Now let us create a sample where we will drill down from an yearly data to weekly data in three drilldown steps. Hence, the first drilldown level will show quarterly data for a particular year. The next level will show monthly data for a selected quarter. Finally, the last drilldown level will show weekly data for the selected month.
For this we will use only a single data source which contains data for all the descent charts for all drilldown levels.
We will also learn how to configure each level of descendant chart using configureLink() function.
The HTML will be again fairly simple as shown below:
<title>Multi-level LinkedCharts</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js">
<div id="parentChartContainer" >Loading FusionCharts XT!</div>
<div id="weeklyChartContainer" ></div>
<script type="text/javascript" ><!--
var rootChart = new FusionCharts( "../../../../Charts/Column2D.swf", "myChartId", "680", "250", "0", "1" );
rootChart.setXMLUrl( "MuliLevelLinkedData.xml" );
rootChart.render( "parentChartContainer" );
{ overlayButton: { message: ' � Annual Sales' } },
{ overlayButton: { message: ' � Quarterly Sales'} },
swfUrl: '../../../../Charts/Pie3D.swf',
width: '225', height: '200',
renderAt: 'weeklyChartContainer',
insertMode: 'append',
overlayButton: { message: 'Close' }
// -->
In the above code we have done the following:
- Created a Column2D chart (which will act as the parent chart)
- Configured each LinkedChart's drilldown level calling configureLink() function. In this function instead of an Object we have passed an Array. Each array element is an Object containing descendant chart configuration for each level. Each level is denoted by the index value of the Array. Hence, zero denotes the first level of drilldown, one being the second level and so on. The configuration that we did for each level is as follows:
- For first-level we set the overlay button's message to " « Annual Sales". Since, the first-level will be a drilled down chart from the Annual Sales chart, this message hints at going back to the Annual Sales chart.
- For second-level we set the overlay button's message to " « Quarterly Sales". Since, the second level will be a drilled down chart from the Quarterly Sales chart, this message hints at going back to the Quarterly Sales chart.
- For the final or third-level we configure a lot more. We change the chart SWF and set swfUrl to Pie3D.swf. We change the width and height of the chat. We set a different div where the chart of this level will be rendered. Moreover, we set that the chart will not replace the existing content of the container element. Rather the chart will be appended (insertMode: 'append') into the existing content. This will make the container filled up with charts, unless charts of this level are not closed.
With these configurations set, let us see how we define the data for each level in a single data source. The XML data source as well as the equivalent JSON data source are shown below:
<chart caption="Annual Sales Summary" subcaption="For the period of 2004 to 2007"
xAxisName="Year" yAxisName="Sales" numberPrefix="$" useRoundEdges="1">
<set label="2004" value="11610" link="newchart-xml-2004Quarters" tooltext="2004, $11.61K{br}click to see details" />
<set label="2005" value="10430" link="newchart-xml-2005Quarters" tooltext="2005, $10.43K{br}click to see details" />
<set label="2006" value="10170" link="newchart-xml-2006Quarters" tooltext="2006, $10.17K{br}click to see details" />
<set label="2007" value="11560" link="newchart-xml-2007Quarters" tooltext="2007, $11.56K{br}click to see details" />
<linkeddata id="2004Quarters">
<chart caption="Quarterly Sales Summary" subcaption="For the year 2004"
xAxisName="Quarter" yAxisName="Sales" numberPrefix="$" useRoundEdges="1" >
<set label="Q1" value="2740" link="newchart-xml-2004Q1"/>
<set label="Q2" value="2700" link="newchart-xml-2004Q2"/>
<set label="Q3" value="3180" link="newchart-xml-2004Q3"/>
<set label="Q4" value="2990" link="newchart-xml-2004Q4"/>
<linkeddata id="2004Q1">
<chart caption="Monthly Sales Summary" subcaption="For the first quarter of year 2004"
xAxisName="Month" yAxisName="Sales" numberPrefix="$" useRoundEdges="1" >
<set label="January" value="1100" link="newchart-xml-2004Jan" />
<set label="February" value="760" link="newchart-xml-2004Feb" />
<set label="March" value="880" link="newchart-xml-2004Mar" />
<linkeddata id="2004Jan">
<chart caption="Weekly Sales Summary" subcaption="For January 2004" showLabels="0" showLegend="1" pieSliceDepth="10" enableSmartLabels="0" labelDistance="2"
numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
<set label="Week 1" value="170" />
<set label="Week 2" value="290" />
<set label="Week 3" value="320" />
<set label="Week 4" value="320" />
<linkeddata id="2004Feb">
<chart caption="Weekly Sales Summary" subcaption="For February 2004" showLabels="0" showLegend="1" pieSliceDepth="10" enableSmartLabels="0" labelDistance="2"
numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
<set label="Week 1" value="100" />
<set label="Week 2" value="90" />
<set label="Week 3" value="370" />
<set label="Week 4" value="200" />
<linkeddata id="2004Mar">
<chart caption="Weekly Sales Summary" subcaption="For March 2004" showLabels="0" showLegend="1" pieSliceDepth="10" enableSmartLabels="0" labelDistance="2"
numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
<set label="Week 1" value="270" />
<set label="Week 2" value="90" />
<set label="Week 3" value="200" />
<set label="Week 4" value="320" />
<linkeddata id="2004Q2">
<chart caption="Monthly Sales Summary" subcaption="For the second quarter of year 2004"
xAxisName="Month" yAxisName="Sales" numberPrefix="$" useRoundEdges="1" >
<set label="April" value="1160" link="newchart-xml-2004Apr" />
<set label="May" value="920" link="newchart-xml-2004May" />
<set label="June" value="620" link="newchart-xml-2004Jun" />
<linkeddata id="2004Apr">
<chart caption="Weekly Sales Summary" subcaption="For April 2004" showLabels="0" showLegend="1" pieSliceDepth="10" enableSmartLabels="0" labelDistance="2"
numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
<set label="Week 1" value="350" />
<set label="Week 2" value="290" />
<set label="Week 3" value="320" />
<set label="Week 4" value="200" />
<linkeddata id="2004May">
<chart caption="Weekly Sales Summary" subcaption="For May 2004" showLabels="0" showLegend="1" pieSliceDepth="10" enableSmartLabels="0" labelDistance="2"
numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
<set label="Week 1" value="80" />
<set label="Week 2" value="290" />
<set label="Week 3" value="400" />
<set label="Week 4" value="150" />
<linkeddata id="2004Jun">
<chart caption="Weekly Sales Summary" subcaption="For June 2004" showLabels="0" showLegend="1" pieSliceDepth="10" enableSmartLabels="0" labelDistance="2"
numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
<set label="Week 1" value="210" />
<set label="Week 2" value="90" />
<set label="Week 3" value="200" />
<set label="Week 4" value="120" />
<linkeddata id="2004Q3">
<chart caption="Monthly Sales Summary" subcaption="For the third quarter of year 2004"
xAxisName="Month" yAxisName="Sales" numberPrefix="$" useRoundEdges="1" >
<set label="July" value="1140" link="newchart-xml-2004Jul" />
<set label="August" value="860" link="newchart-xml-2004Aug" />
<set label="September" value="1180" link="newchart-xml-2004Sep" />
<linkeddata id="2004Jul">
<chart caption="Weekly Sales Summary" subcaption="For July 2004" showLabels="0" showLegend="1" pieSliceDepth="10" enableSmartLabels="0" labelDistance="2"
numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
<set label="Week 1" value="400" />
<set label="Week 2" value="290" />
<set label="Week 3" value="150" />
<set label="Week 4" value="300" />
<linkeddata id="2004Aug">
<chart caption="Weekly Sales Summary" subcaption="For August 2004" showLabels="0" showLegend="1" pieSliceDepth="10" enableSmartLabels="0" labelDistance="2"
numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
<set label="Week 1" value="310" />
<set label="Week 2" value="250" />
<set label="Week 3" value="100" />
<set label="Week 4" value="200" />
<linkeddata id="2004Sep">
<chart caption="Weekly Sales Summary" subcaption="For September 2004" showLabels="0" showLegend="1" pieSliceDepth="10" enableSmartLabels="0" labelDistance="2"
numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
<set label="Week 1" value="370" />
<set label="Week 2" value="290" />
<set label="Week 3" value="200" />
<set label="Week 4" value="320" />
<linkeddata id="2004Q4">
<chart caption="Monthly Sales Summary" subcaption="For the fourth quarter of year 2004"
xAxisName="Month" yAxisName="Sales" numberPrefix="$" useRoundEdges="1" >
<set label="October" value="920" link="newchart-xml-2004Oct" />
<set label="November" value="1020" link="newchart-xml-2004Nov" />
<set label="December" value="1050" link="newchart-xml-2004Dec" />
<linkeddata id="2004Oct">
<chart caption="Weekly Sales Summary" subcaption="For October 2004" showLabels="0" showLegend="1" pieSliceDepth="10" enableSmartLabels="0" labelDistance="2"
numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
<set label="Week 1" value="250" />
<set label="Week 2" value="200" />
<set label="Week 3" value="70" />
<set label="Week 4" value="400" />
<linkeddata id="2004Nov">
<chart caption="Weekly Sales Summary" subcaption="For November 2004" showLabels="0" showLegend="1" pieSliceDepth="10" enableSmartLabels="0" labelDistance="2"
numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
<set label="Week 1" value="400" />
<set label="Week 2" value="100" />
<set label="Week 3" value="200" />
<set label="Week 4" value="320" />
<linkeddata id="2004Dec">
<chart caption="Weekly Sales Summary" subcaption="For December 2004" showLabels="0" showLegend="1" pieSliceDepth="10" enableSmartLabels="0" labelDistance="2"
numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
<set label="Week 1" value="400" />
<set label="Week 2" value="150" />
<set label="Week 3" value="300" />
<set label="Week 4" value="200" />
<linkeddata id="2005Quarters">
<chart caption="Quarterly Sales Summary" subcaption="For the year 2005"
xAxisName="Quarter" yAxisName="Sales" numberPrefix="$" useRoundEdges="1" >
<set label="Q1" value="3060" link="newchart-xml-2005Q1"/>
<set label="Q2" value="2030" link="newchart-xml-2005Q2"/>
<set label="Q3" value="2700" link="newchart-xml-2005Q3"/>
<set label="Q4" value="2640" link="newchart-xml-2005Q4"/>
<linkeddata id="2005Q1">
<chart caption="Monthly Sales Summary" subcaption="For the first quarter of year 2005"
xAxisName="Month" yAxisName="Sales" numberPrefix="$" useRoundEdges="1" >
<set label="January" value="3700" link="newchart-xml-2004Jan" />
<set label="February" value="2900" link="newchart-xml-2004Feb" />
<set label="March" value="3200" link="newchart-xml-2004Mar" />
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numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
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<set label="Week 2" value="290" />
<set label="Week 3" value="380" />
<set label="Week 4" value="320" />
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numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
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<set label="Week 2" value="200" />
<set label="Week 3" value="100" />
<set label="Week 4" value="320" />
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numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
<set label="Week 1" value="120" />
<set label="Week 2" value="280" />
<set label="Week 3" value="300" />
<set label="Week 4" value="200" />
<linkeddata id="2005Q2">
<chart caption="Monthly Sales Summary" subcaption="For the second quarter of year 2005"
xAxisName="Month" yAxisName="Sales" numberPrefix="$" useRoundEdges="1" >
<set label="April" value="3700" link="newchart-xml-2005Apr" />
<set label="May" value="2900" link="newchart-xml-2005May" />
<set label="June" value="3200" link="newchart-xml-2005Jun" />
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numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
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numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
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numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
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<set label="Week 3" value="100" />
<set label="Week 4" value="300" />
<linkeddata id="2005Q3">
<chart caption="Monthly Sales Summary" subcaption="For the third quarter of year 2005"
xAxisName="Month" yAxisName="Sales" numberPrefix="$" useRoundEdges="1" >
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<set label="August" value="2900" link="newchart-xml-2005Aug" />
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numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
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numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
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numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
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<set label="Week 2" value="190" />
<set label="Week 3" value="350" />
<set label="Week 4" value="400" />
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xAxisName="Month" yAxisName="Sales" numberPrefix="$" useRoundEdges="1" >
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numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
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numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
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numberPrefix="$" bgColor="CBCBCB,E9E9E9" bgAlpha="50,50" bgRatio="0,100" bgAngle="270" showBorder="1" borderColor="767575" borderAlpha="50">
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<set label="Week 2" value="290" />
<set label="Week 3" value="200" />
<set label="Week 4" value="120" />
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xAxisName="Quarter" yAxisName="Sales" numberPrefix="$" useRoundEdges="1" >
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xAxisName="Month" yAxisName="Sales" numberPrefix="$" useRoundEdges="1" >
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<set label="Week 2" value="250" />
<set label="Week 3" value="200" />
<set label="Week 4" value="120" />
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xAxisName="Month" yAxisName="Sales" numberPrefix="$" useRoundEdges="1" >
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<set label="Week 4" value="100" />
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xAxisName="Month" yAxisName="Sales" numberPrefix="$" useRoundEdges="1" >
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"caption":"Annual Sales Summary", "subcaption":"For the period of 2004 to 2007", "xaxisname":"Year", "yaxisname":"Sales", "numberprefix":"$", "useroundedges":"1"
{ "label":"2004", "value":"11610", "link":"newchart-json-2004Quarters", "tooltext":"2004, $11.61K{br}click to see details" },
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{ "label":"2006", "value":"10170", "link":"newchart-json-2006Quarters", "tooltext":"2006, $10.17K{br}click to see details" },
{ "label":"2007", "value":"11560", "link":"newchart-json-2007Quarters", "tooltext":"2007, $11.56K{br}click to see details" }
"caption":"Quarterly Sales Summary", "subcaption":"For the year 2004", "xaxisname":"Quarter", "yaxisname":"Sales", "numberprefix":"$", "useroundedges":"1"
{ "label":"Q1", "value":"2740", "link":"newchart-json-2004Q1" },
{ "label":"Q2", "value":"2700", "link":"newchart-json-2004Q2" },
{ "label":"Q3", "value":"3180", "link":"newchart-json-2004Q3" },
{ "label":"Q4", "value":"2990", "link":"newchart-json-2004Q4" }
"caption":"Monthly Sales Summary", "subcaption":"For the first quarter of year 2004", "xaxisname":"Month", "yaxisname":"Sales", "numberprefix":"$", "useroundedges":"1" },
{ "label":"January", "value":"1100", "link":"newchart-json-2004Jan" },
{ "label":"February", "value":"760", "link":"newchart-json-2004Feb" },
{ "label":"March", "value":"880", "link":"newchart-json-2004Mar" }
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary", "subcaption":"For January 2004", "showlabels":"0", "showlegend":"1",
"pieslicedepth":"10", "enablesmartlabels":"0", "labeldistance":"2", "numberprefix":"$", "bgcolor":"CBCBCB,E9E9E9",
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{ "label":"Week 2", "value":"290" },
{ "label":"Week 3", "value":"320" },
{ "label":"Week 4", "value":"320" }
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary","subcaption":"For February 2004", "showlabels":"0", "showlegend":"1",
"pieslicedepth":"10", "enablesmartlabels":"0", "labeldistance":"2", "numberprefix":"$", "bgcolor":"CBCBCB,E9E9E9",
"bgalpha":"50,50", "bgratio":"0,100", "bgangle":"270", "showborder":"1", "bordercolor":"767575", "borderalpha":"50"
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{ "label":"Week 2", "value":"90" },
{ "label":"Week 3", "value":"370" },
{ "label":"Week 4", "value":"200" }
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For March 2004",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Monthly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For the second quarter of year 2004",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For April 2004",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For May 2004",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For June 2004",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Monthly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For the third quarter of year 2004",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For July 2004",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For August 2004",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For September 2004",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Monthly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For the fourth quarter of year 2004",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For October 2004",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For November 2004",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For December 2004",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Quarterly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For the year 2005",
"caption":"Monthly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For the first quarter of year 2005",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For January 2005",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For February 2005",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For March 2005",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Monthly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For the second quarter of year 2005",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For April 2005",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For May 2005",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For June 2005",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Monthly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For the third quarter of year 2005",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For July 2005",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For August 2005",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For September 2005",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Monthly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For the fourth quarter of year 2005",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For October 2005",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For November 2005",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For December 2005",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Quarterly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For the year 2006",
"caption":"Monthly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For the first quarter of year 2006",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For January 2006",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For February 2006",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For March 2006",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Monthly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For the second quarter of year 2006",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For April 2006",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For May 2006",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For June 2006",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Monthly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For the third quarter of year 2006",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For July 2006",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For August 2006",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For September 2006",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Monthly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For the fourth quarter of year 2006",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For October 2006",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For November 2006",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For December 2006",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Quarterly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For the year 2007",
"caption":"Monthly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For the first quarter of year 2007",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For January 2007",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For February 2007",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For March 2007",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Monthly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For the second quarter of year 2007",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For April 2007",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For May 2007",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For June 2007",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Monthly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For the third quarter of year 2007",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For July 2007",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For August 2007",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For September 2007",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Monthly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For the fourth quarter of year 2007",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For October 2007",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For November 2007",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
"caption":"Weekly Sales Summary",
"subcaption":"For December 2007",
"label":"Week 1",
"label":"Week 2",
"label":"Week 3",
"label":"Week 4",
Brief explanation of the data format shown above:
The data for the multi-level LinkedCharts are defined in nested tree structure. The above XML defines data for each level of LinkedCharts in the following way:
- The data for the parent chart is defined at the top with four <set> elements showing sales data for four years
- Each <set> element for parent chart has a link defined to open a LinkedChart by setting an ID (for example, 2004Quarters) of a <linkeddata> node. Each child chart will show Quarterly Sales data for a particular year
- The data source for this first-level child chart (Quarterly Sales chart) is defined in the <linkeddata> nodes defined at the top-level of the XML
- Each <set> element of the Quarterly Sales chart has a link defined to open a second-level LinkedChart, Monthly Sales chart for a particular quarter, for example, monthly data for Quarter 1 of 2004
- The data source for this second-level child chart is defined in the <linkeddata> nodes nested inside the <linkeddata> node or data source of that quarter
- Each <set> element of the Monthly Sales chart has a link defined to open a third-level LinkedChart, Weekly Sales chart for a particular month, for example, weekly data for January for Quarter 1 of 2004
- The data source for this third-level child chart is defined in the <linkeddata> nodes nested inside the <linkeddata> node or data source of that month
Thus described above, the data can go into an endless tree structure to form unlimited drilldown levels.
The data for the multi-level LinkedCharts are defined in nested tree structure. The above JSON defines data for each level of LinkedCharts in the following way:
- The data for the parent chart is defined at the top level "data" property containing sales data for four years
- Each data element for parent chart has a link defined to open a LinkedChart by setting an ID (for example, 2004Quarters) of a linkeddata object. Each child chart will show Quarterly Sales data for a particular year
- The data source for this first-level child chart (Quarterly Sales chart) is defined in the linkeddata element of the top level linkeddata Array
- Each linkeddata Object contains chart data for the respective chart, say Quarterly Sales data for a particular year
- Each data element of the Quarterly Sales chart has a link defined to open a second-level LinkedChart, Monthly Sales chart for a particular quarter, for example, monthly data for Quarter 1 of 2004
- The data source for this second-level child chart is defined in the linkeddata Array nested inside the linkeddata element or data source of that quarter
- Each data element of the Monthly Sales chart has a link defined to open a third-level LinkedChart, Weekly Sales chart for a particular month, for example, weekly data for January for Quarter 1 of 2004
- The data source for this third-level child chart is defined in the linkeddata Array nested inside the linkeddata element or data source of that month
Thus described above, the data can go into an endless tree structure to form unlimited drilldown levels.
The sample will work in different drilldown levels as shown in the images below:
 |
The parent chart showing Annual Sales data. We click on 2004 to drill down. |
 |
The first-level LinkedChart showing Quarterly Sales data for 2004 replaces the Annual chart.
The overlay button at the top right corner shows option to go back to Annual Sales chart (message as per set through configureLink function ).
We click on Q1 to drill down to Monthly Sales chart. |
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The second level LinkedChart showing Monthly Sales data for Q1 of 2004 replaces the Quarterly chart.
The overlay button at the top right corner shows option (message as per set through configureLink function ) to go back to the Quarterly Sales chart.
We click on January to drill down again to Weekly Sales chart. |
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The third-level LinkedChart showing Weekly Sales data for January - Q1 of 2004 is created.
As per set through configureLink() function the third level chart is changed to Pie3D chart , rendered with smaller width and height and rendered at a different location. The insert mode is also set to 'append' which keeps on adding a new chart whichever month is clicked. The Close button will remove the chart. |
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