
Beginner's Guide

Charts / Gauges / Maps Guide

Customizing Charts


Integrating With Your Stack



Zero plane is a plane separating the positive and negative numbers on the y-axis of a chart; it is rendered by default in a chart that plots both negative and positive values.

The zero plane appears in the column, line, scatter, bubble and the area charts. Additionally, scatter chart and bubble chart also support vertical zero plane on the x-axis.

This article talks about:

  • Customizing the zero plane in a 2D and 3D chart

  • Configuring the vertical zero plane in the Scatter and Bubble Charts

  • Showing/hiding the zero plane values, and

  • Showing/hiding the zero plane

Customizing the Zero Plane in a 2D and 3D chart

Zero Plane in a 2D chart

A column 2D chart with customized zero plane looks like this:

FusionCharts will load here..

Given below are the attributes used to customize the zero plane in a 2D chart:

Attribute Description


If specifies the hex code for the color that will be used to render zero plane. e.g. #00ffaa.


Sets the thickness of zero plane(in pixels).


Sets the transparency of zero plane. Can take values from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque).

The data structure used, in the example above, to customize the zero plane of a 2D chart is shown below:

{ "chart": { "caption": "Website Visitors WoW Growth", "subcaption": "Last 10 weeks", "xAxisName": "Week", "yAxisName": "Growth", "numberSuffix": "%", "theme": "fint", "showValues": "0", "showZeroPlane": "1", "zeroPlaneColor": "#003366", "zeroPlaneAlpha": "100", "zeroPlaneThickness": "3", "divLineDashed": "0", "divLineAlpha": "40" }, "data": [ { "label": "Week 1", "value": "14.5" }, { "label": "Week 2", "value": "-6.5" }, { "label": "Week 3", "value": "9.8" }, { "label": "Week 4", "value": "9.2" }, { "label": "Week 5", "value": "-7.45" }, { "label": "Week 6", "value": "-3.19" }, { "label": "Week 7", "value": "-11.78" }, { "label": "Week 8", "value": "3.32" }, { "label": "Week 9", "value": "8.57" }, { "label": "Week 10", "value": "16.95" } ] }
    "chart": {
        "caption": "Website Visitors WoW Growth",
        "subcaption": "Last 10 weeks",
        "xAxisName": "Week",
        "yAxisName": "Growth",
        "numberSuffix": "%",
        "theme": "fint",
        "showValues": "0",
        "showZeroPlane": "1",
        "zeroPlaneColor": "#003366",
        "zeroPlaneAlpha": "100",
        "zeroPlaneThickness": "3",
        "divLineDashed": "0",
        "divLineAlpha": "40"
    "data": [
            "label": "Week 1",
            "value": "14.5"
            "label": "Week 2",
            "value": "-6.5"
            "label": "Week 3",
            "value": "9.8"
            "label": "Week 4",
            "value": "9.2"
            "label": "Week 5",
            "value": "-7.45"
            "label": "Week 6",
            "value": "-3.19"
            "label": "Week 7",
            "value": "-11.78"
            "label": "Week 8",
            "value": "3.32"
            "label": "Week 9",
            "value": "8.57"
            "label": "Week 10",
            "value": "16.95"

Zero Plane in a 3D chart

A column 3D chart with a customized zero plane looks like this:

FusionCharts will load here..

Given below are the attributes used to customize the zero plane in a 3D chart:

Attribute Description


If specifies the hex code for the color that will be used to render zero plane. e.g. #00ffaa.


Sets the transparency of zero plane. Can take values from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque).


Set this to 1 to show the border of zero plane and 0 to hide it.


It specifies the hex code of the color that will be used to render the border of the zero plane e.g. #00ffaa.

The data structure used, in the example above, to customize the zero plane of a 3D chart is given below:

{ "chart": { "caption": "Website Visitors WoW Growth", "subcaption": "Last 10 weeks", "xAxisName": "Week", "yAxisName": "Growth", "numberSuffix": "%", "theme": "fint", "showValues": "0", "showZeroPlane": "1", "zeroPlaneColor": "#99ccff", "zeroPlaneAlpha": "100", "zeroPlaneThickness": "3", "divLineDashed": "0", "divLineAlpha": "40" }, "data": [ { "label": "Week 1", "value": "14.5" }, { "label": "Week 2", "value": "-6.5" }, { "label": "Week 3", "value": "9.8" }, { "label": "Week 4", "value": "9.2" }, { "label": "Week 5", "value": "-7.45" }, { "label": "Week 6", "value": "-3.19" }, { "label": "Week 7", "value": "-11.78" }, { "label": "Week 8", "value": "3.32" }, { "label": "Week 9", "value": "8.57" }, { "label": "Week 10", "value": "16.95" } ] }
    "chart": {
        "caption": "Website Visitors WoW Growth",
        "subcaption": "Last 10 weeks",
        "xAxisName": "Week",
        "yAxisName": "Growth",
        "numberSuffix": "%",
        "theme": "fint",
        "showValues": "0",
        "showZeroPlane": "1",
        "zeroPlaneColor": "#99ccff",
        "zeroPlaneAlpha": "100",
        "zeroPlaneThickness": "3",
        "divLineDashed": "0",
        "divLineAlpha": "40"
    "data": [
            "label": "Week 1",
            "value": "14.5"
            "label": "Week 2",
            "value": "-6.5"
            "label": "Week 3",
            "value": "9.8"
            "label": "Week 4",
            "value": "9.2"
            "label": "Week 5",
            "value": "-7.45"
            "label": "Week 6",
            "value": "-3.19"
            "label": "Week 7",
            "value": "-11.78"
            "label": "Week 8",
            "value": "3.32"
            "label": "Week 9",
            "value": "8.57"
            "label": "Week 10",
            "value": "16.95"

Configuring the vertical zero plane in the Scatter and Bubble Charts

Zero Plane is the line/plane that appears at zero x-position on canvas, when negative data is being shown on the chart. You can configure vertical zero planes for scatter and bubble charts.

A scatter chart with customized vertical zero plane looks as below:

FusionCharts will load here..

Given below are the attributes used to render and customize the vertical zero plane:

Attribute Description


Set this to 1 to show vertical zero plane and 0 to hide it.


It specifies the hex code for the color that will be used to render the vertical zero plane e.g. #00ffaa.


Sets the thickness of the vertical zero plane(in pixels).


Sets the transparency of vertical zero plane. Can take values from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque).

The data structure used, in the example above, to customize the vertical zero plane in a scatter chart is given below:

{ "chart": { "caption": "Old Stock Clearance", "subcaption": "Price Vs Profit", "yaxisname": "Price (In USD)", "xaxisname": "Profit (In %)", "xaxismaxvalue": "40", "xaxisminvalue": "-20", "yaxismaxvalue": "1000", "xnumbersuffix": "%", "ynumberprefix": "$", "showVZeroPlane": "1", "vZeroPlaneColor": "#cc3300", "vZeroPlaneThickness": "3", "vZeroPlaneAlpha": "90", "theme": "fint" }, "dataset": [ { "drawline": "0", "seriesname": "Televisions", "color": "#6baa01", "anchorsides": "3", "anchorradius": "4", "anchorbgcolor": "#6baa01", "anchorbordercolor": "#6baa01", "data": [ { "id": "TV_1", "x": "-9.89", "y": "642" }, { "id": "TV_2", "x": "21.59", "y": "947" }, { "id": "TV_3", "x": "-8.8", "y": "433" }, { "id": "TV_4", "x": "-10.88", "y": "750" }, { "id": "TV_5", "x": "5.43", "y": "593" }, { "id": "TV_6", "x": "23.76", "y": "426" }, { "id": "TV_7", "x": "17.74", "y": "575" }, { "id": "TV_8", "x": "8.71", "y": "962" }, { "id": "TV_9", "x": "-1.56", "y": "205" }, { "id": "TV_10", "x": "16.42", "y": "937" }, { "id": "TV_11", "x": "10.42", "y": "689" }, { "id": "TV_12", "x": "-1.19", "y": "425" }, { "id": "TV_13", "x": "-12.58", "y": "804" }, { "id": "TV_14", "x": "25.49", "y": "700" }, { "id": "TV_15", "x": "24.27", "y": "302" }, { "id": "TV_16", "x": "19.07", "y": "276" }, { "id": "TV_17", "x": "16.16", "y": "913" }, { "id": "TV_18", "x": "4.37", "y": "744" }, { "id": "TV_19", "x": "-2.15", "y": "939" }, { "id": "TV_20", "x": "15.67", "y": "569" }, { "id": "TV_21", "x": "10.94", "y": "257" }, { "id": "TV_22", "x": "24.97", "y": "893" }, { "id": "TV_23", "x": "28.15", "y": "523" }, { "id": "TV_24", "x": "-1.76", "y": "930" }, { "id": "TV_25", "x": "11.53", "y": "564" }, { "id": "TV_26", "x": "-3.31", "y": "571" }, { "id": "TV_27", "x": "9.73", "y": "582" }, { "id": "TV_28", "x": "4.96", "y": "582" }, { "id": "TV_29", "x": "-7.77", "y": "756" }, { "id": "TV_30", "x": "-11.56", "y": "404" } ] }, { "seriesname": "Cell Phones", "color": "#f8bd19", "anchorsides": "4", "anchorradius": "4", "anchorbgcolor": "#f8bd19", "anchorbordercolor": "#f8bd19", "data": [ { "id": "Mob_1", "x": "-2.79", "y": "681" }, { "id": "Mob_2", "x": "0.74", "y": "214" }, { "id": "Mob_3", "x": "16.82", "y": "215" }, { "id": "Mob_4", "x": "-13.31", "y": "530" }, { "id": "Mob_5", "x": "17.96", "y": "973" }, { "id": "Mob_6", "x": "12.92", "y": "217" }, { "id": "Mob_7", "x": "1.35", "y": "369" }, { "id": "Mob_8", "x": "28.21", "y": "304" }, { "id": "Mob_9", "x": "17.95", "y": "495" }, { "id": "Mob_10", "x": "26.99", "y": "795" }, { "id": "Mob_11", "x": "-7.85", "y": "315" }, { "id": "Mob_12", "x": "10.46", "y": "866" }, { "id": "Mob_13", "x": "20.09", "y": "671" }, { "id": "Mob_14", "x": "4.99", "y": "670" }, { "id": "Mob_15", "x": "3.88", "y": "479" }, { "id": "Mob_16", "x": "19.22", "y": "737" }, { "id": "Mob_17", "x": "29.81", "y": "928" }, { "id": "Mob_18", "x": "20.44", "y": "569" }, { "id": "Mob_19", "x": "22.67", "y": "885" }, { "id": "Mob_20", "x": "28.76", "y": "444" }, { "id": "Mob_21", "x": "22.98", "y": "288" }, { "id": "Mob_22", "x": "-7.61", "y": "817" }, { "id": "Mob_23", "x": "17.2", "y": "357" }, { "id": "Mob_24", "x": "-12.12", "y": "913" }, { "id": "Mob_25", "x": "-0.98", "y": "579" }, { "id": "Mob_26", "x": "-5.64", "y": "537" }, { "id": "Mob_27", "x": "23.62", "y": "522" }, { "id": "Mob_28", "x": "6.84", "y": "267" }, { "id": "Mob_29", "x": "-12.15", "y": "825" }, { "id": "Mob_30", "x": "-11.62", "y": "857" }, { "id": "Mob_31", "x": "9.58", "y": "204" }, { "id": "Mob_32", "x": "-11.57", "y": "232" }, { "id": "Mob_33", "x": "-14.13", "y": "450" }, { "id": "Mob_34", "x": "5.99", "y": "900" }, { "id": "Mob_35", "x": "9.24", "y": "228" } ] } ] }
    "chart": {
        "caption": "Old Stock Clearance",
        "subcaption": "Price Vs Profit",
        "yaxisname": "Price (In USD)",
        "xaxisname": "Profit (In %)",
        "xaxismaxvalue": "40",
        "xaxisminvalue": "-20",
        "yaxismaxvalue": "1000",
        "xnumbersuffix": "%",
        "ynumberprefix": "$",
        "showVZeroPlane": "1",
        "vZeroPlaneColor": "#cc3300",
        "vZeroPlaneThickness": "3",
        "vZeroPlaneAlpha": "90",
        "theme": "fint"
    "dataset": [
            "drawline": "0",
            "seriesname": "Televisions",
            "color": "#6baa01",
            "anchorsides": "3",
            "anchorradius": "4",
            "anchorbgcolor": "#6baa01",
            "anchorbordercolor": "#6baa01",
            "data": [
                    "id": "TV_1",
                    "x": "-9.89",
                    "y": "642"
                    "id": "TV_2",
                    "x": "21.59",
                    "y": "947"
                    "id": "TV_3",
                    "x": "-8.8",
                    "y": "433"
                    "id": "TV_4",
                    "x": "-10.88",
                    "y": "750"
                    "id": "TV_5",
                    "x": "5.43",
                    "y": "593"
                    "id": "TV_6",
                    "x": "23.76",
                    "y": "426"
                    "id": "TV_7",
                    "x": "17.74",
                    "y": "575"
                    "id": "TV_8",
                    "x": "8.71",
                    "y": "962"
                    "id": "TV_9",
                    "x": "-1.56",
                    "y": "205"
                    "id": "TV_10",
                    "x": "16.42",
                    "y": "937"
                    "id": "TV_11",
                    "x": "10.42",
                    "y": "689"
                    "id": "TV_12",
                    "x": "-1.19",
                    "y": "425"
                    "id": "TV_13",
                    "x": "-12.58",
                    "y": "804"
                    "id": "TV_14",
                    "x": "25.49",
                    "y": "700"
                    "id": "TV_15",
                    "x": "24.27",
                    "y": "302"
                    "id": "TV_16",
                    "x": "19.07",
                    "y": "276"
                    "id": "TV_17",
                    "x": "16.16",
                    "y": "913"
                    "id": "TV_18",
                    "x": "4.37",
                    "y": "744"
                    "id": "TV_19",
                    "x": "-2.15",
                    "y": "939"
                    "id": "TV_20",
                    "x": "15.67",
                    "y": "569"
                    "id": "TV_21",
                    "x": "10.94",
                    "y": "257"
                    "id": "TV_22",
                    "x": "24.97",
                    "y": "893"
                    "id": "TV_23",
                    "x": "28.15",
                    "y": "523"
                    "id": "TV_24",
                    "x": "-1.76",
                    "y": "930"
                    "id": "TV_25",
                    "x": "11.53",
                    "y": "564"
                    "id": "TV_26",
                    "x": "-3.31",
                    "y": "571"
                    "id": "TV_27",
                    "x": "9.73",
                    "y": "582"
                    "id": "TV_28",
                    "x": "4.96",
                    "y": "582"
                    "id": "TV_29",
                    "x": "-7.77",
                    "y": "756"
                    "id": "TV_30",
                    "x": "-11.56",
                    "y": "404"
            "seriesname": "Cell Phones",
            "color": "#f8bd19",
            "anchorsides": "4",
            "anchorradius": "4",
            "anchorbgcolor": "#f8bd19",
            "anchorbordercolor": "#f8bd19",
            "data": [
                    "id": "Mob_1",
                    "x": "-2.79",
                    "y": "681"
                    "id": "Mob_2",
                    "x": "0.74",
                    "y": "214"
                    "id": "Mob_3",
                    "x": "16.82",
                    "y": "215"
                    "id": "Mob_4",
                    "x": "-13.31",
                    "y": "530"
                    "id": "Mob_5",
                    "x": "17.96",
                    "y": "973"
                    "id": "Mob_6",
                    "x": "12.92",
                    "y": "217"
                    "id": "Mob_7",
                    "x": "1.35",
                    "y": "369"
                    "id": "Mob_8",
                    "x": "28.21",
                    "y": "304"
                    "id": "Mob_9",
                    "x": "17.95",
                    "y": "495"
                    "id": "Mob_10",
                    "x": "26.99",
                    "y": "795"
                    "id": "Mob_11",
                    "x": "-7.85",
                    "y": "315"
                    "id": "Mob_12",
                    "x": "10.46",
                    "y": "866"
                    "id": "Mob_13",
                    "x": "20.09",
                    "y": "671"
                    "id": "Mob_14",
                    "x": "4.99",
                    "y": "670"
                    "id": "Mob_15",
                    "x": "3.88",
                    "y": "479"
                    "id": "Mob_16",
                    "x": "19.22",
                    "y": "737"
                    "id": "Mob_17",
                    "x": "29.81",
                    "y": "928"
                    "id": "Mob_18",
                    "x": "20.44",
                    "y": "569"
                    "id": "Mob_19",
                    "x": "22.67",
                    "y": "885"
                    "id": "Mob_20",
                    "x": "28.76",
                    "y": "444"
                    "id": "Mob_21",
                    "x": "22.98",
                    "y": "288"
                    "id": "Mob_22",
                    "x": "-7.61",
                    "y": "817"
                    "id": "Mob_23",
                    "x": "17.2",
                    "y": "357"
                    "id": "Mob_24",
                    "x": "-12.12",
                    "y": "913"
                    "id": "Mob_25",
                    "x": "-0.98",
                    "y": "579"
                    "id": "Mob_26",
                    "x": "-5.64",
                    "y": "537"
                    "id": "Mob_27",
                    "x": "23.62",
                    "y": "522"
                    "id": "Mob_28",
                    "x": "6.84",
                    "y": "267"
                    "id": "Mob_29",
                    "x": "-12.15",
                    "y": "825"
                    "id": "Mob_30",
                    "x": "-11.62",
                    "y": "857"
                    "id": "Mob_31",
                    "x": "9.58",
                    "y": "204"
                    "id": "Mob_32",
                    "x": "-11.57",
                    "y": "232"
                    "id": "Mob_33",
                    "x": "-14.13",
                    "y": "450"
                    "id": "Mob_34",
                    "x": "5.99",
                    "y": "900"
                    "id": "Mob_35",
                    "x": "9.24",
                    "y": "228"

Showing/hiding the zero plane value

FusionCharts Suite XT allows you to show or hide the data value (‘0’) where the zero plane exists on the y-axis. A column 2D chart with the zero plane value hidden is shown below:

FusionCharts will load here..

Given below is the attribute used to hide the zero plane value:

Attribute Description


Set this to 1 to show zero plane value and 0 to hide it.

The data structure used, in the example above, to hide the zero plane value is given below:

{ "chart": { "caption": "Website Visitors Growth", "subcaption": "Last 10 weeks", "xAxisName": "Week", "yAxisName": "Growth", "numberSuffix": "%", "theme": "fint", "showValues": "0", "showZeroPlane": "1", "zeroPlaneColor": "#003366", "zeroPlaneAlpha": "100", "zeroPlaneThickness": "3", "divLineDashed": "0", "divLineAlpha": "40", "showZeroPlaneValue": "0" }, "data": [ { "label": "Week 1", "value": "14.5" }, { "label": "Week 2", "value": "-6.5" }, { "label": "Week 3", "value": "9.8" }, { "label": "Week 4", "value": "9.2" }, { "label": "Week 5", "value": "-7.45" }, { "label": "Week 6", "value": "-3.19" }, { "label": "Week 7", "value": "-11.78" }, { "label": "Week 8", "value": "3.32" }, { "label": "Week 9", "value": "8.57" }, { "label": "Week 10", "value": "16.95" } ] }
    "chart": {
        "caption": "Website Visitors Growth",
        "subcaption": "Last 10 weeks",
        "xAxisName": "Week",
        "yAxisName": "Growth",
        "numberSuffix": "%",
        "theme": "fint",
        "showValues": "0",
        "showZeroPlane": "1",
        "zeroPlaneColor": "#003366",
        "zeroPlaneAlpha": "100",
        "zeroPlaneThickness": "3",
        "divLineDashed": "0",
        "divLineAlpha": "40",
        "showZeroPlaneValue": "0"
    "data": [
            "label": "Week 1",
            "value": "14.5"
            "label": "Week 2",
            "value": "-6.5"
            "label": "Week 3",
            "value": "9.8"
            "label": "Week 4",
            "value": "9.2"
            "label": "Week 5",
            "value": "-7.45"
            "label": "Week 6",
            "value": "-3.19"
            "label": "Week 7",
            "value": "-11.78"
            "label": "Week 8",
            "value": "3.32"
            "label": "Week 9",
            "value": "8.57"
            "label": "Week 10",
            "value": "16.95"

In dual y-axis charts, showPZeroPlaneValue attribute of the chart object is used to show/hide the zero plane value for the primary y-axis and showSZeroPlaneValue is used to show/hide the zero plane value for the secondary y-axis.

Showing/hiding the zero plane

Zero plane can be removed in the line, scatter and bubble charts but not in the column and area charts because they use it as their base to draw. A scatter chart with the vertical zero plane hidden is shown below:

FusionCharts will load here..

Given below are the attributes used to show or hide the zero plane:

Attribute Description


Set this to 1 to show horizontal zero plane and 0 to hide it.


Set this to 1 to show vertical zero plane and 0 to hide it.

The data structure used, in the example above, to show/hide zero plane in a scatter chart is given below:

{ "chart": { "caption": "Old Stock Clearance", "subcaption": "Price Vs Profit", "yaxisname": "Price (In USD)", "xaxisname": "Profit (In %)", "xaxismaxvalue": "40", "xaxisminvalue": "-20", "yaxismaxvalue": "1000", "xnumbersuffix": "%", "ynumberprefix": "$", "showVZeroPlane": "0", "vZeroPlaneColor": "#cc3300", "vZeroPlaneThickness": "3", "vZeroPlaneAlpha": "90", "theme": "fint" }, "dataset": [ { "drawline": "0", "seriesname": "Televisions", "color": "#6baa01", "anchorsides": "3", "anchorradius": "4", "anchorbgcolor": "#6baa01", "anchorbordercolor": "#6baa01", "data": [ { "id": "TV_1", "x": "-9.89", "y": "642" }, { "id": "TV_2", "x": "21.59", "y": "947" }, { "id": "TV_3", "x": "-8.8", "y": "433" }, { "id": "TV_4", "x": "-10.88", "y": "750" }, { "id": "TV_5", "x": "5.43", "y": "593" }, { "id": "TV_6", "x": "23.76", "y": "426" }, { "id": "TV_7", "x": "17.74", "y": "575" }, { "id": "TV_8", "x": "8.71", "y": "962" }, { "id": "TV_9", "x": "-1.56", "y": "205" }, { "id": "TV_10", "x": "16.42", "y": "937" }, { "id": "TV_11", "x": "10.42", "y": "689" }, { "id": "TV_12", "x": "-1.19", "y": "425" }, { "id": "TV_13", "x": "-12.58", "y": "804" }, { "id": "TV_14", "x": "25.49", "y": "700" }, { "id": "TV_15", "x": "24.27", "y": "302" }, { "id": "TV_16", "x": "19.07", "y": "276" }, { "id": "TV_17", "x": "16.16", "y": "913" }, { "id": "TV_18", "x": "4.37", "y": "744" }, { "id": "TV_19", "x": "-2.15", "y": "939" }, { "id": "TV_20", "x": "15.67", "y": "569" }, { "id": "TV_21", "x": "10.94", "y": "257" }, { "id": "TV_22", "x": "24.97", "y": "893" }, { "id": "TV_23", "x": "28.15", "y": "523" }, { "id": "TV_24", "x": "-1.76", "y": "930" }, { "id": "TV_25", "x": "11.53", "y": "564" }, { "id": "TV_26", "x": "-3.31", "y": "571" }, { "id": "TV_27", "x": "9.73", "y": "582" }, { "id": "TV_28", "x": "4.96", "y": "582" }, { "id": "TV_29", "x": "-7.77", "y": "756" }, { "id": "TV_30", "x": "-11.56", "y": "404" } ] }, { "seriesname": "Cell Phones", "color": "#f8bd19", "anchorsides": "4", "anchorradius": "4", "anchorbgcolor": "#f8bd19", "anchorbordercolor": "#f8bd19", "data": [ { "id": "Mob_1", "x": "-2.79", "y": "681" }, { "id": "Mob_2", "x": "0.74", "y": "214" }, { "id": "Mob_3", "x": "16.82", "y": "215" }, { "id": "Mob_4", "x": "-13.31", "y": "530" }, { "id": "Mob_5", "x": "17.96", "y": "973" }, { "id": "Mob_6", "x": "12.92", "y": "217" }, { "id": "Mob_7", "x": "1.35", "y": "369" }, { "id": "Mob_8", "x": "28.21", "y": "304" }, { "id": "Mob_9", "x": "17.95", "y": "495" }, { "id": "Mob_10", "x": "26.99", "y": "795" }, { "id": "Mob_11", "x": "-7.85", "y": "315" }, { "id": "Mob_12", "x": "10.46", "y": "866" }, { "id": "Mob_13", "x": "20.09", "y": "671" }, { "id": "Mob_14", "x": "4.99", "y": "670" }, { "id": "Mob_15", "x": "3.88", "y": "479" }, { "id": "Mob_16", "x": "19.22", "y": "737" }, { "id": "Mob_17", "x": "29.81", "y": "928" }, { "id": "Mob_18", "x": "20.44", "y": "569" }, { "id": "Mob_19", "x": "22.67", "y": "885" }, { "id": "Mob_20", "x": "28.76", "y": "444" }, { "id": "Mob_21", "x": "22.98", "y": "288" }, { "id": "Mob_22", "x": "-7.61", "y": "817" }, { "id": "Mob_23", "x": "17.2", "y": "357" }, { "id": "Mob_24", "x": "-12.12", "y": "913" }, { "id": "Mob_25", "x": "-0.98", "y": "579" }, { "id": "Mob_26", "x": "-5.64", "y": "537" }, { "id": "Mob_27", "x": "23.62", "y": "522" }, { "id": "Mob_28", "x": "6.84", "y": "267" }, { "id": "Mob_29", "x": "-12.15", "y": "825" }, { "id": "Mob_30", "x": "-11.62", "y": "857" }, { "id": "Mob_31", "x": "9.58", "y": "204" }, { "id": "Mob_32", "x": "-11.57", "y": "232" }, { "id": "Mob_33", "x": "-14.13", "y": "450" }, { "id": "Mob_34", "x": "5.99", "y": "900" }, { "id": "Mob_35", "x": "9.24", "y": "228" } ] } ] }
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