Specification sheets


JavaScript Alias: maps/scotland

Map Name: Scotland Dimensions (Width x Height): 469x610

List of Entities

ID Short label Label
032 AC Aberdeen City
031 AB Aberdeenshire
029 AN Angus
005 AR Argyll and Bute
023 ED City of Edinburgh
026 CL Clackmannanshire
011 DG Dumfries and Galloway
028 DU Dundee City
010 EA East Ayrshire
019 DE East Dunbartonshire
025 EL East Lothian
017 ER East Renfrewshire
021 FA Falkirk
027 FI Fife
018 GC Glasgow City
004 HI Highland
015 IN Inverclyde
024 MI Midlothian
030 MO Moray
003 NE Na h-Eileanan Siar
008 NA North Ayrshire
020 NL North Lanarkshire
002 OR Orkney Islands
007 PE Perth and Kinross
016 RE Renfrewshire
012 SB Scottish Borders
001 SH Shetland Islands
009 SA South Ayrshire
013 SL South Lanarkshire
006 ST Stirling
014 WD West Dunbartonshire
022 WL West Lothian