What's New

This section is for users who are using the previous version of FusionCharts in their application. Here we'll talk about the new features introduced in v3.15.2.

Expanded support for click and hover events node, ribbon, and labels; as well as link attributes for node, ribbon, and labels. Refer to Chord Diagram documentation to know more.

Here is an example, (hover over any chord node or links to see the events in action):

You can now use the following events in nodes, ribbons and labels:

Type Event Name Description Events Parameters
Node dataPlotClick Clicking on a node label, value, links (with value), color, alpha
Node dataPlotRollOver Rolling into a node label, value, links (with value), color, alpha
Node dataPlotRollout Rolling out of a node label, value, links (with value), color, alpha
Link linkClick Clicking on a link dominationFlowValue, subservientFlowValue, linkedNodes, color, alpha
Link linkRollOver Rolling into a link dominationFlowValue, subservientFlowValue, linkedNodes, color, alpha
Link linkRollOut Rolling out of a link dominationFlowValue, subservientFlowValue, linkedNodes, color, alpha