Install FusionExport Server

FusionExport server accepts export requests from FusionExport CLI, SDK clients, and browsers.

You can download FusionExport for your operating system from the following links:

Windows MAC OS LINUX Docker
Download Link Download Link Download Link Download Link


Mac OS X and Linux

Unzip the package and run fusionexport file. In MacOS or Linux based distribution, open the terminal and run the following commands:

$ chmod +x ./fusionexport
$ ./fusionexport -H -P 8080

FusionExport will run mostly on all the Linux distributions. In case you are unable to run it, use our docker image or reach out to our support team .


If you have a Windows machine then follow the given instructions for Powershell and Command Prompt respectively:


$ .\fusionexport.bat -H -P 8080

Command Prompt

$ start fusionexport.bat -H -P 8080

The above command starts the FusionExport server on port number 8080. For more help just pass -h option:

$ ./fusionexport -h


Run the following command in your favorite terminal to start the server in docker container:

$ docker-compose up

The above command will complete all the dependencies missing for FusionExport Server. It will also include MySQL and RabbitMQ.

In order to use FusionExport Server, you have to either use Fusion Export Server SDKs in your application or use FusionExport CLI.

What's next?

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