Create Charts in ASP.Net using Database

FusionCharts.NET (BETA)

We have released FusionCharts.NET which brings the seamless support of FusionCharts JavaScript charting library to Microsoft .NET Framework. Download it now to take advantage of the following powerful features:

  • Provide raw data and FusionCharts.NET automatically converts the data into JSON.
  • Dynamically slice and dice data to derive insights using the data engine.
  • All methods and properties are available in Visual Studio intellisense.
  • ...and many more. Get it now. Click here!

In addition to directly specifying the chart data (or the URL for the file in which the chart data is stored) directly in the JSON/XML code, you can also fetch data for the chart from a database.

This section showcases how you can do this using the FusionCharts ASP.NET wrapper to create a multi-series line chart by fetching data from a database.

Although you can create all FusionCharts chart types using this method, in this section we will focus on only this one example these two examples.

Before you begin, make sure that you have copied the FusionCharts.dll file in the Bin folder of your web application.

Creating a Multi-series Line Chart

A multi-series line chart that shows the factory output by quantity for three factories is shown below:

FusionCharts will load here..

Assume that you have a factoryDB database with the factory_output table that shows the number of units produced by three factories daily, from January 1, 2003 to January 20, 2003. In this example, you will be shown how you can use the FusionCharts ASP.NET wrapper and fetch data from this database to create the above multi-series line chart.

The data structure that goes into the ../DBExample/MSCharts.aspx file is given below:

    <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="MSCharts.aspx.cs" Inherits="DBExample_MSCharts" %>

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
            <title>FusionCharts - Simple</title>
            <!-- FusionCharts script tag -->
            <script type="text/javascript" src="../fusioncharts/fusioncharts.js"></script>
            <!-- End -->
          <div style="text-align:center">
              <asp:Literal ID="Literal1" runat="server"></asp:Literal>

    <%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="index.aspx.vb" Inherits="Samples_DBExample_index" %>

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html xmlns="">
    <head runat="server">
        <title>FusionCharts with Database</title>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../fusioncharts/fusioncharts.js"></script>
        <!-- End --> 
      Fusioncharts will render below
      <div style="text-align:center">
          <asp:Literal ID="Literal1" runat="server"></asp:Literal>
</div> </body> </html>

The data structure that goes into the code behind ../DBExample/MSCharts.aspx.cs file is given below:

  using System;
  using System.Collections;
  using System.Configuration;
  using System.Data;
  using System.Web;
  using System.Web.Security;
  using System.Web.UI;
  using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
  using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
  using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;

  // Use the FusionCharts.Charts namespace to be able to use classes and methods required to // create charts.
  using FusionCharts.Charts;

  using System.Text;
  using System.Data.Odbc;
  using DataConnection;
  using System.Data.OleDb;

  public partial class DBExample_MSCharts: System.Web.UI.Page {
      protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

          // Create the xmlData StringBuilder object to store the data fetched
          //from the database as a string.
          StringBuilder xmlData = new StringBuilder();

          // Initialize the chart-level attributes and append them to the
          //xmlData StringBuilder object.

          xmlData.Append("<chart caption='Factory Output report' subCaption='By Quantity' showBorder='1' formatNumberScale='0' rotatelabels='1' showvalues='0'>");

          // Initialize the &lt;categories&gt; element.

          // Every date between January 01, 2003 and January 20, 2003 is entered thrice
          // in the datepro field in the FactoryDB database.

          // The dates will be shown as category labels on the x-axis of the chart.

          // Because we need to show each date only once, use the select query
          // with the distinct keyword to fetch only one instance of each date from the database.

          // Store the output of the select query in the factoryQuery string variable.

          string factoryQuery = "select distinct format(datepro,'dd/mm/yyyy') as dd from factory_output";

          // Establish the database connection.
          DbConn oRs = new DbConn(factoryQuery);

          // Iterate through the data in the factoryQuery variable and add the dates as

          // labels to the &lt;category&gt; element.

          // Append this data to the xmlData object.
          while (oRs.ReadData.Read()) {
              xmlData.AppendFormat("<category label='{0}'/>", oRs.ReadData["dd"].ToString());

          //Close the database connection.

          //Close the &lt;catgories&gt; element.

          //Fetch all details for the three factories from the Factory_Master table
          // and store the result in the factoryquery2 variable.

          string factoryquery2 = "select * from factory_master";

          //Establish the database connection..
          DbConn oRs1 = new DbConn(factoryquery2);

          // Iterate through the results in the factoryquery2 variable to fetch the
          // factory name and factory id.

          while (oRs1.ReadData.Read()) {
              // Append the factory name as the value for the seriesName attribute.
              xmlData.AppendFormat("<dataset seriesName='{0}'>", oRs1.ReadData["factoryname"].ToString());

              // Based on the factory id, fetch the quantity produced by each factory on each day
              // from the factory_output table.

              // Store the results in the factoryquery3 string object.

              string factoryquery3 = "select quantity from factory_output where factoryid=" + oRs1.ReadData["factoryid"].ToString();

              //Establish the database connection.
              DbConn oRs2 = new DbConn(factoryquery3);

              // Iterate through the results in the factoryquery3 object and fetch the quantity details
              // for each factory.

              // Append the quantity details as the the value for the &lt;set&gt; element.

              while (oRs2.ReadData.Read()) {
                  xmlData.AppendFormat("<set value='{0}'/>", oRs2.ReadData[0].ToString());

              // Close the database connection.

              // Close the &lt;dataset&gt; element.

          // Close the database connection.

          // Close the &lt;chart&gt; element.

          // Initialize the chart.
          Chart factoryOutput = new Chart("msline", "myChart", "600", "350", "xml", xmlData.ToString());

          // Render the chart.
          Literal1.Text = factoryOutput.Render();

    Imports System.Collections
    Imports System.Configuration
    Imports System.Data
    Imports System.Web
    Imports System.Web.Security
    Imports System.Web.UI
    Imports System.Web.UI.HtmlControls
    Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
    Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts

    ' Use the FusionCharts.Charts namespace to be able to use classes and methods required to // create charts.
    Imports FusionCharts.Charts

    Imports System.Text
    Imports System.Data.Odbc
    Imports DataConnection
    Imports System.Data.OleDb

    Public Partial Class DBExample_MSCharts
      Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
      Private Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)  Handles MyBase.Load

        ' Create the xmlData StringBuilder object to store the data fetched
        'from the database as a string.
        Dim xmlData As New StringBuilder()

        ' Initialize the chart-level attributes and append them to the
        'xmlData StringBuilder object.

        xmlData.Append("<chart caption='Factory Output report' subCaption='By Quantity' showBorder='1' formatNumberScale='0' rotatelabels='1' showvalues='0'>")

        ' Initialize the &lt;categories&gt; element.

        ' Every date between January 01, 2003 and January 20, 2003 is entered thrice
        ' in the datepro field in the FactoryDB database.

        ' The dates will be shown as category labels on the x-axis of the chart.

        ' Because we need to show each date only once, use the select query
        ' with the distinct keyword to fetch only one instance of each date from the database.

        ' Store the output of the select query in the factoryQuery string variable.

        Dim factoryQuery As String = "select distinct format(datepro,'dd/mm/yyyy') as dd from factory_output"

        ' Establish the database connection.
        Dim oRs As New DbConn(factoryQuery)

        ' Iterate through the data in the factoryQuery variable and add the dates as

        ' labels to the &lt;category&gt; element.

        ' Append this data to the xmlData object.
        While oRs.ReadData.Read()
          xmlData.AppendFormat("<category label='{0}'/>", oRs.ReadData("dd").ToString())
        End While

        'Close the database connection.

        'Close the &lt;catgories&gt; element.

        'Fetch all details for the three factories from the Factory_Master table
        ' and store the result in the factoryquery2 variable.

        Dim factoryquery2 As String = "select * from factory_master"

        'Establish the database connection..
        Dim oRs1 As New DbConn(factoryquery2)

        ' Iterate through the results in the factoryquery2 variable to fetch the
        ' factory name and factory id.

        While oRs1.ReadData.Read()
          ' Append the factory name as the value for the seriesName attribute.
          xmlData.AppendFormat("<dataset seriesName='{0}'>", oRs1.ReadData("factoryname").ToString())

          ' Based on the factory id, fetch the quantity produced by each factory on each day
          ' from the factory_output table.

          ' Store the results in the factoryquery3 string object.

          Dim factoryquery3 As String = "select quantity from factory_output where factoryid=" + oRs1.ReadData("factoryid").ToString()

          'Establish the database connection.
          Dim oRs2 As New DbConn(factoryquery3)

          ' Iterate through the results in the factoryquery3 object and fetch the quantity details
          ' for each factory.

          ' Append the quantity details as the the value for the &lt;set&gt; element.

          While oRs2.ReadData.Read()
            xmlData.AppendFormat("<set value='{0}'/>", oRs2.ReadData(0).ToString())
          End While

          ' Close the database connection.

          ' Close the &lt;dataset&gt; element.
        End While

        ' Close the database connection.

        ' Close the &lt;chart&gt; element.

        ' Initialize the chart.
        Dim factoryOutput As New Chart("msline", "myChart", "600", "350", "xml", xmlData.ToString())

        ' Render the chart.
        Literal1.Text = factoryOutput.Render()
      End Sub
    End Class