FusionCharts exposes various events throughout the lifetime of a chart. Event listeners can be attached to these events to tap into the chart’s lifecycle (such as loading data into the chart, before rendering the chart and so on) and perform certain actions. These events are listed below.
Triggered when chart data is successfully loaded from a URL (instead of a static JSON or XML file from the system).
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Nature of the data load request. Presently, its value is XMLHttpRequest.
URL of the data source
Format of the source data (json or xml)
true if silent instructions are saved to arguments
Function called once the event is fired
Object containing the source data for the chart
Object that fetches the data
Triggered if an error is encountered while loading data from the specified URL to the chart object.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
URL to fetch the source data
Format of the source data (json or xml)
Error object passed to the event for debugging the JavaScript errors encountered
Parameter to identify server communication issues (for example, 404 status is returned if the URL is not found)
Triggered when the default behavior of the dataLoadRequested event is cancelled using the eventObj.preventDefault()
method. Subsequently, all AJAX requests are aborted.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered when the default behavior of the dataLoadRequested event is cancelled by calling the eventObj.preventDefault()
method. The event is internally fired if the data source is a local path or the URL fails internal security checks.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Nature of the data load request. Presently, its value is XMLHttpRequest.
URL of the data source
Format of the source data (json or xml)
true if silent instructions are saved to arguments
Function called once the event is fired
Function called once the event is fired
Triggered when chart data is updated and the chart is redrawn, after the drawComplete event.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Chart data, in the data format used
Format in which chart data is finally passed to the chart
Object containing the source data for the chart
Format of the source data
true if silent instructions are saved to arguments
Triggered when the default behavior of the beforeDataUpdate event is cancelled by calling the eventObj.preventDefault()
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Chart data
Format in which the data was to be passed on for rendering
Source data, as specified using data setter functions like setChartData()
Format of the source data (json or xml)
Error object passed to the event for debugging the JavaScript errors encountered
Triggered when chart data is loaded from a URL instead of a static JSON or XML file from the system.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Nature of the data load request. Presently, its value is XMLHttpRequest.
URL of the data source
Format of the source data (json or xml)
true if silent instructions are saved to arguments
Function called once the event is fired
Triggered just before chart data is passed to the chart. It is useful if any operations have to be performed on the data before it is applied to the chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Chart data, in the data format used
Format in which chart data is finally passed to the chart
Object containing the source data for the chart
Format of the source data
true if silent instructions are saved to arguments
// Show data of a single-series column chart in an
// ascending sorted order.
FusionCharts.ready(function () {
var chart = new FusionCharts({
type: "column2d",
renderAt: "chart-container"
// Add the data handler to intercept incoming
// data and sort it.
chart.addEventListener("beforeDataUpdate", function (event, args) {
var data = args.data,
// If incoming data is not JSON then convert it to JSON
if (args.format !== 'json') {
data = FusionCharts.transcodeData(data, args.format, 'json');
// Get hold of the data array
values = data.data;
if (values && values.length) { // Check whether data exists
// Sort the data by passing a comparison function to the
// sort function of the array of values.
values.sort(function (a, b) {
return (a && a.value) - (b && b.value);
// Convert data back to original format in case it wasn't
// originally JSON
if (args.format !== 'json') {
data = FusionCharts.transcodeData(data, 'json', args.format);
// Replace the data with updated data.
args.data = data;
Triggered before a chart is to be rendered. Calling the eventObject.preventDefault()
method on this event will cancel the rendering process. The rendering process is triggered when the render() method is called on the chart instance.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
// Listening using global events
FusionCharts.addEventListener('beforeRender', function (eventObj, argsObj) {
// Prints id of the chart being rendered
console.log("Chart with id " + eventObj.sender.id + " is about to be rendered.");
// Pass event listener in the FusionCharts constructor
var mychart = new FusionCharts({
"type": "column2d",
"dataFormat": "json",
"dataSource": {
// Attach event handlers
"events": {
// Attach to beforeRender
"beforeRender": function (eventObj, argsObj) {
console.log("Beginning render of " + eventObj.sender.id);
Triggered when the default behavior of the beforeRender event is cancelled using the eventObj.preventDefault()
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
// Listening using global events
FusionCharts.addEventListener('renderCancelled', function (eventObj, argsObj) {
// Prints id of the chart whose rendering was cancelled
console.log("Rendering of chart with id " + eventObj.sender.id + " was cancelled.");
// Pass event listener in the FusionCharts constructor
var mychart = new FusionCharts({
"type": "column2d",
"dataFormat": "json",
"dataSource": {
// Attach event handlers
"events": {
// Attach to renderCancelled
"renderCancelled": function (eventObj, argsObj) {
console.log("Cancelled rendering of " + eventObj.sender.id);
Triggered before a chart is resized.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Chart width, before resize, in pixels or percentage
Chart height, before resize, in pixels or percentage
Chart width, after resize, in pixels or percentage
Chart height, after resize, in pixels or percentage
Triggered when a chart is resized either by calling the resizeTo() method or by changing dimensions of the chart container element, when the dimensions are in the percentage format.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Chart width, after resize
Chart height, after resize
Chart width, before resize
Chart height, before resize
Chart width, when the chart was first rendered
Chart height, when the chart was first rendered
Width of the DOM element, in pixels, used to render the chart
Height of the DOM element, in pixels, used to render the chart
Triggered when the eventObj.preventDefault()
method is called from within the beforeResize event. This cancels the instructions received from the resizeTo() method.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Current chart width, in pixels or percentage
Current chart height, in pixels or percentage
Chart width requested to be set but cancelled
Chart height requested to be set but cancelled
Triggered before a chart is deleted and cleaned from memory.
Usually, this event is triggered by the dispose() method. It is internally raised when an already rendered chart is re-rendered or a child chart in LinkedCharts is closed.
Unused charts should be disposed to avoid memory-leaks within an application or dashboard.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered when a chart is deleted and cleaned from memory.
Usually, this event is triggered by the dispose() method. It is internally raised when an already rendered chart is re-rendered or a child chart in LinkedCharts is closed.
Unused charts should be disposed to avoid memory-leaks within an application or dashboard.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered when the default behaviour of the beforeDispose event is cancelled using the eventObj.preventDefault()
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered every time a chart is clicked.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Chart width, in pixels or percentage
Chart height, in pixels or percentage
DOM element used to render the chart
Width of the DOM element, in pixels, used to render the chart
Height of the DOM element, in pixels, used to render the chart
Chart ID
Rendering engine used (javascript or flash)
FusionCharts.ready(function () {
var chart = new FusionCharts({
type: 'column2d',
dataFormat: 'jsonurl',
dataSource: 'chart-data.json',
renderAt: 'chart-container-div',
events: {
chartClick: function (eventObj, argsObj) {
console.log('Chart clicked at ' + argsObj.chartX + ',' + argsObj.chartY);
Triggered when the mouse pointer is moved over a chart. The event arguments pass useful information related to pointer location, relative to the chart and the page, that can be used for positioning elements like annotations or integrating charts with custom tooltip libraries.
By default, a chart does not trigger this event until is enabled to do so. To enable this event for a chart, set the
attribute to 1.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Chart width, in pixels or percentage
Chart height, in pixels or percentage
DOM element used to render the chart
Width of the DOM element, in pixels, used to render the chart
Height of the DOM element, in pixels, used to render the chart
Chart ID
Rendering engine used (javascript or flash)
Triggered every time the mouse pointer is rolled over a chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Chart width, in pixels or percentage
Chart height, in pixels or percentage
DOM element used to render the chart
Width of the DOM element, in pixels, used to render the chart
Height of the DOM element, in pixels, used to render the chart
Chart ID
Rendering engine used (javascript or flash)
// Create a chart and display the caption of the chart over which the mouse has been hovered. The
// event is attached to the FusionCharts global `addEventListener` function so that it is fired for
// all charts rendered on that page Once this event listener has been attached, any chart rendered on
// page will cause a console log when hovered or tapped.
FusionCharts.addEventListener('chartRollOver', function (event) {
var chart = event.sender, // access the chart that raised this event
caption = chart && chart.getChartAttribute('caption'); // get the chart caption
// Output the caption in JavaScript console
console.log('Mouse entered on the chart with caption: ' + caption);
Triggered every time the mouse pointer is rolled out from over a chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Chart width, in pixels or percentage
Chart height, in pixels or percentage
DOM element used to render the chart
Width of the DOM element, in pixels, used to render the chart
Height of the DOM element, in pixels, used to render the chart
Chart ID
Rendering engine used (javascript or flash)
// Create a chart and display the caption of the chart over which the mouse has been hovered. The
// event is attached to the FusionCharts global `addEventListener` function so that it is fired for
// all charts rendered on that page Once this event listener has been attached, any chart rendered on
// page will cause a console log when hovered out or tapped away.
FusionCharts.addEventListener('chartRollOut', function (event) {
var chart = event.sender, // access the chart that raised this event
caption = chart && chart.getChartAttribute('caption'); // get the chart caption
// Output the caption in JavaScript console
console.log('Mouse left the chart with caption: ' + caption);
Triggered when the background image for a chart (specified using the bgImage
attribute) is loaded.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
URL of the background image
Transparency of the image
Display mode set for the image
Vertical alignment of the image
Horizontal alignment of the image
Image width
Image height
Triggered when there is an error in loading the background image for a chart (specified using the bgImage
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
URL of the background image
Transparency of the image
Display mode set for the image
Vertical alignment of the image
Horizontal alignment of the image
Image width
Image height
Error object passed to the event for debugging the JavaScript errors encountered
Triggered when a legend item is clicked.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Chart ID
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Dataset to which the data plot belongs
Index of the data plot, in the order of its definition in the dataset
Visibility status of the legend item (true if shown, false if hidden)
: function
Triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled over a legend item.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Chart ID
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Dataset to which the data plot belongs
Index of the data plot, in the order of its definition in the dataset
Visibility status of the legend item (true if shown, false if hidden)
Triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled out from over a legend item.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Chart ID
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Dataset to which the data plot belongs
Index of the data plot, in the order of its definition in the dataset
Visibility status of the legend item (true if shown, false if hidden)
Triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled over a logo on a chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
URL of the logo image
Transparency set for the logo
Logo position (tr, tl, br, bl)
Logo image scaling value
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the logo is clicked
Triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled out from over a logo on a chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
URL of the logo image
Transparency set for the logo
Logo position (tr, tl, br, bl)
Logo image scaling value
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the logo is clicked
Triggered when the logo on a chart is clicked.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
URL of the logo image
Transparency set for the logo
Logo position (tr, tl, br, bl)
Logo image scaling value
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the logo is clicked
Triggered when the logo is loaded on a chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Triggered when the logo cannot be loaded on a chart because of an error.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
URL of the logo image
Transparency set for the logo
Logo position (tr, tl, br, bl)
Logo image scaling value
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the logo is clicked
Error object passed to the event for debugging the JavaScript errors encountered
Triggered just before the exporting process of a chart begins, through the export context menu or when the exportChart() method is called programmatically.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Object containing the status of buttons on the chart
Background color of the exported chart
Transparency set for the exported chart
Action for exporting image/PDF. Set to download, if the exported image will be sent back to the client as a download, set to save if it will be saved on the server.
Name (with extension) for the exported image/PDF
Path of the server-side export handler
Format in which the chart is exported (jpg, png, pdf)
Additional parameters sent by the chart (defined using the exportParameters
chart attribute)
In case of server-side exporting and when using download as action, this shows whether the exported image/PDF will opened in the same window (as an attachment for download), or it will open in a new window.
Applicable only for server-side exporting.
Callback function executed after the chart is exported
Boolean attribute that indicates if the chart had external images that were also exported
Object containing all the export formats available
Triggered when a chart exports successfully.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
ID of the chart exported
Chart height
Chart width
Name of the exported file and the path where it is saved
Success status code of the export. Set to 1 if the export is successful, set to 0 if it fails.
Message indicating success or failure
Message indicating that the chart was previously exported in the same format. In this case, a suffix for the file is internally generated and added to the filename.
Configure your code to show the properties and their values for the
parameter in the console. You can then see the suffix that is generated internally.
Triggered when the default behavior of the beforeExport event is cancelled by calling the eventObj.preventDefault()
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Chart data as XML string
Background color of the exported chart
Transparency set for the exported chart
Action for exporting image/PDF. Set to download, if the exported image will be sent back to the client as a download, set to save if it will be saved on the server.
Name (with extension) for the exported image/PDF
Path of the server-side export handler
Format in which the chart is exported (jpg, png, pdf)
Additional parameters sent by the chart (defined using the exportParameters
chart attribute)
In case of server-side exporting and when using download as action, this shows whether the exported image/PDF will open in the same window (as an attachment for download), or it will open in a new window.
Applicable only for server-side exporting.
Callback function executed after the chart is exported
Boolean attribute to indicate if the chart had external images that were also exported
Object containing all the export formats available
Triggered before the printing process for a chart begins, after the print() method is called on the chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered when the user confirms or cancels printing through the browser’s print dialog box.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered when the default behavior of the beforePrint event is cancelled by calling the eventObj.preventDefault()
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered every time the x-axis label of a data plot is clicked.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Label text
Index of the data plot, in order of its definition in the source data
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the data label is clicked
Triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled over the x-axis label of a data plot.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Label text
Index of the data plot, in order of its definition in the source data
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the data label is clicked
Triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled out from over the x-axis label of a data plot.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Label text
Index of the data plot, in order of its definition in the source data
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the data label is clicked
Triggered when you begin scrolling through a chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Position of the scroll, when you start scrolling.
Triggered when a chart completes scrolling.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered when a pie or a doughnut slice begins slicing out/slicing in.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Triggered when a pie or a doughnut slice completes slicing out/slicing in.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
State of the slice before the event was triggered; true if the slice was already sliced out, false if the slice was sliced in
The plot data from the chart to slice.
Index of the data plot in the order of its definition in the dataset
Triggered when a pie/doughnut chart completes rotating.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered when a pie/doughnut chart starts rotating.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Measure of the angle from which the pie/doughnut chart starts rotating
Triggered when the overlay back button on a linked chart is clicked.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
ID of the overlay button
Visibility status of the overlay button (true if shown, false if not)
Text rendered on the overlay button
Font color of the text rendered on the overlay button
Background color of the overlay button
Border color for the overlay button
Triggered when the chart has finished downloading itself in the client environment. It indicates that the all the resources required to render the chart are ready and that the chart can be drawn. This event can be used to hide any loader components that you might have on your page.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered when the chart completes drawing, after the render() method is called. The chart renders if the data provided is correct; otherwise, an error message from the list given here is rendered. A call to this event is made only once, even if new data may be supplied later. It can be used to invoke any further JavaScript methods on the chart or change chart data.
If chart animation is enabled, this event is triggered before the animation process. In case you need to perform any action after the animation has completed, you will need to add an appropriate time delay in this event handler, using
The default animation duration is 1000ms (one second). The animation duration can be customized using the
chart attribute.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Rendering engine used (javascript or flash)
Triggered when the chart draws for the first time or is redrawn because of a data update, resize, change of chart message, or change of chart type.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Triggered every time a chart is rendered using the render() method, the chartType() method, or the setChartData() method. It is also triggered every time chart data is successfully updated, which triggers a re-render internally.
The difference between this event and the rendered event is that the rendered
event is triggered only when the .render()
method is called.
The renderComplete
event can be triggered without triggering the beforeRender event during data update.
If chart animation is enabled, this event is triggered before the animation process. In case you need to perform any action after the animation has completed, you will need to add an appropriate time delay in this event handler, using
The default animation duration is 1000ms (one second). The animation duration can be customized using the
chart attribute.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Rendering engine used (javascript or flash)
Chart width
Chart height
Number of times the chart is drawn/redrawn
Boolean attribute indicating whether a message is configured for the chart
Triggered when there is no chart data or data with parsing or fetching (from the server) errors is submitted to the chart.
Maps, real-time charts, and some gauges do not require initial data to begin with. In that case, this event is not triggered.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Error object passed to the event for debugging the JavaScript errors encountered
Triggered if the chart data (passed to the chart object either by URL or as a string) is not in a usable format.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered when the data for a chart (passed by url or as a string) is loaded to the chart object. It ensures that the data passed is valid and the chart can be rendered.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered when no data is passed to the chart. It can be used to show an error message or take a corrective measure.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered every time a real-time chart completes updating, using the dataStreamURL
attribute or through user-interaction (using the edit mode of the real-time angular and linear gauges).
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered when the complete chart canvas is cleared by calling the clearChart() method or by clicking the context menu in real-time charts.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered when all data plots on the interactive charts (select-scatter, drag-node, and drag-able charts) are restored to their original values (by clicking the Restore button).
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered when the Submit button on interactive charts (select-scatter, drag-node, and drag-able charts) is clicked, after the data values are updated by the user.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
XML string with the complete chart data in the current state
Triggered when there is an ajax error in sending the POST request with the user-submitted data in interactive charts (select-scatter, drag-node, and dragable charts).
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Chart data as XML string
URL to which the data is sent as HTTP POST request
Status code of the ajax POST request
Ajax error message
XMLHttpRequest object that takes care of sending the XML chart data. In case of an error, this object is undefined.
Triggered when the ajax POST request for sending user-submitted data in interactive charts (select-scatter, drag-node, and dragable charts) to the URL is successfully completed.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Chart data as XML string
URL to which the data is sent as HTTP POST request
Response returned by the web server to which the HTTP POST request was submitted
XMLHttpRequest object that takes care of sending the XML chart data
Triggered when the default behavior of the beforeDataSubmit event is cancelled by calling the eventObj. preventDefault()
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Chart data as XML string
Triggered every time the data on any of the interactive charts (select-scatter, drag-node, and the dragable charts) is updated by user interaction.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Chart ID
Event that caused the chartUpdated
event to be triggered. For example, in a drag-node chart, if a node was dragged to shift its position, the source event will be dataplotDragEnd
Type of element that triggered this event
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Index of the updated data plot, in the order of its definition in the source data
Index of the dataset, to which the updated data plot belongs, in the order of its definition in the source data
Name of the dataset, to which the updated data plot belongs
x-coordinate of the updated data plot
Applicable only to the drag-node chart.
y-coordinate of the updated data plot
Applicable only to the drag-node chart.
Shape of the updated data plot
Applicable only to the drag-node chart.
Width of the updated data plot
Applicable only to the drag-node chart.
Height of the updated data plot
Applicable only to the drag-node chart.
Radius of the updated data plot
Applicable only to the drag-node chart.
Number of sides the shape of the updated data plot has
Applicable only to the drag-node chart.
Data label of the updated data plot
Tooltip text for the updated data plot
Triggered when a new node is added to the drag-node chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Node ID
Index of the added node, in sequence in the order of the pre-defined nodes in the source data
Index of the dataset to which the new node is added
Name of the dataset to which the new node is added
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the node is clicked
x-coordinate of the added node
y-coordinate of the added node
Shape of the added node
Width of the added node
Height of the added node
Radius of the added node
Number of sides configured for the added node
Text label for the added node
Text rendered when the mouse pointer is hovered over the added node
Triggered when a node on the drag-node chart is updated.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Node ID
Index of the updated node, in the order of its definition
Index of the dataset to which the updated node belongs
Name of the dataset to which the updated node belongs
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the node is clicked
x-coordinate of the updated node
y-coordinate of the updated node
Shape of the updated node
Width of the updated node
Height of the updated node
Radius of the updated node
Number of sides of the updated node
Text label for the updated node
Text rendered when the mouse pointer is hovered over the updated node
Triggered when a node on the drag-node chart is deleted.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Node ID
Index of the deleted node, in the order of its definition
Index of the dataset to which the deleted node belongs
Name of the dataset to which the deleted node belongs
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the node is clicked
x-coordinate of the deleted node
y-coordinate of the deleted node
Shape of the deleted node
Width of the deleted node
Height of the deleted node
Radius of the deleted node
Number of sides of the deleted node
Text label for the deleted node
Text rendered when the mouse pointer is hovered over the deleted node
Triggered when a new connector is added to the drag-node chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Connector ID
Whether the connector has an arrow that points towards the source node
Whether the connector has an arrow that points towards the destination node
Index number or the node ID of the source node
Index number or the node ID of the destination node
Text label of the connector
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the connector is clicked
Triggered when a connector on the drag-node chart is updated.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Connector ID
Whether the connector has an arrow that points towards the source node
Whether the connector has an arrow that points towards the destination node
Index number or the node ID of the source node
Index number or the node ID of the destination node
Text label of the connector
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the connector is clicked
Triggered when a connector is deleted from the drag-node chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Connector ID
Whether the connector has an arrow that points towards the source node
Whether the connector has an arrow that points towards the destination node
Index number or the node ID of the source node
Index number or the node ID of the destination node
Text label of the connector
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the connector is clicked
Triggered when a new label is added on the drag-node chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the label node, scaled as per the axis of the chart
y-coordinate of the label node, scaled as per the axis of the chart
Label text
Whether the label can be dragged or no
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the label is clicked
Type of the element that triggered the event. For the labelAdded
event, this will be labelnode.
Triggered when a label is deleted from the drag-node chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the label node, scaled as per the axis of the chart
y-coordinate of the label node, scaled as per the axis of the chart
Label text
Whether the label can be dragged or no
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the label is clicked
Type of the element that triggered the event. For the labelDeleted
event, this will be labelnode.
Triggered when the selection box, drawn on a select-scatter chart, is removed.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
ID of the selection box
Subset of the data selected using the selection box
Distance between the top edges of the selection box and the chart
Distance between the left edges of the selection box and the chart
Width of the selection box
Height of the selection box
Value of the starting position of the selection box, in the canvas x-axis
Value of the starting position of the selection box, in the canvas y-axis
Value of the ending position of the selection box, in the canvas x-axis
Value of the ending position of the selection box, in the canvas y-axis
Triggered when you start drawing a selection box on a select-scatter chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Distance between the top edges of the selection box and the chart
Distance between the left edges of the selection box and the chart
Width of the selection box (0 for this event, because it is triggered before you finish drawing the box)
Height of the selection box (0 for this event, because it is triggered before you finish drawing the box)
Value of the starting position of the selection box, in the canvas x-axis
Value of the starting position of the selection box, in the canvas y-axis
Triggered when you complete drawing a selection box on a select-scatter chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Distance between the top edges of the selection box and the chart
Distance between the left edges of the selection box and the chart
Width of the selection box
Height of the selection box
Value of the starting position of the selection box, in the canvas x-axis
Value of the starting position of the selection box, in the canvas y-axis
Value of the ending position of the selection box, in the canvas x-axis
Value of the ending position of the selection box, in the canvas y-axis
Triggered when a label on the drag-node chart is clicked.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
x-coordinate of the label node, scaled as per the axis of the chart
y-coordinate of the label node, scaled as per the axis of the chart
Label text
Whether the label can be dragged or no
URL to which the user will be redirected to, if the label is when clicked
Type of the element that triggered the event. For the labelClick
event, this will be labelnode.
Triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled over a label on the drag-node chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
x-coordinate of the label node, scaled as per the axis of the chart
y-coordinate of the label node, scaled as per the axis of the chart
Label text
Whether the label can be dragged or no
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the label is clicked
Type of the element that triggered the event. For the labelRollOver
event, this will be labelnode.
Triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled out of a label on the drag-node chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
x-coordinate of the label node, scaled as per the axis of the chart
y-coordinate of the label node, scaled as per the axis of the chart
Label text
Whether the label can be dragged or no
URL to which the user will be redirected to, if the label is clicked
Type of the element that triggered the event. For the labelRollOut
event, this will be labelnode.
Triggered when you start dragging a label on the drag-node chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
x-coordinate of the label node, scaled as per the axis of the chart
y-coordinate of the label node, scaled as per the axis of the chart
Label text
Whether the label can be dragged or no
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the label is clicked
Type of the element that triggered the event. For the labelDragStart
event, this will be labelnode.
Triggered when you finish dragging a label on the drag-node chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
x-coordinate of the label node, scaled as per the axis of the chart
y-coordinate of the label node, scaled as per the axis of the chart
Label text
Whether the label can be dragged or no
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the label is clicked
Type of the element that triggered the event. For the labelDragEnd
event, this will be labelnode.
Triggered when you start dragging the data plots of the drag-able charts (the drag-node, drag-column, drag-line, and drag-area charts).
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Position of the dataset in the order of its definition in the source data
Dataset to which the data plot belongs
Index of the data plot in the order of its definition in the dataset
Value of the data plot before it is dragged
Applicable only to the drag-column, drag-line, and drag-area charts
Triggered when you complete dragging the data plots of the drag-able charts (the drag-node, drag-column, drag-line, and drag-area charts).
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Position of the dataset in the order of its definition in the source data
Dataset to which the data plot belongs
Index of the data plot in the order of its definition in the dataset
Value of the data plot before it is dragged
Applicable only to the drag-column, drag-line, and drag-area charts
Value of the data plot after it is dragged
Applicable only to the drag-column, drag-line, and drag-area charts
This event is fired on page change in SSGrid chart.
Contains data of the sought page, with color, displayValue, originalText, value and y position for each data points.
Tells the index of the sought page.
Triggered every time the mouse pointer is rolled over the center label of the doughnut chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Chart width, in pixels or percentage
Chart height, in pixels or percentage
DOM element used to render the chart
Width of the DOM element, in pixels, used to render the chart
Height of the DOM element, in pixels, used to render the chart
Chart ID
Rendering engine used (javascript or flash)
Text displayed as the center label
Triggered every time the mouse pointer is rolled out of the center label of the doughnut chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Chart width, in pixels or percentage
Chart height, in pixels or percentage
DOM element used to render the chart
Width of the DOM element, in pixels, used to render the chart
Height of the DOM element, in pixels, used to render the chart
Chart ID
Rendering engine used (javascript or flash)
Text displayed as the center label
Triggered every time the center label of the doughnut chart is clicked.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Chart width, in pixels or percentage
Chart height, in pixels or percentage
DOM element used to render the chart
Width of the DOM element, in pixels, used to render the chart
Height of the DOM element, in pixels, used to render the chart
Chart ID
Rendering engine used (javascript or flash)
Text displayed as the center label
Triggered every time the text within the center label of the doughnut chart changes.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Chart width, in pixels or percentage
Chart height, in pixels or percentage
DOM element used to render the chart
Width of the DOM element, in pixels, used to render the chart
Height of the DOM element, in pixels, used to render the chart
Chart ID
Rendering engine used (javascript or flash)
Text displayed as the center label
Triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled out from over an entity on a map.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled over an entity on a map.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered when an entity on a map is clicked.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
This event is applicable to the connector element of the Gantt chart and the maps. It is triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled over a connector connecting the tasks (on a Gantt chart) or the markers (on a map).
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
Applicable only to the Gantt chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
Applicable only to the Gantt chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Applicable only to the Gantt chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
ID of the source task for the connector
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
ID of the destination task for the connector
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
Position of the connector on the source task bar. Set to 1 if the connector starts from the left edge of the task bar, set to 0 if it starts from the right edge.
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
Position of the connector on the destination task bar. Set to 1 if the connector ends at the left edge of the task bar, set to 0 if it ends at the right edge.
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the connector is clicked
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
Type of the element that triggered the event. For the connectorRollOver
event, it will be connector.
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
ID of the source marker for the connector
Applicable only to maps.
ID of the destination marker for the connector
Applicable only to maps.
Connector label, specified using the label
Applicable only to maps.
This event is applicable to the connector element of the Gantt chart and the maps. It is triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled out from over a connector connecting the tasks (on a Gantt chart) or the markers (on a map).
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
Applicable only to the Gantt chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
Applicable only to the Gantt chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Applicable only to the Gantt chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
ID of the source task for the connector
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
ID of the destination task for the connector
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
Position of the connector on the source task bar. Set to 1 if the connector starts from the left edge of the task bar, set to 0 if it starts from the right edge.
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
Position of the connector on the destination task bar. Set to 1 if the connector ends at the left edge of the task bar, set to 0 if it ends at the right edge.
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the connector is clicked
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
Type of the element that triggered the event. For the connectorRollOut
event, it will be connector.
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
ID of the source marker for the connector
Applicable only to maps.
ID of the destination marker for the connector
Applicable only to maps.
Connector label, specified using the label
Applicable only to maps.
This event is applicable to the connector element of the Gantt chart and the maps. It is triggered when a connector connecting the tasks (on a Gantt chart) or the markers (on a map) is clicked.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
Applicable only to the Gantt chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
Applicable only to the Gantt chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Applicable only to the Gantt chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
ID of the source task for the connector
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
ID of the destination task for the connector
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
Position of the connector on the source task bar. Set to 1 if the connector starts from the left edge of the task bar, set to 0 if it starts from the right edge.
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
Position of the connector on the destination task bar. Set to 1 if the connector ends at the left edge of the task bar, set to 0 if it ends at the right edge.
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the connector is clicked
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
Type of the element that triggered the event. For the connectorClick
event, it will be connector.
Applicable only to the Gantt chart.
ID of the source marker for the connector
Applicable only to maps.
ID of the destination marker for the connector
Applicable only to maps.
Connector label, specified using the label
Applicable only to maps.
//declaring the fusioncharts object.
var myMap = new FusionCharts( "Maps/FCMap_World.swf", "myMapId", "400", "300", "0" );
//setting the data source.
//rendering the chart in the associated Div.
//function to perform the necessary action on capturing the connectorClicked event.
//alert the user with the from and to marker id's.
function listenerEvent(eventObject, argumentsObject){
alert( "From marker ID: "+ argumentsObject.fromMarkerId + ",
To marker ID: " + argumentsObject.toMarkerId);
//listening to the connector click event
FusionCharts("myMapId").addEventListener ("connectorClicked" , listenerEvent );
Triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled over a marker on a map.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Marker label
Original x-coordinate of the marker
Original y-coordinate of the marker
Scaled x-coordinate of the marker
Scaled y-coordinate of the marker
x-coordinate of the marker in to the top-left corner of the map canvas
y-coordinate of the marker in to the top-left corner of the map canvas
//declaring the FusionCharts object.
var myMap = new FusionCharts( "Maps/FCMap_World.swf", "myMapId", "400", "300", "0" );
//passing the data to the object in *XML* format.
//rendering the chart in the map container.
//the function which gets executed when the MarkerRollOver event is captured.
function myChartListener(eventObject, argumentsObject){
"ID: ", argumentsObject.id, "; Label: ", argumentsObject.label,
"; x: ", argumentsObject.x, ", y: ", argumentsObject.x,
"; scaledX: ", argumentsObject.scaledX, ", scaledY: ", argumentsObject.scaledY,
"; chartX: ", argumentsObject.chartX, ", chartY: ", argumentsObject.chartY
//listening to the markerRollOver event.
FusionCharts("myMapId").addEventListener ("markerRollOver" , myChartListener );
Triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled out from over a marker on a map.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Marker label
Original x-coordinate of the marker
Original y-coordinate of the marker
Scaled x-coordinate of the marker
Scaled y-coordinate of the marker
x-coordinate of the marker in to the top-left corner of the map canvas
y-coordinate of the marker in to the top-left corner of the map canvas
//declaring the Fusion Charts object.
var myMap = new FusionCharts( "Maps/FCMap_World.swf", "myMapId", "400", "300", "0" );
//passing the data to the object in *XML* format.
//rendering the chart in the map container.
//the function which gets executed when the MarkerRollOut event is captured.
function myChartListener(eventObject, argumentsObject){
"ID: ", argumentsObject.id, "; Label: ", argumentsObject.label,
"; x: ", argumentsObject.x, ", y: ", argumentsObject.x,
"; scaledX: ", argumentsObject.scaledX, ", scaledY: ", argumentsObject.scaledY,
"; chartX: ", argumentsObject.chartX, ", chartY: ", argumentsObject.chartY
//listening to the markerRollOut event.
FusionCharts("myMapId").addEventListener ("markerRollOut" , myChartListener );
Triggered when a marker on a map is clicked.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Marker label
Original x-coordinate of the marker
Original y-coordinate of the marker
Scaled x-coordinate of the marker
Scaled y-coordinate of the marker
x-coordinate of the marker in to the top-left corner of the map canvas
y-coordinate of the marker in to the top-left corner of the map canvas
//declaring the Fusion Charts object.
var myMap = new FusionCharts( "Maps/FCMap_World.swf", "myMapId", "400", "300", "0" );
//passing the data to the object in *XML* format.
//rendering the chart in the map container.
//the function which gets executed when the MarkerClick event is captured.
function myChartListener(eventObject, argumentsObject){
"ID: ", argumentsObject.id, "; Label: ", argumentsObject.label,
"; x: ", argumentsObject.x, ", y: ", argumentsObject.x,
"; scaledX: ", argumentsObject.scaledX, ", scaledY: ", argumentsObject.scaledY,
"; chartX: ", argumentsObject.chartX, ", chartY: ", argumentsObject.chartY
//listening to the markerClicked event.
FusionCharts("myMapId").addEventListener ("markerClicked" , myChartListener );
Triggered when a process in the Gantt chart is clicked.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Process ID
Process label
Set to true if the event was triggered by the process header
Horizontal alignment of the process label
Vertical alignment of the process label
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the process is clicked
Triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled over a process on the Gantt chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Process ID
Process label
true if the event was triggered by the process header
Horizontal alignment of the process label
Vertical alignment of the process label
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the process is clicked
Triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled out from over a process on the Gantt chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Process ID
Process label
true if the event was triggered by the process header
Horizontal alignment of the process label
Vertical alignment of the process label
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the process is clicked
Triggered when a category on the Gantt chart is clicked.
Try It Yourself!’}
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Horizontal alignment of the category label
Vertical alignment of the category label
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the category is clicked
Category label text
Triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled over a category on the Gantt chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Horizontal alignment of the category label
Vertical alignment of the category label
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the category is clicked
Category label text
Triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled out of a category on the Gantt chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Horizontal alignment of the category label
Vertical alignment of the category label
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the category is clicked
Category label text
Triggered when a milestone on a Gantt chart is clicked.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Id of the task to which the milestone belongs
Milestone date
Number of sides defined for the milestone shape
Radius of the milestone shape
Text displayed when the mouse pointer is hovered over the milestone
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the milestone is clicked
Triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled over a milestone on a Gantt chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Id of the task to which the milestone belongs
Milestone date
Number of sides defined for the milestone shape
Radius of the milestone shape
Text displayed when the mouse pointer is hovered over the milestone
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the milestone is clicked
Triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled out from over a milestone on a Gantt chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Id of the task to which the milestone belongs
Milestone date
Number of sides defined for the milestone shape
Radius of the milestone shape
Text displayed when the mouse pointer is hovered over the milestone
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the milestone is clicked
Triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled over a data plot.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Chart ID
Index of the data plot, in the order of its definition in the source data
Index of the dataset that the data plot belongs to, in the order of its definition in the source data
Name of the dataset that the data plot belongs to
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the data plot is clicked
Text displayed when the mouse pointer is hovered over the data plot
Value assigned to the data plot that triggered this event
Value assigned to the data plot that triggered this event
x-axis label corresponding to the data plot that triggered this event
Formatted value (for decimal places, suffixes, and so on) displayed for the data plot that triggered this event
x-coordinate of the data plot
Applicable to the bubble chart and drag-node chart.
y-coordinate of the data plot
Applicable to the bubble chart and drag-node chart.
z-coordinate of the data plot
Applicable to the bubble chart.
Shape of the data plot
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
Width of the data plot
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
Height of the data plot
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
Radius of the data plot
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
Number of sides the data plot shape has
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
Label text of the data plot
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
Type of element that triggered the event
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
true if the pie/doughnut slice (in the pie/doughnut chart) was sliced before the event was triggered
Applicable to the pie and doughnut charts.
Triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled out from over a data plot.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Chart ID
Index of the data plot, in the order of its definition in the source data
Index of the dataset that the data plot belongs to, in the order of its definition in the source data
Name of the dataset that the data plot belongs to
URL, if configured, to which the user will be redirected
Text displayed when the mouse pointer is hovered over the data plot
Value assigned to the data plot that triggered this event
Value assigned to the data plot that triggered this event
x-axis label corresponding to the data plot that triggered this event
Formatted value (for decimal places, suffixes, and so on) displayed for the data plot that triggered this event
x-coordinate of the data plot
Applicable to the bubble chart and drag-node chart.
y-coordinate of the data plot
Applicable to the bubble chart and drag-node chart.
z-coordinate of the data plot
Applicable to the bubble chart.
Shape of the data plot
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
Width of the data plot
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
Height of the data plot
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
Radius of the data plot
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
Number of sides the data plot shape has
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
Label text of the data plot
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
Type of element that triggered the event
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
true if the pie/doughnut slice (in a pie/doughnut chart) was sliced before the event was triggered
Applicable to the pie and doughnut charts.
Triggered when a data plot is clicked.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the chart
x-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
y-coordinate of the pointer, relative to the page
Chart ID
Index of the data plot, in the order of its definition in the source data
Index of the dataset that the data plot belongs to, in the order of its definition in the source data
Name of the dataset that the data plot belongs to
URL to which the user will be redirected, if the data plot is clicked
Text displayed when the mouse pointer is hovered over the data plot
Value assigned to the data plot that triggered this event
Value assigned to the data plot that triggered this event
x-axis label corresponding to the data plot that triggered this event
Formatted value (for decimal places, suffixes, and so on) displayed for the data plot that triggered this event
x-coordinate of the data plot
Applicable to the bubble chart and drag-node chart.
y-coordinate of the data plot
Applicable to the bubble chart and drag-node chart.
z-coordinate of the data plot
Applicable to the bubble chart.
Shape of the data plot
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
Width of the data plot
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
Height of the data plot
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
Radius of the data plot
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
Number of sides the data plot shape has
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
Label text of the data plot
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
Type of element that triggered the event
Applicable to the drag-node chart.
true if the pie/doughnut slice (in a pie/doughnut chart) was sliced before the event was triggered
Applicable to the pie and doughnut charts.
Triggered when any chart element made clickable, by configuring a link, is clicked.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered when the user starts dragging the legend pointer of a gradient legend, in the heatmap chart and maps.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Index of the pointer dragged (0 for the starting pointer and 1 for the ending pointer)
Object containing the start and end value of the scale
Width, in pixels or percentage, of the pointer dragged
Height, in pixels or percentage, of the pointer dragged
Triggered when the user completes dragging the legend pointer of a gradient legend, in the heatmap chart and maps.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Index of the pointer dragged (0 for the starting pointer and 1 for the ending pointer)
Object containing the start and end value of the scale
Width, in pixels or percentage, of the pointer dragged
Height, in pixels or percentage, of the pointer dragged
Triggered when the range of a gradient legend, in the heat map chart and maps, is updated by dragging the legend pointers.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered when an alert, notifying the user that a real-time data value has crossed a pre-defined data threshold, is complete.
object is available only when the event is defined at chart level.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
//An Example of the JSON structure for alert
var my-chart-data = {
'chart': {
'palette': '4',
'lowerlimit': '-50',
'upperlimit': '10',
'numbersuffix': '° C'
'value': '-40',
'alerts': {
'alert': [
'minvalue': '5',
'maxvalue': '9',
'action': 'callJS',
'param': 'alert('Value between 5 and 9');'
'maxvalue': '10',
'action': 'showAnnotation',
'param': 'statusRed',
'occuronce': '0'
//Once this structure is defined for the chart data, the `addEventListener` can be used to
//listen to the `alertComplete` event .
//Creating a thermometer chart.
FusionCharts.addEventListener('ready', function () {
var chart = new FusionCharts({
id: 'thermometer'
type: 'thermometer',
renderAt: 'chart-container-div',
//The JSON as given above
dataSource: 'my-chart-data',
dataFormat: 'jsonurl'
//rendering the chart to the div.
//Listening to the alertComplete event
chart.addEventListener('alertcomplete', function(){
//Feeding data to trigger an alert.
//Refer to <a href='http://docs.fusioncharts.com/widgets/'>http://docs.fusioncharts.com/widgets/</a> for further infomation on alerts.
Triggered every time there is an error in updating chart data in real-time, using the dataStreamURL
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Source of the data load request, presently set to xmlHttpRequest
URL of the data source
Object that fetches the data
HTTP status number when the error was encountered. For example, the status number will be 404 for URL not found.
Triggered when the chart type is explicitly changed by calling the chartType() method on a chart.
This event is not fired when a chart is rendered using the static render() method or the chart type is set for the first time (the type is not provided to the constructor on the first render) using the chartType() method. If the chart type provided as the parameter to the chartType() method is the same as the current chart type, again, this event will not be triggered. Similarly, the event is not triggered if the new chart type is invalid.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered every time a zoom line chart is reset to its original values (when the zooming history is cleared).
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered every time a zoom line chart is zoomed out.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Zooming level. Starting at 1, the value increments as the user further zooms in for the same subset of data and decrements when the user zooms out.
Data index of the first item in the zoomed out view
Data label of the first item in the zoomed out view
Data index of the last item in the zoomed out view
Data label of the last item in the zoomed out view
Triggered every time a zoom line chart is zoomed in.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Zooming level. Starting at 1, the value increments as the user further zooms in for the same subset of data and decrements when the user zooms out.
Data index of the first item in the zoomed in view
Data label of the first item in the zoomed in view
Data index of the last item in the zoomed in view
Data label of the last item in the zoomed in view
Triggered every time a zoom line chart is zoomed in or zoomed out.
The zoomedOut event is triggered only when a chart is zoomed out. The zoomedIn event is triggered when a chart is zoomed in. The zoomed
event is fired for both instances.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Zooming level. Starting at 1, the value increments as the user further zooms in for the same subset of data and decrements when the user zooms out.
Data index of the starting item in the zoomed view
Data label of the starting item in the zoomed view
Data index of the starting item in the zoomed view
Data label of the ending item in the zoomed view
Triggered every time a zoom line chart switches between the pin mode and the zoom mode.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Active viewing mode of the zoom line chart. Set to true if the chart is in pin mode, set to false if the chart is in zoom mode.
Triggered in the pin mode of a zoom-line chart, when the user performs data selection to pin a range.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Data index of the first item in the zoomed in view of the pin mode
Data label of the first item in the zoomed in view of the pin mode
Data index of the last item in the zoomed in view of the pin mode
Data label of the last item in the zoomed in view of the pin mode
ready static event
This event is fired when the FusionCharts library is ready to be used. By the time this event is raised, the browser’s DOM
is ready to be interacted with, which corresponds to the DOMContentLoaded
event of browsers. In older browsers, where DOMContentLoaded
is not fired, the ready
event corresponds to the load
event of the page. In case the FusionCharts library is included in the page when the DOMContentLoaded
event is already fired (i.e. the script is loaded asyncronously using AJAX or by using script deferring methods) the ready
event is still fired to ensure integrity of all the listeners.
In many ways the nature of this event is similar to the jQuery(document).ready
function of the jQuery library and the Ext.onReady
function of the ExtJS library. One should interact with the FusionCharts framework (i.e. create new charts, set options, etc.) only after this event has been fired. This event also helps you to neatly write your code in separate script files and in the page <head>
thus keeping scripts from being a part of your page <body>
An alternate (and shorthand) method to subscribing the ready
event is to use the ready function. One advantage that the ready function has over the ready
event is that the event is fired only once during the life-cycle of a page while functions passed to the ready function are executed even when attached after the ready
event has been fired.
This is a framework level event and as such can be only listened via the FusionCharts object on the FusionCharts
class alone. It will not be fired if it is subscribed from individual chart instances.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
FusionCharts framework version returned in the form of an array, equivalent to the array version
Boolean attribute to indicate whether the event was triggered at the instant of the window.ondomcontentloaded
event (window.onload
for older browsers) or whether the window was already loaded and the event was fired to maintain integrity
<script type="text/javascript" src="/fusioncharts/js/fusioncharts.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Render a chart within a chart container `div` element.
FusionCharts.addEventListener('ready', function () {
var chart = new FusionCharts({
type: 'column2d',
renderAt: 'chart-container-div',
dataFormat: 'json',
dataSource: {
chart: {
caption: "Quarterly sales summary",
numberPrefix: "$"
data: [
{ label: "Q1", value: "213345"},
{ label: "Q2", value: "192672"},
{ label: "Q3", value: "201238"},
{ label: "Q4", value: "209881"},
// Since we are in the `ready` block, the `chart-container-div`
// element should be available by now.
<div id="chart-container-div">Chart loads here...</div>
beforeInitialize static event
This pre-initialization event is triggered every time a new instance of the FusionCharts object is created. It then triggers a number of modules that need to be setup on every instance of FusionCharts; the event can be used to perform any actions required to be completed before the initialization of each chart.
Because this event is triggered upon instantiating a new FusionCharts
object, it is virtually impossible to listen to this event by adding an event listener to the chart. By the time the event listener is attached (using the addEventListener() method), the event is already fired.
However, there are alternate ways that can be used to listen to this event. You can listen to the FusionCharts global events, using the addEventListener static method before even creating a new instance. (The required instance can be identified by the id
of the chart using eventObject.sender.id
.) You can also pass the event listener as a parameter of the FusionCharts constructor.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Type of chart rendered
Id of the HTML DOM element within which the chart is rendered
Chart width
Chart height
Type of data (json, jsonurl, xml, xmlurl) passed to the chart object
Object containing the source data for the chart
Object containing details of all events configured for the chart
// Listening using global events
FusionCharts.addEventListener('beforeInitialize', function (opts) {
// Prints id of the chart being rendered
console.log("Chart with id " + opts.sender.id + " is about to be initialized.");
// Pass event listener in the FusionCharts constructor
var mychart = new FusionCharts({
"type": "column2d",
"dataFormat": "json",
"dataSource": {
// Attach event handlers
"events": {
// Attach to beforeInitialize
"beforeInitialize": function () {
console.log("Initializing mychart...");
initialized static event
Triggered when a new instance of the FusionCharts constructor is created.
Initialization does not indicate that the chart has rendered; it only indicates that the JavaScript object instance (
new FusionCharts()
) is created and is ready to be operated upon.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Type of chart
Id of the HTML DOM element within which the chart is rendered
Chart width
Chart height
Type of data (json, jsonurl, xml, xmlurl) passed to the chart object
Object containing the source data for the chart
Object containing details of all events configured for the chart
// Listening using global events
FusionCharts.addEventListener('initialized', function (opts) {
// Prints id of the chart that has initialized
console.log("Chart with id " + opts.sender.id + " has been initialized.");
// Pass event listener in the FusionCharts constructor
var mychart = new FusionCharts({
"type": "column2d",
"dataFormat": "json",
"dataSource": {
// Attach event handlers
"events": {
// Attach to beforeInitialize
"initialized": function () {
console.log("Initialized mychart...");
Triggered just before a linked item in a LinkedChart is rendered, after the parent link is clicked. It is triggered before the instance of the drill-down chart is instantiated.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Level of the linked chart in to the parent chart (starts from 0)
Triggered when a linked chart is rendered, after the parent link is clicked.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered just before a linked chart is closed.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered when a linked chart is closed to go back to its parent chart.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
: {
Level of the linked chart in to the parent chart (starts from 0)
Used to notify the status of the print manager. Triggered when the print manager starts processing all charts to be printed and again when all charts are ready for managed printing.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
Triggered just before a linked chart is rendered (before the rendered event is triggered for the linked chart), after the parent link is clicked.
: {
Type (name) of the event triggered
Unique ID associated with the event. Internally, it is an incrementing counter that can also be used to verify the order in which the event was triggered.
Instance of the FusionCharts object that fired this event. Events that are fired by the framework (and not by individual charts) have the framework as this property.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether an event’s propagation was cancelled; set to true when eventObj.stopPropagation()
is called.
Function called from within a listener to prevent subsequent listeners from being executed.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether the default action of the event was prevented; set to true when eventObj.preventDefault()
is called.
Function to prevent the default action of an event. For example, if the eventObj.preventDefault()
function is called for the beforeResize event, the chart will not be resized and the resizeCancelled event will be triggered.
Boolean attribute that indicates whether a listener has been detached and will no longer be executed; set to true when eventObj.detachHandler() is called
Function to allow the listener to remove itself rather than being called externally by the removeEventListener() method. It is useful for one-time event listening or for special situations when the event is no longer required to be listened when it has been triggered with a specific condition.
- dataLoadRequestCompleted
- dataLoadError
- dataLoadCancelled
- dataLoadRequestCancelled
- dataUpdated
- dataUpdateCancelled
- dataLoadRequested
- beforeDataUpdate
- beforeRender
- renderCancelled
- beforeResize
- resized
- resizeCancelled
- beforeDispose
- disposed
- disposeCancelled
- chartClick
- chartMouseMove
- chartRollOver
- chartRollOut
- backgroundLoaded
- backgroundLoadError
- legendItemClicked
- legendItemRollover
- legendItemRollout
- logoRollover
- logoRollout
- logoClick
- logoLoaded
- logoLoadError
- beforeExport
- exported
- exportCancelled
- beforePrint
- printComplete
- printCancelled
- dataLabelClick
- dataLabelRollOver
- dataLabelRollOut
- scrollStart
- scrollEnd
- slicingStart
- slicingEnd
- rotationEnd
- rotationStart
- overlayButtonClick
- loaded
- rendered
- drawComplete
- renderComplete
- dataInvalid
- dataXMLInvalid
- dataLoaded
- noDataToDisplay
- realTimeUpdateComplete
- chartCleared
- dataRestored
- beforeDataSubmit
- dataSubmitError
- dataSubmitted
- dataSubmitCancelled
- chartUpdated
- nodeAdded
- nodeUpdated
- nodeDeleted
- connectorAdded
- connectorUpdated
- connectorDeleted
- labelAdded
- labelDeleted
- selectionRemoved
- selectionStart
- selectionEnd
- labelClick
- labelRollOver
- labelRollOut
- labelDragStart
- labelDragEnd
- dataplotDragStart
- dataplotDragEnd
- pageNavigated
- centerLabelRollover
- centerLabelRollout
- centerLabelClick
- centerLabelChanged
- entityRollOut
- entityRollOver
- entityClick
- connectorRollOver
- connectorRollOut
- connectorClick
- markerRollOver
- markerRollOut
- markerClick
- processClick
- processRollOver
- processRollOut
- categoryClick
- categoryRollOver
- categoryRollOut
- milestoneClick
- milestoneRollOver
- milestoneRollOut
- dataplotRollOver
- dataplotRollOut
- dataplotClick
- linkClicked
- legendPointerDragStart
- legendPointerDragStop
- legendRangeUpdated
- alertComplete
- realTimeUpdateError
- chartTypeChanged
- zoomReset
- zoomedOut
- zoomedIn
- zoomed
- zoomModeChanged
- pinned
- ready static
- beforeInitialize static
- initialized static
- beforeLinkedItemOpen
- linkedItemOpened
- beforeLinkedItemClose
- linkedItemClosed
- printReadyStateChange