Manipulate the output filename

Output filenames can be dynamically generated using the --output-file-definition option. This option takes a JavaScript file as an input, which can contain multiple function definitions, as shown below:

    module.exports = {
        captionIndexStr: (chartConfig, index, chartConfigList) => {
            const caption = chartConfig.dataSource.chart.caption;
            return ${caption}__${index};

The captionIndexStr function receives three parameters from the FusionExport CLI system that can be used to generate filenames dynamically. The return value of the function will be used as the name of the output file. --output-file-definition option also accepts array inputs that will be iterated to create the filenames dynamically.

    module.exports = {
        dates: [

FusionExport CLI provides two system-defined functions that can be used to generate the filenames dynamically.

  • number(start, end, step): Increments a number from start to end with the step (interval) as mentioned. Note that end and step are optional parameters.
  • timestamp(): Provides the current time in milliseconds

To create the final output filename, the --output-file option should be used. This option accepts the filename template string as shown below:

The output filename template string uses the EJS templating engine.

    path/to/export--<%= number(1, 100) %>
    output filename: path/to/export--1.png

    path/to/export--<%= captionIndexStr() %>-<%= timestamp() %>
    output filename: path/to/export--Some Caption__1-23423438788.png

    path/to/export--<%= dates %>
    output filename: path/to/export--17-11-2017_fc_1.png
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