

FusionCharts Suite XT is shipped with the following three predefined themes:

  • zune
  • ocean
  • carbon

You can choose a theme depending on your aesthetic requirements for the charts, gauges, and maps in your application. Additionally, FusionCharts Suite XT gives you the option of modifying existing themes or creating entirely new ones, if your requirements differ from what is already there.

This article describes how you can modify existing themes.

Modifying an Existing Theme

To modify an existing a theme, all you need to do is add/update the required attribute-value pair(s) in the theme’s JavaScript file. You can do this for any number of attributes.

A partial definition of the zune theme, as contained in the fusioncharts.theme.zune.js file, is given below:

FusionCharts.register('theme', {
    name: 'zune',
    theme: {
        base: {
            chart: {
                paletteColors: '#0075c2,#1aaf5d,#f2c500',
                labelDisplay: 'auto',
                baseFontColor: '#333333',
                baseFont: 'Helvetica Neue,Arial',
                captionFontSize: '14',
                subcaptionFontSize: '14',
                subcaptionFontBold: '0',
                showBorder: '0',
                bgColor: '#ffffff',
                showShadow: '0',
                canvasBgColor: '#ffffff',
                showCanvasBorder: '0',
                showHoverEffect: '1',
            dataset: [{}],
            trendlines: [{}]
        geo: {
            chart: {
                showLabels: '0',
                fillColor: '#0075c2',
                showBorder: '1',
                borderColor: '#eeeeee',
        pie2d: {
            chart: {
                placeValuesInside: '0',
                use3dlighting: '0',
                valueFontColor: '#333333',
                captionPadding: '15'
            data: function (index, dataItem, dataLength) {
                var math = window.Math,
                    alphaSlab = dataLength > 50 ?
                        math.round(100 / math.ceil(dataLength / 10)) : 20,
                    alpha = 100 - alphaSlab * math.floor(index / 10);
                return {alpha: alpha};
        line: {
            chart: {
                lineThickness: '2'

Assume that, for all charts in the application, you want to modify this theme definition to:

  • Increase the caption font size
  • Set a transparency for the data plots
  • Set a standard thickness for trend-lines
  • Change the border color for all maps

Given below is a step-by-step procedure for modifying the theme definition:

Step 1:

From the js/themes folder, open the .js file for the theme using any text editor of your choice.

Step 2:

Map the modifications required with the tier within which they should be added, as well as the objects and attributes required to implement the modifications.

The table below shows this mapping:

Modification Tier Attribute Object
Increase the caption font size base-because, as per the requirement list above, these settings have to be applied for all charts in the application captionFontSize chart
Set a uniform transparency for the data plots. base-because, as per the requirement list above, these settings have to be applied for all charts in the application alpha dataset
Set a uniform thickness for trend-lines base-because, as per the requirement list above, these settings have to be applied for all charts in the application thickness trendlines
Change the border color for maps geo-because, as per the requirement list above, these settings have to be applied only for all the maps in the application borderColor chart

Refer the FusionCharts Suite XT Chart Attributes page for a complete understanding of the objects and attributes used to configure the charts, gauges, and maps.

Step 3:

Revise the existing theme definition for these modifications, as shown below:

FusionCharts.register('theme', {
    name: 'zune',
    theme: {
        base: {
            chart: {
                paletteColors: '#0075c2,#1aaf5d,#f2c500',
                labelDisplay: 'auto',
                baseFontColor: '#333333',
                baseFont: 'Helvetica Neue,Arial',
                captionFontSize: '16', //Caption font size increased—existing attribute updated
                subcaptionFontSize: '14',
                subcaptionFontBold: '0',
                showBorder: '0',
                bgColor: '#ffffff',
                showShadow: '0',
                canvasBgColor: '#ffffff',
                showCanvasBorder: '0',
                showHoverEffect: '1',

            dataset: [{
	           alpha: 90 //Transparency for dataplots set—new attribute added. 
            trendlines: [{
               thickness: 3 //Thickness set for trend-lines—new attribute added. 
        geo: {
            chart: {
                showLabels: '0',
                fillColor: '#0075c2',
                showBorder: '1',
                borderColor: '#dddddd', //Border color for all maps changed—existing attribute updated
        pie2d: {
            chart: {
                placeValuesInside: '0',
                use3dlighting: '0',
                valueFontColor: '#333333',
                captionPadding: '15'
            data: function (index, dataItem, dataLength) {
                var math = window.Math,
                    alphaSlab = dataLength > 50 ?
                        math.round(100 / math.ceil(dataLength / 10)) : 20,
                    alpha = 100 - alphaSlab * math.floor(index / 10);
                return {alpha: alpha};
        line: {
            chart: {
                lineThickness: '2'

Step 4:

Save the file.

You can now apply your modified theme to the charts, gauges, and maps in your application using either the theme attribute of the chart object or the setChartAttribute() method of the FusionCharts API.

Including Escape Characters in Theme Definition

When modifying theme definitions, it is important for you to understand the concept of escape characters. Read the example below to understand what escape characters are and why they are needed.

Assume that the sub-caption of your chart is Harry’s SuperMart .

How do you write this in the theme definition?

subCaption: Harrys SuperMart

is the code line that you would include in your theme definition.

However, a glitch that may go unnoticed here is the use of three single quotes, which the browser may not exactly interpret the way you want it to.

In this example, the single quote after ‘y’ may be interpreted as the closing quote, ignoring the rest of the string—and the sub-caption will not be rendered the way you want it to.

Escape characters are used to solve this problem.

For the quotation mark after ‘y’ to be interpreted as an apostrophe, this is how you write the code line in your theme definition:

subCaption: Harry\’s SuperMart

\’ is an escape character that is used to tell the browser that the quotation mark is to be used as an apostrophe; this is called character quoting—using escape characters to represent characters that would otherwise have an incorrect interpretation.

The table below shows the other escape characters that can be used:

Escape Sequence Character Escaped
' Apostrophe or single quote
" Double quotes
\ Backslash character
\n New line
\r Carriage return
\t Tab
\b Backspace (ascii code 08)
\f Form feed (ascii code 0C)
\v Vertical tab