Changed Behavior

This section is for users who are using previous version of FusionCharts in their application. Here we'll talk about the change in behavior of the charts after v3.15.3.

Depecrated the creditLabel property

The creditLabel property under FusionCharts.options was previously used to hide watermarks from charts. Starting version 3.15.3 users have to activate their license using the new license property to hide watermarks. For more information, please refer to this guide.

Setting yAxisValueDecimals when setAdaptiveYMin is enabled.

yAxisValueDecimal now displays the right number of decimal places when setAdaptiveYMin and forceYAxisValueDecimals are enabled. Previously, yAxisValueDecimal failed to work properly with values lower than 3 when setAdaptiveYMin was enabled.

Before the fix yAxisValueDecimals is set to 2 and setAdaptiveYMin to 1 (enabled) the chart shows values with 3 decimal places. Decimal Issue

After the fix yAxisValueDecimals is set to 2 and setAdaptiveYMin to 1 (enabled) the chart shows values with 2 decimal places. Decimal Fix

Crossline tooltips position

zoomline and zoomlineDY charts now show tooltips values sorted in decreasing order. Previously, tooltip values were displayed in the same order they had on the category object. For further information refer to Displaying Values in Tooltips

Returning property names using getJSONData() and getChartData()

With the introduction of the isRaw property getJSONData() and getChartData() now return property names without changing the casing used in the dataSource. Previously, getJSONData() and getChartData() returned all property names as lowercase regardless of the letter casing specified by the user in 'dataSource'.

getJSONData() and getChartData() can now return all property names as defined on the data source. Here is an example

    let jsonData = topStores.getJSONData({ isRaw:1 });
    let chartData = topStores.getJSONData({ format:'json', isRaw:1 });

For more information refer to getChartData and getJSONData.

Task labels in Gantt Charts

In Gantt charts, the task labels are now displayed properly. Previously, when scrolling horizontally the task labels overlapped with the vertical scroll bar.

Before the fix label overlap

After the fix label overlap fixed

Legend spacing in all Charts

For an optimal data visualization, the space between legend items has been decreased in order to improve the visual space of the data plot.

For more information see legend.

Before the fix legend spacing

After the fix legend spacing fixed

The "%" symbol displays correctly in all Stacked Charts

In Stacked bar charts the percentage "%" symbol now displays properly on the numeric axis. Previously, when the stack100Percent attribute was set to 1, the "%" symbol did not get applied on the numeric axis

Before the fix legend spacing

After the fix legend spacing