Ruby on Rails

FusionCharts Suite XT includes the Ruby on Rails wrapper that lets you create interactive, data-driven charts.


Download FusionCharts Ruby on Rails Wrapper from here .


To install the Rails wrapper:

  • Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'fusioncharts-rails'

RubyGems contain package information along with the files to install. To read more on gems, click here .

  • On the command line prompt, execute the following command:
$ bundle

This command will automatically install the fusioncharts-rails gem.

You can also install the gem directly from the command line prompt, without making any edits to the Gemfile.

To do this, use the code line given below:

$ gem install fusioncharts-rails

Ensure that the config.assets.debug flag in the development.rb file (config/environments/development.rb) is enabled (set to true)

Now, you are ready to prepare the chart using our Ruby on Rails wrapper.

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