Change default aggregation

FusionTime lets you build charts with large datasets. However, when a dataset contains too many records, the resulting chart may not help viewers comprehend the data easily. For instance, consider a scenario, where you have to plot 1,000,000 data points in a line, area, or column chart, on a canvas having dimensions of 500 x 400 pixels. In this case, the chart will try to accommodate all the data points within the available pixels, which will make the chart unreadable.

This is where data aggregation comes in handy. By default, FusionTime automatically groups the data for a specific period of time (For example, 2 months), based on the available pixel of the chart canvas. This automatic grouping of data is known as data binning. Once the data is grouped then by default, FusionTime applies the average function to aggregate the data and display on the chart.

The data bin is always decided based on the available pixels of the chart and is not configurable.

A chart with default data aggregation is shown below:

Loading data for chart…

In the above chart, note that when you hover on the data plots a tooltip appears which shows the data bin for a specific period of time and the average of the values within that data bin. In this case, the data bin is for 15 days. So the chart shows the average sales value for 15 days.

However, you can change the aggregate function from average to any of the following:

  • Sum

  • Average

  • Count

  • Min

  • Max

  • First

  • Last

To change the aggregate function refer to the code below:

new FusionCharts({
        type: 'timeseries',
        dataSource: {
                yAxis: [{
                "aggregation": "Sum",

In the above code we have:

  • Set the value of the aggregation property as sum under the yAxis object.