
Beginner's Guide

Charts / Gauges / Maps Guide

Customizing Charts


Integrating With Your Stack



Drag-node charts let you update data in real-time. To access the updated JSON data at the client-side using JavaScript, you can parse this data and update your data sources through AJAX, etc.

In this section, you will be shown how you can read the updated data using JavaScript functions present on the same page.

Once the chart is rendered, to access the chart’s updated data as JSON, simply call the getJSONData() function on the chart.

The code snippet to do this is given below:

//Get a reference to our chart
var ourChart = FusionCharts("NodeChart");

//Get the data from chart
var jsonRtn = ourChart.getJSONData();

//Show it to user in alert box.

The function getJSONData() returns the latest or changed data. This function is also used to retrieve the original data from the chart. To get the original data from the chart you need false as a parameter to the function. For example, var jsonRtn = ourChart.getJSONData(false);

To understand this, the sample drag-node chart we will use looks like this:

FusionCharts will load here..
{ "chart": { "caption": "US Subway Map", "xaxisminvalue": "0", "xaxismaxvalue": "100", "yaxisminvalue": "0", "yaxismaxvalue": "100", "is3d": "0", "showformbtn": "1", "formaction": "resources/php/chart-guide-drag-node-chart-getting-data-using-javascript-update.php", "formtarget": "_blank", "formmethod": "POST", "formbtntitle": "Save", "viewmode": "0", "showplotborder": "1", "plotborderthickness": "4", "theme": "fint", "showcanvasborder": "1", "canvasborderalpha": "20", "animation": "0" }, "dataset": [ { "data": [ { "id": "01", "label": "Santa Monica", "color": "#ffffff", "x": "16", "y": "54", "radius": "30", "shape": "circle" }, { "id": "02", "label": "Los Angeles", "color": "#ffffff", "x": "27", "y": "54", "radius": "30", "shape": "circle" }, { "id": "03", "label": "Ontario", "color": "#ffffff", "x": "48", "y": "54", "radius": "30", "shape": "circle" }, { "id": "04", "label": "Phoenix", "color": "#ffffff", "x": "85", "y": "54", "radius": "30", "shape": "circle" }, { "id": "05", "label": "Flagstaff", "color": "#ffffff", "x": "85", "y": "80", "radius": "30", "shape": "circle" }, { "id": "06", "label": "Barstow", "color": "#ffffff", "x": "62", "y": "80", "radius": "30", "shape": "circle" }, { "id": "07", "label": "San Diego", "color": "#ffffff", "x": "35", "y": "30", "radius": "30", "shape": "circle" }, { "id": "08", "label": "San Ysidro", "color": "#ffffff", "x": "40", "y": "12", "radius": "30", "shape": "circle" }, { "id": "09", "label": "Las Vegas", "color": "#ffffff", "x": "68", "y": "93", "radius": "30", "shape": "circle" }, { "id": "10", "label": "", "color": "#ffffff", "x": "12", "y": "98", "radius": "0", "shape": "circle" }, { "id": "11", "label": "", "color": "#ffffff", "x": "100", "y": "80", "radius": "0", "shape": "circle" }, { "id": "12", "label": "", "color": "#ffffff", "x": "99", "y": "40", "radius": "0", "shape": "circle" }, { "id": "13", "label": "Yuma", "color": "#ffffff", "x": "70", "y": "30", "radius": "30", "shape": "circle" }, { "id": "14", "label": "", "color": "#ffffff", "x": "100", "y": "30", "radius": "0", "shape": "circle" } ] } ], "connectors": [ { "color": "#ffffff", "stdthickness": "10", "connector": [ { "strength": "2", "from": "01", "to": "02", "color": "#fec110", "arrowatstart": "0", "arrowatend": "0" }, { "strength": "2", "from": "02", "to": "03", "color": "#fec110", "arrowatstart": "0", "arrowatend": "0" }, { "strength": "2", "from": "03", "to": "04", "color": "#fec110", "arrowatstart": "0", "arrowatend": "0" }, { "strength": "2", "from": "04", "to": "12", "color": "#fec110", "arrowatstart": "0", "arrowatend": "0" }, { "strength": "2", "from": "04", "to": "05", "color": "#a6aaad", "arrowatstart": "0", "arrowatend": "0" }, { "strength": "2", "from": "09", "to": "06", "color": "#0178bc", "arrowatstart": "0", "arrowatend": "0" }, { "strength": "2", "from": "06", "to": "03", "color": "#0178bc", "arrowatstart": "0", "arrowatend": "0" }, { "strength": "2", "from": "03", "to": "07", "color": "#0178bc", "arrowatstart": "0", "arrowatend": "0" }, { "strength": "2", "from": "05", "to": "06", "color": "#f1277d", "arrowatstart": "0", "arrowatend": "0" }, { "strength": "2", "from": "06", "to": "11", "color": "#f1277d", "arrowatstart": "0", "arrowatend": "0" }, { "strength": "2", "from": "02", "to": "07", "color": "#c1c733", "arrowatstart": "0", "arrowatend": "0" }, { "strength": "2", "from": "07", "to": "08", "color": "#c1c733", "arrowatstart": "0", "arrowatend": "0" }, { "strength": "2", "from": "02", "to": "10", "color": "#c1c733", "arrowatstart": "0", "arrowatend": "0" }, { "strength": "2", "from": "07", "to": "13", "color": "#6d6e70", "arrowatstart": "0", "arrowatend": "0" }, { "strength": "2", "from": "13", "to": "14", "color": "#6d6e70", "arrowatstart": "0", "arrowatend": "0" } ] } ] }
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        "formaction": "resources/php/chart-guide-drag-node-chart-getting-data-using-javascript-update.php",
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                    "label": "Santa Monica",
                    "color": "#ffffff",
                    "x": "16",
                    "y": "54",
                    "radius": "30",
                    "shape": "circle"
                    "id": "02",
                    "label": "Los Angeles",
                    "color": "#ffffff",
                    "x": "27",
                    "y": "54",
                    "radius": "30",
                    "shape": "circle"
                    "id": "03",
                    "label": "Ontario",
                    "color": "#ffffff",
                    "x": "48",
                    "y": "54",
                    "radius": "30",
                    "shape": "circle"
                    "id": "04",
                    "label": "Phoenix",
                    "color": "#ffffff",
                    "x": "85",
                    "y": "54",
                    "radius": "30",
                    "shape": "circle"
                    "id": "05",
                    "label": "Flagstaff",
                    "color": "#ffffff",
                    "x": "85",
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                    "radius": "30",
                    "shape": "circle"
                    "id": "06",
                    "label": "Barstow",
                    "color": "#ffffff",
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                    "label": "San Diego",
                    "color": "#ffffff",
                    "x": "35",
                    "y": "30",
                    "radius": "30",
                    "shape": "circle"
                    "id": "08",
                    "label": "San Ysidro",
                    "color": "#ffffff",
                    "x": "40",
                    "y": "12",
                    "radius": "30",
                    "shape": "circle"
                    "id": "09",
                    "label": "Las Vegas",
                    "color": "#ffffff",
                    "x": "68",
                    "y": "93",
                    "radius": "30",
                    "shape": "circle"
                    "id": "10",
                    "label": "",
                    "color": "#ffffff",
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                    "label": "",
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                    "id": "12",
                    "label": "",
                    "color": "#ffffff",
                    "x": "99",
                    "y": "40",
                    "radius": "0",
                    "shape": "circle"
                    "id": "13",
                    "label": "Yuma",
                    "color": "#ffffff",
                    "x": "70",
                    "y": "30",
                    "radius": "30",
                    "shape": "circle"
                    "id": "14",
                    "label": "",
                    "color": "#ffffff",
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                    "y": "30",
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                    "shape": "circle"
    "connectors": [
            "color": "#ffffff",
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            "connector": [
                    "strength": "2",
                    "from": "01",
                    "to": "02",
                    "color": "#fec110",
                    "arrowatstart": "0",
                    "arrowatend": "0"
                    "strength": "2",
                    "from": "02",
                    "to": "03",
                    "color": "#fec110",
                    "arrowatstart": "0",
                    "arrowatend": "0"
                    "strength": "2",
                    "from": "03",
                    "to": "04",
                    "color": "#fec110",
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                    "strength": "2",
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                    "strength": "2",
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                    "strength": "2",
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                    "strength": "2",
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                    "strength": "2",
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                    "color": "#6d6e70",
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<title>My first chart using FusionCharts Suite XT</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var fusioncharts = new FusionCharts({
    type: 'dragnode',
    id: 'subwaymap',
    renderAt: 'chart-container',
    width: '800',
    height: '600',
    dataFormat: 'json',
    dataSource: {
        "chart": {
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            "yaxismaxvalue": "100",
            "is3d": "0",
            "showformbtn": "1",
            "formaction": "resources/php/chart-guide-drag-node-chart-getting-data-using-javascript-update.php",
            "formtarget": "_blank",
            "formmethod": "POST",
            "formbtntitle": "Save",
            "viewmode": "0",
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            "data": [{
                "id": "01",
                "label": "Santa Monica",
                "color": "#ffffff",
                "x": "16",
                "y": "54",
                "radius": "30",
                "shape": "circle"
            }, {
                "id": "02",
                "label": "Los Angeles",
                "color": "#ffffff",
                "x": "27",
                "y": "54",
                "radius": "30",
                "shape": "circle"
            }, {
                "id": "03",
                "label": "Ontario",
                "color": "#ffffff",
                "x": "48",
                "y": "54",
                "radius": "30",
                "shape": "circle"
            }, {
                "id": "04",
                "label": "Phoenix",
                "color": "#ffffff",
                "x": "85",
                "y": "54",
                "radius": "30",
                "shape": "circle"
            }, {
                "id": "05",
                "label": "Flagstaff",
                "color": "#ffffff",
                "x": "85",
                "y": "80",
                "radius": "30",
                "shape": "circle"
            }, {
                "id": "06",
                "label": "Barstow",
                "color": "#ffffff",
                "x": "62",
                "y": "80",
                "radius": "30",
                "shape": "circle"
            }, {
                "id": "07",
                "label": "San Diego",
                "color": "#ffffff",
                "x": "35",
                "y": "30",
                "radius": "30",
                "shape": "circle"
            }, {
                "id": "08",
                "label": "San Ysidro",
                "color": "#ffffff",
                "x": "40",
                "y": "12",
                "radius": "30",
                "shape": "circle"
            }, {
                "id": "09",
                "label": "Las Vegas",
                "color": "#ffffff",
                "x": "68",
                "y": "93",
                "radius": "30",
                "shape": "circle"
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                "strength": "2",
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                "arrowatstart": "0",
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            }, {
                "strength": "2",
                "from": "02",
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                "color": "#c1c733",
                "arrowatstart": "0",
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            }, {
                "strength": "2",
                "from": "07",
                "to": "08",
                "color": "#c1c733",
                "arrowatstart": "0",
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            }, {
                "strength": "2",
                "from": "02",
                "to": "10",
                "color": "#c1c733",
                "arrowatstart": "0",
                "arrowatend": "0"
            }, {
                "strength": "2",
                "from": "07",
                "to": "13",
                "color": "#6d6e70",
                "arrowatstart": "0",
                "arrowatend": "0"
            }, {
                "strength": "2",
                "from": "13",
                "to": "14",
                "color": "#6d6e70",
                "arrowatstart": "0",
                "arrowatend": "0"
    events: {
        'beforeRender': function(event, args) {
            // creating div for controllers
            var controllers = document.createElement('div'),
                chartRef = event.sender,
                //Function to restore data
                restoreData = function() {
                    if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari, ...
                        httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE 8 and older
                        httpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
                    httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
                        if (httpRequest.readyState === 4) {
                            alert("Data Restored");
                        } else if (httpRequest.readyState >= 400) {
                            alert("Data Restored Failed");

          'GET', '../../resources/php/chart-guide-drag-node-chart-getting-data-using-javascript-restore.php', true);

            controllers.setAttribute('id', 'btnCont');

            // Create Button inside div
            controllers.innerHTML = '<input id="restoreXML" type="submit" name="Submit" value="Restore Original Data">';

            args.container.parentNode.insertBefore(controllers, args.container.nextSibling);

            // setting css styles for controllers div
   = "width: 800px; text-align:center;";
            restoreBtn = document.getElementById('restoreXML');

            //Set event listener for check boxes
            restoreBtn.addEventListener && restoreBtn.addEventListener("click", restoreData);
        "datasubmitted": function(e, a) {
            alert("Successfully Saved");
  <div id="chart-container">FusionCharts XT will load here!</div>

Now, we will make the following updates to this drag-node chart:

  • Add a node, My New Location, using the Add a Node menu item.

  • Add a connector, Way to SM, between “Santa Monica” and “My New Location”, using the Add a Connector menu item.

The drag-node chart rendered after making these updates looks like this:

Updated Dragnode Chart

Now if you wish to get the current data using the code var jsonRtn = ourChart.getJSONData(); alert(JSON.stringify(jsonRtn));, the updated data will be shown. The modified part of the updated data is shown below:

    "chart": {
    "dataset": [{
        "data": [
                "x": "20",
                "y": "25",
                "id": "myLoc",
                "datasetId": "0",
                "name": "My New Location",
                "tooltext": "My Location",
                "color": "#FFFFFF",
                "alpha": "100",
                "labelalign": "middle",
                "allowdrag": 1,
                "shape": "circle",
                "width": "",
                "height": "",
                "radius": "40",
                "numsides": "",
                "imagenode": 0,
                "imagewidth": "",
                "imageheight": "",
                "imagealign": "",
                "imageurl": "",
                "link": ""
    "connectors": [{
            "from": "myLoc",
            "to": "01",
            "id": "",
            "label": "Way to SM",
            "color": "#999999",
            "alpha": "50",
            "link": "",
            "tooltext": "",
            "strength": "2",
            "arrowatstart": "0",
            "arrowatend": "0",
            "dashed": "1",
            "dashlen": "4",
            "dashgap": "4"
    "labels": {
        "label": []

There! You have now seen how you can get updated data from a drag-node chart using JavaScript.
