Create a chart in Angular

FusionTime is a JavaScript charting library that helps you visualize, and explore time-series data. In FusionTime, you get lots of out-of-the-box interactivity, like, time navigator, date range selectors, tooltips with crosslines, interactive legend and more features which enhances the experience of exploring and understanding time series data.

We have built a simple angular-fusioncharts component which provides bindings for FusionTime. The angular-fusioncharts directive allows you to easily add interactive time-series charts to any Angular project.

In this page, we'll see how to install FusionTime and render an interactive time-series chart using the angular-fusioncharts directive.


Since FusionTime is distributed along with FusionCharts Suite, download/install the FusionCharts package to get access to FusionTime and other chart types of the FusionCharts Suite. To install follow the steps below:

Step 1: Install angular-fusioncharts

$ npm install angular-fusioncharts --save

Step 2: Install fusioncharts core library

$ npm install fusioncharts --save

That completes the installation of FusionTime and the angular-fusioncharts component.

Create your First Chart

Let's create a time-series chart using angular-fusioncharts directive showing Daily sales of a grocery store.

The chart is shown below:

Loading data for chart…

The data for the above chart is too big to be displayed here. The table below shows the sample data of the above chart:

Time Sales
01-Feb-11 8866
02-Feb-11 2174
03-Feb-11 2084
04-Feb-11 1503
05-Feb-11 4928
06-Feb-11 4667
07-Feb-11 1064

FusionTime accepts a DataTable as it's data source. DataTable is the tabular representation of data. To create the DataTable, you need to provide the following:

  • schema - which defines the properties of the columns.
  • data - values of each row and column of the DataTable

For an instance of FusionTime, you can create n number of DataTables, but only 1 DataStore.

Next, let's learn how to prepare the schema and the data of the DataTable.

Create the schema

The schema outlines each column represented in the above table. The schema contains an array which has multiple objects created in it. Each object represents a column of the above table.

name and type are mandatory keys for each object. If the object type is time then format is also a mandatory key.

To define the schema, let's create a schema.json file and copy the following code:

It is not mandatory to create the schema in a different .json file. You can also define the schema within the .html file.

Let schema = [{
    "name": "Time",
    "type": "date",
    "format": "%-m/%-d/%Y"
}, {
    "name": "Sales",
    "type": "number"

In the above code:

  • schema is the variable in which the array is stored.
  • Each object of a schema maps to a column of the tabular representation of the data.
  • The JSON object has the following attributes:
    • name - Specify the name of the column of the tabular representation of data
    • type - Specify the type of the column.
    • format - Specify the input format of the date as per your data. In this example, the format is %-m/%-d/%Y. To know more on date formats click here.

Now that we have the schema ready, let's work on the data.

Create data

Data can be provided either in JSON format or 2D array format. We will use the 2D array format.

Data for the above chart is too big to be shown here. A sample of it has been used in the data object defined below:

var data = [

Create a new data.json file, and copy the above code there. Next, copy the entire data and replace it with the content of the data object in your 'data.json' file.

It is not mandatory to create a data.json file. You can also do the same in your HTML file.

In the above code:

  • data is the variable in which the data array is stored.
  • Each object in the data array corresponds to a row in the tabular representation of the data.
  • Each element in an object is represented by each object of the schema. The values in each object of the array represent the following:
    • Time according to the format
    • Total Sales amount

We are all set with our data to create the chart.

By default, FusionTime applies the average function to aggregate the data and display on the chart. You can change the aggregate function from average to any other numeric calculation. To know more click here.

Now, let's create the files to render the above chart.

Render the chart

To render the chart follow the steps below:

Step 1: In app.module.ts include the necessary files and add the dependency.

  • Import angular-fusioncharts in the root @NgModule.
  • Import FusionCharts library in the root @NgModule.
  • Import FusionTime in the root @NgModule.
  • Pass the fusioncharts library and chart modules.
// app.module.ts
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
// Import angular-fusioncharts
import { FusionChartsModule } from 'angular-fusioncharts';
// Import FusionCharts library and chart modules
import * as FusionCharts from 'fusioncharts';
import * as TimeSeries from 'fusioncharts/fusioncharts.timeseries'; // Import timeseries
// Pass the fusioncharts library and timeseries modules
FusionChartsModule.fcRoot(FusionCharts, TimeSeries);
  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [
    // Specify FusionChartsModule as import
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

Step 2: Add data to the angular app.component.ts

Set the JSON data within the AppComponent class as shown below:

// In app.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import * as FusionCharts from 'fusioncharts';
const dataUrl =
const schemaUrl =
  selector: 'app',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html'
export class AppComponent {
  dataSource: any;
  type: string;
  width: string;
  height: string;
  constructor() {
    this.type = 'timeseries';
    this.width = '700';
    this.height = '400';
    this.dataSource = {
      data: null,
      caption: {
        text: 'Sales Analysis'
      subcaption: {
        text: 'Grocery'
      yAxis: [
          plot: {
            value: 'Grocery Sales Value',
            type: 'line'
          format: {
            prefix: '$'
          title: 'Sale Value'
  fetchData() {
    let jsonify = res => res.json();
    let dataFetch = fetch(dataUrl).then(jsonify);
    let schemaFetch = fetch(schemaUrl).then(jsonify);
    Promise.all([dataFetch, schemaFetch]).then(res => {
      let data = res[0];
      let schema = res[1];
      let fusionTable = new FusionCharts.DataStore().createDataTable(
      ); // Instance of DataTable to be passed as data in dataSource = fusionTable;

Step 3: Now use the fusioncharts component in app.component.html.

Create the chart container and set the following:

  • Chart width and height.
  • The data source.

That's it! Your first chart in Angular using FusionTime is ready.