Multi-level Pie Chart

ALIAS: multilevelpie

Example of Multi-level Pie Chart:

FusionCharts should load here..

JavaScript embedding code:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var myChart = new FusionCharts({
            "type": "multilevelpie",
            "dataFormat": "jsonurl",
            "dataSource": "chartdata.json"

Data for this chart:


Chart Attributes

Functional Attributes

These attributes let you control a variety of functional elements on the chart. For example, you can opt to show/hide data labels, data values, y-axis values. You can also set chart limits and extended properties.

Name Type Range Description
animation Boolean 0/1 This attribute lets you set the configuration whether the chart should appear in an animated fashion. If you do not want to animate any part of the chart, set this as 0.
palette Number 1-5 Each chart has 5 pre-defined color palettes which you can choose from. Each palette renders the chart in a different color theme.
clickURL String The entire chart can now act as a hotspot. Use this URL to define the hotspot link for the chart. The link can be specified in FusionCharts Link Format.
paletteColors String List of hex color codes separated by comma While the `palette` attribute allows to select a palette theme that applies to chart background, canvas, font and tool-tips, it does not change the colors of data items (that is, column, line, pie etc.). Using `paletteColors` attribute, you can specify your custom list of hex colors for the data items. The list of colors have to be separated by comma. For example, `"paletteColors": "#FF0000, #0372AB, #FF5904..."`. The chart will cycle through the list of specified colors and then render the data plot accordingly. To use the same set of colors throughout all your charts in a web application, you can store the list of palette colors in your application globally and then provide the same in each chart JSON.
showPrintMenuItem Boolean 0/1 When you right click on the chart it shows a context menu. This attribute allows you to show or hide the "Print" option in the context menu.
unescapeLinks Boolean 0/1 Internally the chart decodes a Url that you set as link. Before invoking the link it again encodes the Url. If you are passing multilingual characters via a Url or do not want this decode-encode mechanism to be handled by chart you can set,`unescapeLinks='0'`.
showLabels Boolean 0/1 Allows you to show or hide the labels on the chart.
Since 3.2.1
Boolean 0/1 Allows you to show or hide the values on the chart.
Since 3.2.1
Boolean 0/1 Allows you to show the values of the chart in the tooltip.
Since 3.2.1
Boolean 0/1 Allows you to show the values as percentage on the chart.
Since 3.2.1
Boolean 0/1 Allows you to show the percentage values of the chart in tooltip.

Chart Titles

These attributes let you set the chart caption and sub-caption.

Name Type Description
caption String Caption of the chart.
subCaption String Sub-caption of the chart.

Chart Caption Cosmetics

These attributes let you customize the cosmetic properties for the chart caption and sub-caption.

Name Type Range Description
captionAlignment String "left", "center", "right" Sets horizontal alignment of caption
captionOnTop Boolean 0/1 Whether caption should be on top of the data plot area
captionFontSize Number 0 - 72 Sets the caption font size in pixels
subCaptionFontSize Number 0 - 72 Sets the sub-caption font size (in pixels)
captionFont String Font Name Sets the caption font family
subCaptionFont String Font Name Sets the sub-caption font family
captionFontColor Color Hex Code Sets the caption font color
subCaptionFontColor Color Hex Code Sets the sub-caption font color
captionFontBold Boolean 0/1 Whether the caption font should be displayed in bold
subCaptionFontBold Boolean 0/1 Whether the sub caption font should be displayed in bold
alignCaptionWithCanvas Boolean 0/1 Whether the caption is aligned with the canvas. Else, it will be aligned with the entire chart area
captionHorizontalPadding Number In Pixels If caption is not centre aligned, lets you configure the padding (in pixels) from either edge. Will be ignored if caption is centre aligned.

Chart Cosmetics

These attributes let you customize chart cosmetics like the background color, background alpha, canvas color, canvas alpha etc.

Name Type Range Description
showBorder Boolean 0/1 Whether to show a border around the chart or not.
borderColor Color Hex Code Border color of the chart.
borderThickness Number In Pixels Border thickness of the chart.
borderAlpha Number 0-100 Border alpha of the chart.
bgColor Color Hex Code This attribute sets the background color for the chart. You can set any hex color code as the value of this attribute. To specify a gradient as background color, separate the hex color codes of each color in the gradient using comma. Example: `#FF5904, #FFFFFF`.
bgAlpha Number 0-100 Sets the alpha (transparency) for the background. If you've opted for gradient background, you need to set a list of alpha(s) separated by comma.
bgRatio Number 0-100 If you've opted for a gradient background, this attribute lets you set the ratio of each color constituent.
bgAngle Number 0-360 Angle of the background color, in case of a gradient.
Since 3.2.
String To place any image (JPG/PNG/GIF) as background of the chart, enter the (path and) name of the background image. It should be in the same domain as the chart.
Since 3.2.
Number 0-100 This attribute specifies the opacity for the loaded background image.
Since 3.2.1
String stretch, tile, fit, fill, center, none Helps you specify the mode in which the background image is to be displayed. Stretch - expands the image to fit the entire chart area, without maintaining original image constraints. Tile - the image is repeated as a pattern on the entire chart area. Fit - fits the image proportionately on the chart area. Fill -proportionately fills the entire chart area with the image. Center - the image is positioned at the center of the chart area. None - Default mode.
Since 3.2.1
String left, center, right Helps you to vertically align the background image.
Since 3.2.1
String left, center, right Helps you to horizontally align the background image.
Since 3.2.1
Number 0-300 Helps you magnify the background image.This attribute will only work when the attribute `bgImageDisplayMode` is set to none, center, or tile.
logoURL String URL You can load an external logo (JPEG/PNG) to your chart, this attribute lets you specify the URL. Due to cross domain security restrictions it is advised to use a logo from the same domain name as your charts.
logoPosition String TL, TR, BL, BR, CC Where to position the logo on the chart: TL - Top-left TR - Top-right BR - Bottom right BL - Bottom left CC - Center of screen
logoAlpha Number 0-100 Once the logo has loaded on the chart, you can configure its opacity using this attribute.
logoScale Number 0-300 You can also change the scale of an externally loaded logo at run-time by specifying a value for this parameter.
logoLink String URL If you want to link the logo to an external URL, specify the link in this attribute. The link can be in FusionCharts Link Format, allowing you to link to new windows, pop-ups, frames etc.

Data Plot Cosmetics

These attributes let you customize the cosmetics (columns, lines, area, pie or any data that you're plotting) of the data plots in the chart.

If the plots can show borders, you can control the border properties using the attributes listed below. Or, if they support gradient fills, you can again configure various properties of the gradient using these attributes.

Various other controls over plot cosmetics can be attained using this set of attributes.

Name Type Range Description
showPlotBorder Boolean 0/1 Whether the pie border would show up.
plotBorderColor Color Hex Code Color for pie border.
plotBorderThickness Number 0-5 (Pixels) Thickness for pie border.
plotBorderAlpha Number 0-100 Alpha for pie border.
plotFillAlpha Number 0-100 This attribute lets you set the fill alpha for plot.
showShadow Boolean 0/1 Whether to apply the shadow effect for pie.
shadowColor Color Hex Code Lets you set a color of the shadow for pie.
shadowAlpha Number 0-100 Lets you set alpha of the shadow for pie.
plotFillColor Color Hex Code Fill color for all the pies.

Data Value Cosmetics

These attributes let you customize the font, background, and border cosmetics of the data values on the chart.

Name Type Range Description
valueFont String Font Name Sets the font of the values in the chart
valueFontColor Color Hex Code Specifies the value font color
valueFontSize Number 0 - 72 Specifies the value font size
valueFontBold Boolean 0/1 Whether value font should be bold
valueFontItalic Boolean 0/1 Whether value font should be italicized
valueBgColor Color Hex Code Sets the background color for value text
valueBorderColor Color Hex Code Sets the border color around the value text
valueAlpha Number 0-100 Sets the value alpha including font and background
valueFontAlpha Number 0-100 Sets the value font alpha
valueBgAlpha Number 0-100 Sets the value background alpha
valueBorderAlpha Number 0-100 Sets the value border alpha
valueBorderThickness Number In Pixels Sets the value border thickness
valueBorderRadius Number In Pixels Sets the value border radius
valueBorderDashed Boolean 0/1 Whether the border around the value should be rendered as a dashed border
valueBorderDashGap Number In Pixels Sets the gap between two consecutive dashes.
valueBorderDashLen Number In Pixels Sets the length of each dash
valueHoverAlpha Number 0-100 Sets the value alpha on hover
valueFontHoverAlpha Number 0-100 Sets the value font alpha on hover
valueBgHoverAlpha Number 0-100 Sets the value background alpha on hover
valueBorderHoverAlpha Number 0-100 Sets the value border alpha on hover
showValuesOnHover Boolean 0/1 Displays the value while dataplot on hover

Pie/Doughnut Properties

These attributes let you configure the functional properties of a pie/doughnut chart.

Name Type Range Description
pieRadius Number In Pixels This attribute lets you explicitly set the outer radius of the chart. The chart automatically calculates the best fit pie radius for the chart. This attribute is useful if you want to enforce one of your own values.
pieBorderColor Hex code   Set the border color of the pie. By default, it is set to 'FFFFFF'.

Number Formatting Properties

FusionCharts XT offers you a lot of options to format your numbers on the chart.

These attributes let you control a myriad of options like:

  • Formatting of commas and decimals
  • Number prefixes and suffixes
  • Decimal places to which the numbers will round to
  • Scaling of numbers based on a user defined scale
  • Custom number input formats

These attributes let you appropriately format the numbers displayed on the chart.

Name Type Range Description
formatNumber Boolean 0/1 This configuration determines whether the numbers displayed on the chart will be formatted using commas, e.g., 40,000 if `"formatNumber":"1"` and 40000 if `"formatNumber":"0"`.
formatNumberScale Boolean 0/1 Configuration whether to add K (thousands) and M (millions) to a number after truncating and rounding it - e.g., if `formatNumberScale` is set to 1, 1043 will become 1.04K (with decimals set to 2 places). Same with numbers in millions - an M will be added at the end.
defaultNumberScale String The default unit of the numbers that you're providing to the chart.
numberScaleUnit String Unit of each block of the scale.
numberScaleValue String Range of the various blocks that constitute the scale.
Since 3.2.2 - SR3
Boolean 0/1 Whether recursive scaling should be applied.
Since 3.2.2 - SR3
Number How many recursions to complete during recursive scaling? -1 completes the entire set of recursion.
Since 3.2.2 - SR3
String What character to use to separate the scales that are generated after recursion?
numberPrefix String Character Using this attribute, you could add prefix to all the numbers visible on the graph. For example, to represent all dollars figure on the chart, you could specify this attribute to ' $' to show like $40000, $50000.
numberSuffix String Character Using this attribute, you could add a suffix to all the numbers visible on the graph. For example, to represent all figures quantified as per annum on the chart, you could specify this attribute to ' /a' to show like 40000/a, 50000/a.
decimalSeparator String Character This attribute helps you specify the character to be used as the decimal separator in a number.
thousandSeparator String Character This attribute helps you specify the character to be used as the thousands separator in a number.
Since 3.2.2 - SR3
Number   This option helps you specify the position of the thousand separator.
inDecimalSeparator String Character In some countries, commas are used as decimal separators and dots as thousand separators. In XML, if you specify such values, it will give an error while converting to number. So, FusionCharts XT accepts the input decimal and thousand separator from user, so that it can convert it accordingly into the required format. This attribute lets you input the decimal separator.
inThousandSeparator String Character In some countries, commas are used as decimal separators and dots as thousand separators. In XML, if you specify such values, it will give an error while converting to number. So, FusionCharts XT accepts the input decimal and thousand separator from user, so that it can convert it accordingly into the required format. This attribute lets you input the thousand separator.
decimals Number 0-10 Number of decimal places to which all numbers on the chart will be rounded to.
forceDecimals Boolean 0/1 Whether to add 0 padding at the end of decimal numbers. For example, if you set decimals as 2 and a number is 23.4. If forceDecimals is set to 1, FusionCharts XT will convert the number to 23.40 (note the extra 0 at the end).

Font Properties

These attributes let you define the generic font properties for all the text on the chart, allowing you a high level control over font properties.

Name Type Range Description
baseFont String Font Name This attribute lets you set the font face (family) of all the text (data labels, values etc.) on chart. If you specify the `outCnvBaseFont` attribute also, then this attribute controls only the font face of text within the chart canvas bounds.
baseFontSize Number 0-72 This attribute sets the base font size of the chart, that is, all the values and the names in the chart which lie on the canvas will be displayed using the font size provided here.
baseFontColor Color Hex Code This attribute sets the base font color of the chart, that is, all the values and the names in the chart which lie on the canvas will be displayed using the font color provided here.

Tool-tip Properties

These attributes let you configure the functional and cosmetic properties of tool-tips.

Name Type Range Description
showToolTip Boolean 0/1 Whether to show tool tip on chart.
toolTipBgColor Color Hex Code Background color for tool tip.
toolTipColor Color Code Hex Code Font color for the tool-tip.
toolTipBorderColor Color Hex Code Border color for tool tip.
toolTipSepChar String The character specified as the value of this attribute separates the name and value displayed in tool tip.
useHoverColor Boolean 0/1 Whether to use the hover fill color for the pies.
hoverFillColor Color Hex Code The color which should be used as fill during hover.
showToolTipShadow Boolean 0/1 Whether to show shadow for tool-tips on the chart.

Data Plot Hover Effects

If you wish to show an effect on the data plot (column, line anchor, pie etc.) when the user hovers his mouse over it, you can apply the hover effects to a data plot.

These attributes let you configure the hover effect for all data plots in the chart.

Name Type Range Description
showHoverEffect Boolean 0/1 Whether to enable hover effect on charts for all elements
plotHoverEffect Boolean 0/1 Whether to enable hover effect on charts for data plots (e.g., column, pie) only
plotFillHoverColor Color Hex Code Specifies the hover color for the data plots
plotFillHoverAlpha Number 1 - 100 Specifies the hover alpha for data plots

Chart Paddings and Margins

PowerCharts XT allows you to manually customize the padding of various elements on the chart to allow advanced manipulation and control over chart visualization. Padding in PowerCharts XT is always defined in pixels, unless the attribute itself suggests some other scale (like plotSpacePercent).

You can also define the chart margins. Chart margins refer to the empty space left on the top, bottom, left, and right of the chart. That means, PowerCharts XT will not plot anything in that space.

It is not necessary for you to specify any padding/margin values. PowerCharts XT automatically assumes the best values for the same.

These attributes let you configure the functional and cosmetic properties of chart paddings and margins.

Name Type Range Description
captionPadding Number In Pixels This attribute lets you control the space (in pixels) between the sub-caption and top of the chart canvas. If the sub-caption is not defined, it controls the space between caption and top of chart canvas. If neither caption, nor sub-caption is defined, this padding does not come into play.
chartLeftMargin Number In Pixels Amount of empty space that you want to put on the left side of your chart. Nothing is rendered in this space.
chartRightMargin Number In Pixels Amount of empty space that you want to put on the right side of your chart. Nothing is rendered in this space.
chartTopMargin Number In Pixels Amount of empty space that you want to put on the top of your chart. Nothing is rendered in this space.
chartBottomMargin Number In Pixels Amount of empty space that you want to put at the bottom of your chart. Nothing is rendered in this space.

The <category> Element

Each <category> element represents a pie slice.

These attributes let you configure the functional and cosmetic properties for the pie slices.

Name Type Range Description
label String Display value for the pie.
value Number Numeric Value If you do not want a symmetrical distribution for all the pies, you can allot numeric values to individual pies. This can be done using the value attribute of each category. You will need to define the value for all the categories (pies) then. The sweep angle of the pie would depend on its value. If you just want a symmetrical multi-level pie chart, you can ignore the value.
color Color Hex Code Color for the pie
alpha Number 0-100 Alpha for the pie.
toolText String The tooltip defined in the `<category>` element appears only when the mouse cursor is hovered over the individual slices. However, this will not appear when the cursor is moved over the data labels (except for a situation when long labels are automatically truncated with ellipses. In this situation, if the mouse cursor is hovered over a truncated label, the tooltip will appear with the full label). In case you want to set a short label and show the full label in tooltip, define the full label using this attribute within the `<category>` element. The tooltip with the full label will appear only when the mouse is hovered on the particular slice.
link String Link for the pie.