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Here, we'll build a simple live stock monitor using the real-time line chart to monitor the price of a stock (say Google). To create any real-time chart, you'll need to assimilate the following things:

  1. Chart SWF file and FusionCharts JavaScript Class
  2. XML/JSON file that initializes the chart and tells it where to pull the real-time data from
  3. Real time data provider page that provides updated data to chart in real-time data format

For this example, we've created a folder named RealTime. The samples discussed here is present in Download Package > Code > RealTime folder.

How the chart will look?
Before we actually get to the code, let's quickly look at how the chart will look like. Shown below is the chart when initialized (i.e., real time data has not been fetched even once):
After a few incremental updates, the chart will look as under:

As you can see above, here we're monitoring the stock price of Google in a real-time line chart. We've:

  • Initialized the chart with no data
  • Configure the chart to attain right visual look
  • Set it to update itself in real-time from our own data provider page. The chart updates itself every 3 seconds.
  • Our data provider page provides a value between 30 and 35 for demo. We've just generated random numbers between 30 and 35 for this example. In real life, you can drive it from web services or databases.
  • The data provider page also provides the x-axis labels for the chart, which is in the format hh:mm:ss.
Data for the chart
The following XML/JSON drives this chart:
<chart caption="Stock Price Monitor" subCaption="Google" dataStreamURL="StockPrice.asp" refreshInterval="3" numberPrefix="$" setAdaptiveYMin="1" xAxisName="Time" showRealTimeValue="1" labelDisplay="Rotate" slantLabels="1">
<dataset seriesName="Google" showValues="0"/>
<style type="font" name="captionFont" size="14"/>
<apply toObject="Realtimevalue" styles="captionFont"/>
"chart": {
"caption": "Stock Price Monitor",
"subcaption": "Google",
"datastreamurl": "StockPrice.asp",
"refreshinterval": "3",
"numberprefix": "$",
"setadaptiveymin": "1",
"xaxisname": "Time",
"showrealtimevalue": "1",
"labeldisplay": "Rotate",
"slantlabels": "1"
"categories": [
"dataset": [
"seriesname": "Google",
"showvalues": "0"
"styles": {
"definition": [
"type": "font",
"name": "captionFont",
"size": "14"
"application": [
"toobject": "Realtimevalue",
"styles": "captionFont"

Here, we've first:

  • Defined the caption, sub-caption and other labels of the chart using caption and subCaption attributes.
  • Set number prefix as $, as we'll be plotting stock prices using numberPrefix attribute.
  • We've set the dataStreamURL of the chart as StockPrice.asp and refresh interval as 3 seconds using the refreshInterval attribute. This means that the chart will poll StockPrice.asp every 3 seconds to fetch new data and thereafter update itself.
  • We've set the chart to show the real-time value using the showRealTimeValue and attribute.
  • Since we do not intend to show any historical data in this chart, we just provide empty <categories> and <dataset> element. However, we have, set the seriesName of <dataset> element as Google - this will appear in legend.
    In next sections we'll see how to use <categories> and <dataset> element to push historical data, so that the chart doesn't start with an empty canvas.
  • We've also applied Font Styles to caption and the real-time value for better visuals.

When providing dataStreamURL path in XML/JSON, you need to make sure that:

  • If there are any special characters in the URL, you'll need to URL Encode them before providing in XML. For example, if you want to set dataStreamURL as StockPrice.asp?symbol=Goog&fromId=34564, you'll need to encode it as StockPrice%2Easp%3Fsymbol%3DGoog%26fromId%3D34564
  • You'll need to make sure that the chart SWF and real-time data provider page should be hosted on the same sub-domain. Else, due to cross domain restrictions in Flash Player, the chart will not be able to access the data provider page.
Sample data provider page

In this example, we've defined our data provider page as StockPrice.asp. Instead of ASP, you can use any technology like PHP, ASP.NET, JSP, ColdFusion etc. to provide the real-time data. All you need to make sure is:

  • The real-time data output is in the format specified earlier
  • It doesn't contain any HTML tags
  • It doesn't contain any carriage returns

For our demo, we generate random numbers between 30 and 35 and output them to the chart. The following ASP code does it:

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
	'This page is meant to output the Stock Price of Google in real-time data format. 
	'The data will be picked by FusionWidgets XT real-time line chart and plotted on chart.
	'You need to make sure that the output data doesn't contain any HTML tags or carriage returns.
	'For the sake of demo, we'll just be generating a random value between 30 and 35 and returning the same.
	'In real life applications, you can get the data from web-service or your own data systems, convert it into real-time data format and then return to the chart.
	'Set randomize timers on
	Randomize Timer
	Dim lowerLimit, upperLimit
	Dim randomValue
	Dim dateTimeLabel
	lowerLimit = 30
	upperLimit = 35
	'Generate a random value - and round it to 2 decimal places
	randomValue = Int(Rnd()*100*(upperLimit-lowerLimit))/100+lowerLimit
	'Get label for the data - time in format hh:mn:ss
	dateTimeLabel = Datepart("h",Now()) & ":" & Datepart("n",Now()) & ":" & Datepart("s",Now())
	'Now write it to output stream
	Response.Write("&label="& dateTimeLabel & "&value=" & randomValue)

The above code is pretty self explanatory. Here, we're:

  • Initializing random timers to get random values
  • Creating a random value between 30 and 35
  • Generating the time in the hh:mm:ss format
  • Finally, the output of the data is in the following format &label=hh:mm:ss&value=xx

A sample output from this code is given below:

PHP Version of data provider page
The ASP code can be replaced by the following PHP code:
 *	This page is meant to output the Stock Price of Google in real-time data format. 
 *	The data will be picked by FusionWidgets XT real-time line chart and plotted on chart.
 *	You need to make sure that the output data doesn't contain any HTML tags or carriage returns.
 *	For the sake of demo, we'll just be generating a random value between 30 and 35 and returning the same.
 *	In real life applications, you can get the data from web-service or your own data systems, convert it into real-time data format and then return to the chart. 
//Generate a random value between 30 and 35
$randomValue =rand(30,35);
//Get label for the data - time in format hh:mn:ss
$dateTimeLabel = date('h:i:s'); 
//Now write it to output stream
print "&label=" . $dateTimeLabel . "&value=" . $randomValue;?>
Like ASP, the above code outputs the same data.
C# Version of Data provider page
The code will look as under in ASP.NET (C#):
<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<script runat="server">
	void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) 
		//Define variable
		int randomValue;
		string dateTimeLabel;
		//Define limits
		int lowerLimit = 30;
		int upperLimit = 35;
		//Random object
		System.Random rand;
		rand = new System.Random();
		//Generate a random value
		randomValue = (int)rand.Next(lowerLimit, upperLimit);
		//Get date object
		DateTime objToday = DateTime.Now;
		//Create time string in hh:mm:ss format
		dateTimeLabel = objToday.Hour + ":" + objToday.Minute + ":" + objToday.Second;
		//Now write it to output stream
		Response.Write("&label=" + dateTimeLabel + "&value=" + randomValue); 
C# version (with code behind) of data provider page
With C# (with code behind), the code will look as under:
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"  CodeFile="StockPrice.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page 
         protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Define variable
            int randomValue;
            string dateTimeLabel;
            //Define limits
            int lowerLimit = 30;
            int upperLimit = 35;
            //Create random object
            System.Random rand;
            rand = new System.Random();
            //Generate a random value
            randomValue = (int)rand.Next(lowerLimit, upperLimit);
            //Get date object
            DateTime objToday = DateTime.Now;
            //Create time string in hh:mm:ss format
            dateTimeLabel = objToday.Hour + ":" + objToday.Minute + ":" + objToday.Second;
            //Now write it to output stream
            Response.Write ("&label=" + dateTimeLabel + "&value=" + randomValue);
VB.NET version of data provider page
In ASP.NET (VB.NET), the code will look as under:
<%@ Page Language="VB" Culture="Auto" UICulture="Auto" %>
<script runat="server">
	Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
		' Define variables
		Dim dateTimeLabel As String
		Dim lowerLimit As Integer, upperLimit As Integer
		' Set the limits
		lowerLimit = 30
		upperLimit = 35
		' Generate a random value - and round it to 2 decimal places
		Dim randomValue As Integer, randomNum As New Random
		randomValue = randomNum.Next(lowerLimit, upperLimit)
		' Get the time in hh:mm:ss format
		Dim objToday As Date = Now
		dateTimeLabel = objToday.Hour.ToString + ":" + objToday.Minute.ToString + ":" + objToday.Second.ToString
		' Now write it to output stream 
		Response.Write("&label=" + dateTimeLabel + "&value=" + randomValue.ToString)
	End Sub
VB.NET (with code behind) version of data provider page
In VB.NET, the code will look as under with a code-behind page:
<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="StockPrice.aspx.vb" Inherits="StockPrice" %>

Partial Class StockPrice
	Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
	Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
		'Define variables
		Dim dateTimeLabel As String
		Dim lowerLimit As Integer, upperLimit As Integer
		'Setting limits
		lowerLimit = 30
		upperLimit = 35
		'Generate a random value - and round it to 2 decimal places
		Dim randomValue As Integer, randomNum As New Random
		randomValue = randomNum.Next(lowerLimit, upperLimit)
		'Generate the x-axis label (time in hh:mm:ss format)
		Dim objToday As Date = Now
		dateTimeLabel = objToday.Hour.ToString + ":" + objToday.Minute.ToString + ":" + objToday.Second.ToString
		'Now write it to output stream
		Response.Write("&label=" + dateTimeLabel + "&value=" + randomValue.ToString)
	End Sub 
End Class
JSP version of data provider page
In JSP, the code will look as under:
<%@page language="java"%><%@page import="java.util.Calendar" %><%@page import="java.text.SimpleDateFormat" %><%
	 *	This page is meant to output the Stock Price of Google in real-time data format. 
	 *	The data will be picked by FusionWidgets XT real-time line chart and plotted on chart.
	 *	You need to make sure that the output data doesn't contain any HTML tags or carriage returns.
	 *	For the sake of demo, we'll just be generating a random value between 30 and 35 and returning the same.
	 *	In real life applications, you can get the data from web-service or your own data systems, convert it into real-time data format and then return to the chart.
	 *	Note: In order to get the output without addition of any 
	 *	carriage-returns or tab spaces, there should not be spaces or empty lines
	 *	between scriptlet tags or at the end of the page.
	int lowerLimit = 30;
	int upperLimit = 35;
	//Generate a random value - between lower and upper limits
	double randomValue = Math.random()*100*(upperLimit-lowerLimit)/100+lowerLimit;
	// Next few steps, to round this double to 2 decimal places
	long factor = (long)Math.pow(10,2);
	// Shift the decimal the correct number of places
	// to the right.
	randomValue = randomValue * factor;
	// Round to the nearest integer.
	long tmp = Math.round(randomValue);
	// Shift the decimal the correct number of places
	// back to the left.
	double roundedRandomValue=(double)tmp / factor;
	//Get label for the data - time in format HH:mm:ss
	Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
	SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
	String timeLabel = sdf.format(cal.getTime());
	String dataParameters = "&label=" +timeLabel+ "&value=" +roundedRandomValue;
	//Now write it to output stream
Changing chart type
This chart can be very easily converted to area/column chart, by just changing the name of SWF file used. Shown below are examples of same data but different chart:
Real-time column chart run against the same data.
Real-time area chart run against the same data.