
FusionCharts Suite XT lets you create theme files to centrally define the cosmetic and functional properties that you want to apply consistently to all charts across your web application.

The product comes with the following three predefined themes:

  • zune
  • ocean
  • carbon

Each theme file is shipped as a separate JavaScript file, located in the js/themes folder.

A column 2D chart showcasing each theme is shown below:

FusionCharts will load here..

Click any radio button, followed by the Apply Theme button, to see how the look and feel of the chart changes with each theme.

This article describes how you can include and apply themes for your charts.

To apply a theme to your chart, you need to include its corresponding JavaScript file in your web page.

The code snippet below shows how you can do this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/fusioncharts.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/themes/fusioncharts.theme.carbon.js"></script>

The installation routine of a theme relies on the code in the fusioncharts.js file. Therefore, make sure that this file is always included before the JavaScript file for the theme.

Once you have included the theme file, the theme can be applied using the:

  • theme attribute of the chart object (in the JSON chart data)
  • setChartAttribute() method of the FusionCharts API (in the JSON chart data)

Using the theme Attribute

The following code snippet demonstrates the use of the theme attribute for applying a theme:

    chart: {
        "theme": "carbon", //Set the value of the `theme` attribute to the name of the required theme

A column 2D chart configured using the carbon theme is shown below:

FusionCharts will load here..

The complete data structure needed to render this chart is given below:

{ "chart": { "caption": "Monthly revenue for last year", "subCaption": "Harry's SuperMart", "xAxisName": "Month", "yAxisName": "Revenue", "numberPrefix": "$", "theme": "carbon" }, "data": [ { "label": "Jan", "value": "420000" }, { "label": "Feb", "value": "810000" }, { "label": "Mar", "value": "720000" }, { "label": "Apr", "value": "550000" }, { "label": "May", "value": "910000" }, { "label": "Jun", "value": "510000" }, { "label": "Jul", "value": "680000" }, { "label": "Aug", "value": "620000" }, { "label": "Sep", "value": "610000" }, { "label": "Oct", "value": "490000" }, { "label": "Nov", "value": "900000" }, { "label": "Dec", "value": "730000" } ] }
    "chart": {
        "caption": "Monthly revenue for last year",
        "subCaption": "Harry's SuperMart",
        "xAxisName": "Month",
        "yAxisName": "Revenue",
        "numberPrefix": "$",
        "theme": "carbon"
    "data": [
            "label": "Jan",
            "value": "420000"
            "label": "Feb",
            "value": "810000"
            "label": "Mar",
            "value": "720000"
            "label": "Apr",
            "value": "550000"
            "label": "May",
            "value": "910000"
            "label": "Jun",
            "value": "510000"
            "label": "Jul",
            "value": "680000"
            "label": "Aug",
            "value": "620000"
            "label": "Sep",
            "value": "610000"
            "label": "Oct",
            "value": "490000"
            "label": "Nov",
            "value": "900000"
            "label": "Dec",
            "value": "730000"

If you are using the XML data format for the chart, you can use the theme attribute within the <chart> element. For example, <chart theme=”carbon”>

Using the setChartAttribute() API Method

The following code snippet demonstrates the use of the setChartAttribute() API method for applying a theme:

FusionCharts.ready(function () {
    var revenueChart = new FusionCharts({
        type: 'column2d',
        dataSource: {
            "chart": {

            "data": [
    revenueChart.setChartAttribute(theme, carbon); //The attribute name and its value are passed as parameters to this method.

Applying Multiple Themes for a Chart

To apply multiple themes for a chart, specify the theme names as a comma-separated list. For example, if you are using the theme attribute, this is how you specify all the themes that you want to apply:

"theme": "zune,zune-v1"

zune-v1 is a user-defined theme. To know how user-defined themes can be created, refer the Creating New Themes article.

Values of all attributes set across these themes will be applied to the chart. In case of overlapping attributes, the values specified for the rightmost theme will take precedence. For example if the captionFontSize attribute is specified for both themes, its value for the zune-v1 theme will be applied to the caption.
