that the chart is transparent.

formatNumber static function

Formats input numbers based on the formatting configuration passed. The function can be called globally on the FusionCharts object or on a specific instance of FusionCharts Suite XT.

When called globally on the FusionCharts object, the function applies the configuration settings to all numbers on the chart.

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: number


Number to be formatted


: string


When called globally on the FusionCharts object, the function applies the configuration settings to all numbers on the chart. This parameter selectively formats numbers based on chart elements, by taking yaxisvalues, xaxisvalues, and datalabels as values.




: object


Optional number formatting attributes to override the default number formatting options of a chart

While calling formatNumber on the FusionCharts object, this becomes the second parameter.


console.log(FusionCharts.formatNumber(1234.5)); // logs "1.2K"

console.log(FusionCharts.formatNumber(1234.5, {
    numberPrefix: "$"
})); // logs "$1.2K"
// Calling number formatter on a chart instance when `renderComplete` event is fired.
FusionCharts.ready(function () {
    // Render a chart within a chart container `div` element.
    var chart = new FusionCharts({
        type: 'column2d',
        renderAt: 'chart-container-div',
        dataFormat: 'json',
        dataSource: {
            chart: {
                caption: "Quarterly sales summary",
                numberPrefix: "$",
                decimals: "2",
                forceDecimals: "1"
            data: [
                { label: "Q1", value: "213345"},
                { label: "Q2", value: "192672"},
                { label: "Q3", value: "201238"},
                { label: "Q4", value: "209881"},

        events: {
            renderComplete: function (eventObj) {
                // Call the formatNumber function of the specific chart we rendered.
                console.log(eventObj.sender.formatNumber(1234.5)); // logs "$1.23K"


Zooms out the zoom line chart by one level.

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Zooms the zoom line chart to view a specific range of data.

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: number


Index of the data point starting at which the chart will be zoomed into


: number


Index of the data point until which the chart will be zoomed into


Resets all the zooming, panning, and pinning actions performed on a zoom line chart.

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Switches between the zoom mode and pin mode of a zoom line chart programmatically.

You can manually switch between the zoom mode and the pin mode by clicking a button in the top-right corner of the zoom line chart. Click here to read about how the zoom line chart works under each mode.

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: boolean


Set to true to activate the zoom mode, set to false to activate the pin mode


Returns the index of the first visible data point (in order of its definition in the source data) on the canvas of a zoom line chart.

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Returns the index of the last visible data point (in order of its definition in the source data) on the canvas of a zoom line chart.

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Fetches chart data in the XML format. This function needs to be called on an existing chart; if called on a chart that has no data set for it, it returns an empty <chart /> element.

The getXMLData() function is shorthand for chart.getChartData('xml').

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Sets chart data in the XML data format. When this function is called on a chart that has already rendered, it immediately updates the chart with the new data. The function can also be used to set data for a new chart.

A preferrable alternative to using this method is to pass chart data to the dataSource attribute of the FusionCharts constructor.

The setXMLData() function is shorthand for the setChartData() method, where the data format is set to xml. So, calling chart.setXMLData('<chart>...</chart') is the same as calling chart.setChartData('<chart>...</chart>', 'xml').

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: string or object


XML data to be set for the chart, as a string


Fetches chart data from the URL provided, in the XML format. When this function is called on a chart that has already rendered, it immediately updates the chart with the new data. The function can also be used to set data for a new chart.

A preferrable alternative to using this method is to pass chart data to the dataSource attribute of the FusionCharts constructor.

The setXMLUrl() function is shorthand for the setChartDataUrl() method, where the data format of the URL is set to xmlurl. So, calling chart.setXMLUrl('data.xml') is the same as calling chart.chart.setChartDataUrl('data.xml', 'xmlurl').



: string


Path to the XML data file


Fetch chart data set in the CSV format.

The data returned is the closest possible comma-separated value representation that has been provided to the chart. The exported data does not contain any functional or cosmetic attribute that was set on the chart. However, the following chart attributes can be set to customise the CSV output:

Chart Attribute Type Description
exportDataSeparator string Sets the CSV delimiter string. Default: , (comma)
exportDataQualifier string Sets the CSV qualifier string. Default: {quot}
exportDataFormattedVal boolean Sets whether the output will be a formatted string or a pure number
exportErrorColumns boolean Forces error output on the error bar, error line, and error scatter charts

For the exportDataSeparator and exportDataQualifier attributes, you can provide the quotation mark, the apostrophe, and the tab character using the {quot}, {apos} and {tab} short-codes, respectively.

This function needs to be called on an existing chart that has been loaded and has a valid data. If this function is called on a chart which has no data set on it, it returns an empty stringokay.

As of now, the CSV data generator uses heuristic methods to determine the nature of the output because the method does not internally have access to the chart-type being used. As such, when the chart type cannot determined from the data itself, this method falls back to a generic output format.

This function is the shorthand for chart.getChartData('csv').

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Fetch chart data as comma-separated values. The delimiter can be changed by passing relevant chart attributes.

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addEventListener static function

Listens to events across all FusionCharts instances on a page and executes custom functions when an event is triggered.

To listen to an event triggered by a specific chart, the non-static addEventListener method is used.

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: string or array


Type (name) of the event to listen to. To register the listener for multiple events in the same registration call, provide all event names as an array.


: FusionCharts~eventListener


Function to be exceuted when the event is triggered. If multiple listeners are bound to an event, the listeners are executed in the order of definition, with arguments specific to the triggered event.

Click here to read more about the eventListener arguments.


// Show a message when a number of charts have been rendered on a page.
FusionCharts.ready(function {
    var counter = 0,
        threshold = 3;

    FusionCharts.addEventListener("rendered", function (eventObject) {
        if (counter > threshold) {
            alert("More than " + threshold + "charts rendered!");

removeEventListener static function

Removes the event listener(s) bound to an event.

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: string or array


Type (name) of the event whose listener(s) has to be removed


: function


Listener function to remove

ready static function

Allows to register callback functions that are executed when the FusionCharts library is ready to be used. In general, the FusionCharts framework is ready after the DOMContentLoaded browser event has been triggered and all the initial dependent files/modules are available.

Multiple callbacks can be attached by calling this function any number of times. Callback functions are executed even when attached after the FusionCharts framework is ready.Therefore, it is recommended that all entry-point and initialization codes are written within the ready() function. This also helps to neatly organize all the code in a script file or the page <head> tag as well as contextually separate code from HTML blocks.

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: FusionCharts~readyCallback


Callback function executed when the FusionCharts framework is ready


: *


Argument to be passed to the callback function




: function


To execute a function, passed using the fn parameter, in a different scope than the default FusionCharts scope, pass the appropriate class object here.




// Render a chart within a chart container `div` element.
FusionCharts.ready(function (FusionCharts) {
    var chart = new FusionCharts({
        type: "column2d",
        renderAt: "chart-container-div",
        dataSource: "my-chart-data.json",
        dataFormat: "jsonurl"
    // Since we are in the `ready` block, the `chart-container-div`
    // element should be available by now.


Used to listen to events triggered by a specific chart.

To listen to events triggered by all charts on a page, the static addEventListener() method is used.

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: string or array


Type (name) of the event to listen to. To register the listener for multiple events in the same registration call, provide all event names as an array.


: FusionCharts~eventListener


Function to be exceuted when the event is triggered. If multiple listeners are bound to an event, the listeners are executed in the order of definition, with arguments specific to the triggered event.

Click here to read more about the eventListener arguments.


Removes the event listener(s) bound to an event using the addEventListener() method.

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: string or array


Type (name) of the event whose listener(s) has to be removed


: function


Listener function to remove


Creates a copy of a chart instance, creating a new chart with identical construction properties of the chart being cloned. The cloned chart, assigned an auto-generated ID, is rendered in a container DOM element that is explicitly provided.

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: object


Object containing instructions for changes in the cloned chart. For example, passing pieChart.clone({type: 'column2d'}); will clone the pie chart, but set its chart-type as column2d. It accepts all the construction parameters of a new FusionCharts instance.


: boolean


Set to true, if a new FusionCharts object is not required. In that case, it causes the function to return a serializable object that can later be passed to create a new FusionCharts instance, and therefore, create a clone.




Denotes whether a chart is “active” or not after being rendered. This is primarily relevant for Flash variant of the charts since they tend to loose functionality when hidden or scrolled away as a measure to save system resources. For JavaScript charts, this returns false when a chart has not been rendered. As such, using the function hasRendered is more relevant.


Gets or sets the chart type of a FusionCharts instance. To get the current chart type, call this function without any parameters. To set a new chart type, pass the chart type as the first parameter to this function. When a new chart type is set, the chart is automatically re-rendered and the chartTypeChanged event is triggered.

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: string


New chart type to set

When changing the chart type, additional options can be passed to this method to update chart data and re-render the chart.

These additional options will be ignored if the value parameter is not specified.

: {

: string or object


New source of data while changing the chart type


: FusionCharts~dataFormats


Data format for the new data source. If this is not provided, then the existing/default data format is used.

If the dataSource parameter is not provided, the dataFormat parameter is ignored.



// Render a column chart and on click of a button toggle it from column to pie and vice versa.
FusionCharts.ready(function () {
    var chart = new FusionCharts({
        type: 'column2d',
        renderAt: 'chart-container',
        dataSource: 'weekly-sales.json',
        dataFormat: 'jsonurl'

    // Assign the functionality of toggling chart type when clicked on
    // a button (with an id toggle-chart-type).
    document.getElementById('toggle-chart-type').onclick = function () {
        if (chart.chartType() === 'column2d') {
        else {

getObjectReference static function

Returns the DOMElement created inside the chart container by FusionCharts. This is equivalent to accessing the DOMElement using the ref property.

The returned DOMElement here is the <span> element created by FusionCharts to render the chart, and not the the container element specified as the value of the renderAt attribute.

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: string


ID of the chart, whose DOMElement is to be referenced.


// Iterate on all charts rendered on a page and move them to a common location
var sidebar = document.getElementById('sidebar-html-div'), // assuming that your common container is this

for (chart in FusionCharts.items) {

// The above can be done without using this deprecated getObjectReference method.
for (chart in FusionCharts.items) {
    chart = FusionCharts.items[chart];
    chart.ref && sidebar.appendChild(chart.ref.parentNode);


Updates a chart’s attributes with a new attribute-value pair, thus updating the chart’s data definition root (the <chart> node in the XML data or the chart object in the JSON data).

This function is useful when a chart’s configuration has to be updated after it has been rendered once. The function internally retrieves the last data set for the chart using the getJSONData() method ( or the getXMLData() method, for XML data). It then updates the chart object (or the <chart> element) using the new attribute-value pair and sets this data back to the chart.

Setting the value of an attribute to null will cause the attribute to be removed from the definition and set to its default value.

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: object or string


To set/update multiple attributes at once, an object containing all the key-value pairs is passed. In case of a single value, a string that is the key (the attribute name) is passed.


: string


If the attributes parameter is a single string value, the value parameter contains the value for that key.


// Here we would render a chart in a DOM element with an id, say "chart-container", and upon clicking the
// chart, we would toggle the visibility of its legend.
FusionCharts.ready(function () {
        id: 'salesChart',
        type: 'pie2d',
        renderAt: 'chart-container',

        dataSource: {
            chart: {
                caption: 'Revenue distribution'
            data: [
                { value: '22', label: 'Redistribution' },
                { value: '54', label: 'Internal Circulation' },
                { value: '24', label: 'Sale' },

        events: {
            chartClick: function (event) {
                var chart = event.sender,
                    // Check whether legend is currently visible by fetching the showLegend attribute
                    legendVisible = !!+chart.getChartAttribute('showLegend');

                // Set the opposite of the current state of the legend's visibility.
                chart.setChartAttribute('showLegend', legendVisible ? '0' : '1');


Fetches value of chart attributes explicitly applied to the root chart object (or the <chart> node element).

To fetch a list of all attributes, do not pass any parameters to this function.

If any attribute requested is not set for the chart or is internally computed but not explicitly set, the value is returned as undefined. For example, for multi-series column 2D charts, the default value of the showLegends attribute is 1. However, if the attribute is not included in the chart definition and its value is requested, the function returns undefined.

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: string or array


To fetch the value of a single attribute, pass the attribute name as a string. For multiple attributes, pass an array of attribute names. Values will be returned in the order of the attribute names in the array.

Configured properties for LinkedCharts.This function accepts all properties that the FusionCharts constructor accepts. Any property passed to this function is applied to the LinkedCharts. If no properties are provided, LinkedCharts will inherit properties from the parent chart. This function lets you configure individual or multiple drill-down levels in linked charts.

The Overlay Button:

Other than the usual construction parameters of FusionCharts, this function also accepts configuration for the overlay button of LinkedCharts. When a LinkedChart is rendered on clicking a data point, a button is rendered on the top-right corner of the chart. When this button is clicked, it closes (disposes) the linked chart.

The cosmetics of this button can be configured by passing an overlayButton object as a parameter to this function. This object can have the following properties:

Button Parameter Type Description
show boolean Whether to show the button or not
message string Button label. Default: Close or Back
bgColor string Background color for the button
borderColor string Border color for the button
font string Font family of the button (comma-separated list of fonts)
fontColor string Color of the button label text
fontSize string Size of the button label text
bold boolean Specify whether the button label text is bold formatted
padding number Padding between the label and the edges of the button

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Configuration properties for the LinkedCharts. To configure multiple levels at once, pass the level numbers as an array to this parameter. To configure the overlay button, pass the overlayButton object to this parameter.

To configure a specific level of the drill-down chart, this parameter specifies the level number.



    type: 'pie2d', // Set the linked-charts configuration to load all linked charts as Pie
    width: '80%', // The width of the charts would be 80% of their parent container
    overlayButton: {
        message: ' X ', // Set the button to show letter "X"
        borderColor: '#cccccc'
// Configure linked charts to show the first level drill-down as bar chart, the next as line charts and
// the third level as pie charts.
    { type: 'bar2d' },
    { type: 'line' },
    { type: 'pie2d' }
  • setChartDataUrl
  • setChartData
  • getChartData
  • dataReady
  • transcodeData static
  • render
  • resizeTo
  • dispose
  • configure
  • setCurrentRenderer static
  • getCurrentRenderer static
  • render static
  • getJSONData
  • setJSONData
  • setJSONUrl
  • print
  • exportChart
  • getSVGString
  • lockResize
  • showChartMessage
  • feedData
  • getData
  • setData
  • stopUpdate
  • restartUpdate
  • isUpdateActive
  • clearChart
  • isPlotItemSliced
  • slicePlotItem
  • centerLabel
  • startingAngle
  • getSWFHTML
  • addVariable
  • getXML
  • setDataXML
  • setDataURL
  • hasRendered
  • setTransparent
  • formatNumber static
  • zoomOut
  • zoomTo
  • resetChart
  • setZoomMode
  • getViewStartIndex
  • getViewEndIndex
  • getXMLData
  • setXMLData
  • setXMLUrl
  • getCSVData
  • getDataAsCSV
  • addEventListener static
  • removeEventListener static
  • ready static
  • addEventListener
  • removeEventListener
  • clone
  • isActive
  • chartType
  • getObjectReference static
  • setChartAttribute
  • getChartAttribute
  • configureLink