Grid Attributes

Grid Configuration

Grid configurations are passed as the third argument to the FusionGrid constructor while instantiating it. It contains an object with several properties to configure, like columns, rows, inline charts, etc. Here is the syntax:

var grid = new FusionGrid(container, dataTable, gridConfig);

Let’s explore all possible configurable properties available in the grid configuration.

Columns and Headers

Using this property you can configure columns in the grid. It accepts an array of objects. Here is the syntax:

var gridConfig = {
 columns: [
     key_1: 'value_1,
     key2_2: 'value_2',

Selecting columns

By default, all data table columns are rendered in the grid. The user can customize this behavior as follows:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'country_name'
      }, {
          field: 'continent'

Here the field is the column name mentioned in the data table schema.

Changing Column Header name

The header text is the same as the corresponding schema field name for a column bound with a schema field. The user can provide the header name explicitly as follows:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'country_name',
            headerText: 'Country'
      }, {
          field: 'continent',
            headerText: 'Continent',

A blank or empty string is also a valid header text if the user wants to render a column without any header name.

Changing Column Appearances

The user can change the appearance of all the cells of a column, including the header cells, as follows:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'country_name',
            class: 'a-css-class'
      }, {
          field: 'continent',
            class: 'another-css-class'

Or change the appearance of just header cell like this:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'country_name',
            headerClass: 'a-css-class-name'
      }, {
          field: 'continent',
            headerClass: 'another-css-class-name'

Or change the appearance of value cells like this:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'country_name',
            cellClass: 'a-css-class-name'
      }, {
          field: 'continent',
            cellClass: 'another-css-class-name'

We recommend using class only to style the grid.

Column Grouping

To create a multi-column group, the user needs to define group names and then columns as children of the group. Any column which has children is considered as a group. The Group header must not be linked to any field in the schema, if it’s specified, the field attribute will be ignored, and a warning is displayed.

config = {
    columns: [{
            headerName: 'Employee Details',
            children: [{
            field: 'Name'
            field: 'Country'

Configuring Column Hover

By default, column hover is not enabled, but the user can enable the setting and also define hover style as follows:

config: {
    columns: [{
        field: 'Address',
        width: '300px',
        hover: {
            enable: true,
            class: 'css-class-name'

Column Type and Format

Before going into the details of column type, there’s an important attribute called formatter. Formatter is a callback function that executes before rendering each cell, as follows:

formatter: function(params) {}

Here params contain three major properties -

  • cellValue - contains the current cell value
  • values - values of all cells of the current record
  • cellIndex - index of the cell

There are a total of 4 column types available in the grid; string, number, datetime, and html.

String Column Type

The most common type, and you can use it as follows:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'country_name',
            type: 'string'

Number Column Type

Add numbers like this:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'Revenue',
            type: 'number'

And add numbers using formatters, like this:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'Revenue',
        formatter: function(params) {
            return '$' + parseFloat(params.cellValue).toFixed(2);

In this example, the decimal number is fixed to 2 values, always and also, to denote the currency $ is added before the value.

Datetime Column Type

Here is how to use the Datetime style for your columns:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'registration_date',
            headerText: 'Registration Date & Time',
            type: 'datetime'

HTML Column Type

When custom HTML cells are needed.

config = {
    columns: [{        
            headerText: 'Player Name',
            type: 'html',
            template: function(params) {
                return (

                    '<span class='player-name'><img src=' + params.values['playerPicURL'] + '/>' + params.values['playerName'] + '</span>'

Here is a list of properties supported in columns:

Property Name Data Type Description
field String Name of the schema field. It should be mapped to a valid property name in FusionDataStore schema. For example: { field: 'Assembly Location' }
type String Data type of the column. It accepts following values in string format: string, number, datetime, and html. If this value is not provided, then by default it will take it from the FusionDataStore schema.
headerText String Name of the column which will appear in the grid. By default it will be the same as field. For example: { headerText: 'Assembly Location in US' }.
class Array, Function An array of class names in string format which is assigned to the entire column including cells and headers. It is useful to customize the appearance of the column. For example: : { class: ['class-1', 'class-2'] } Or you could assign a function which should return an array of class names. This function provides a parameter which provides following properties: 1. cellValue: Value of the cell 2. cellIndex: Index of the cell 3. rowIndex: Index of the row 4. values: An object of values for the given rows Here is an example of setting up the function: : { class: function(params) { } }
headerClass Object, Function Works exactly like class but the class name will get applied to the column header only.
cellClass Object, Function Works exactly like class but the class name will get applied to the cells only.
cellStyle Object, Function Works exactly like style but the class name will get applied to the cells only.
enableHover boolean Enables hover state for the column.
hoverClass Object, Function Works exactly like class but the class name will get applied when you hover the cell only.
template Fuction If type is set to html, then you have to return an HTML string that gets applied to the entire cell. Function provides a parameter which will allow you to read corresponding cell and row values. For example: { template: function (params) {} }.
formatter Object, Function If you want to add some inline styles, conditional or number formatting on the data, then this function is handy. { formatter: function (params) {} }.
tooltip Object Allows you to configure tooltips appearing on the cell or column.

Layout Configurations

Allows you to define layout-related properties for the grid. It accepts only objects. Choose between these four layout configurations for your grid; type, density, template, and autoHeight.

var gridConfig = {
 layout : { key_1: 'value_1' }

Layout Type

Choose your layout type by selecting between row or card.

config = {
    layout: {
        type: 'row'/'card'

Layout Density

There are three options available to control the density of rows in a grid; default, compact, and comfortable.

config = {
    layout: {
        type: 'row',
        density: 'default'/'compact'/'comfortable'

Automatic Height

Users can choose to enable the autoHeight attribute. If the volume of data is high, then vertical scrollbars appear and if the volume of data is low, then the rest of the space is left blank. To override this behavior, i.e. expand or shrink grid size based on its content, users can choose to enable the flag autoHeight. For example:

config = {
    layout: {
        autoHeight: true

Number of cards in a row

Use this attribute to configure the number of cards you wish to place in a row. Every card will have the same width and if any text cannot be accommodated in the assigned width, then an ellipsis will appear. For example:

config = {
    layout: {
        numCards: 4

Here is a list of configurations available under layout:

Property Name Data Type Description
type String A layout can be one of two types - row or card layout. By default the value is always row.
density String Controls the density of rows in a grid, there are two options available: compact, comfortable. This is applicable for row layouts only.
autoHeight Boolean By default, the grid is configured to render in the space it’s designated for.
numCards Number Users can configure the number of cards to place in a row.


This property allows you to configure the pagination component of the grid. Here is the syntax:

var gridConfig = {
 pagination : { key_1: 'value_1' }

Simple Pagination

Use only two arrows to navigate between pages, like this:

config = {
    pagination: {
        enable: true

Show Page Numbers

To show the page number on top of the navigation arrows, follow this example:

config = {
    pagination: {
        showPages: {
            enable: true

Show Total number of Pages

To show the current page number, the total number of pages as well as arrows, follow the example below:

config = {
    pagination: {
        showPages: {
            showTotal: true

Jump to a specific page

Users can also enable jumping to a specific page, apart from linear navigation.

config = {
    pagination: {
        showPages: {
            userInput: true

Show Total number of Rows

This attribute shows the total number of rows in the grid and the currently viewed rows.

config = {
    pagination: {
        showRecordCount: true

Configuring Page Size

Users can configure the default page size like this:

config = {
    pagination: {
        pageSize: {           
            default: 30

Or use the options attribute and select page size from the dropdown options:

config = {
    pagination: {
        pageSize: {
           options: true/false/[number array],

If a user provides an array of numbers, those numbers are shown in the dropdown options. If a user provides any value beyond the range of the total number of elements, we will show those values, but if someone chooses those values, we will show all elements. If all provided values are beyond the range, we will fall back to default options. If the default page size is not provided but options are configured, then the first value of the options array will be considered the default page size. Suppose both options and default page size are configured, but the default page size value is not present in the options array. In that case, the first value of the options array will be considered as default page size, and additionally, an error will be logged in the background.

First and Last pages

If this control is set to true, then two buttons will appear to navigate to the first or last page:

config = {
    pagination: {
       showJumpToEndButtons: true

Users can also individually disable the start or end button

config = {
    pagination: {
       showJumpToFirstPageButton: false,
       showJumpToLastPageButton: true

Here is a list of the available options:

Property Name Data Type Description
enable Boolean Enables pagination in the grid.
showPages Object Enables you to configure page count. It has following properties available: enable: Enables page numbers in the pagination. showTotal: Show total number of pages available. userInput: Allows users to input page number.
showRecordCount Boolean Shows the total number of rows in the grid. For example: { showRecordCount : true }
pageSize Object Allows you to configure page size-related controls. It offers the following properties: 1. default: Default page size. It should be numerical. 2. options: It accepts both boolean and an array of numbers to show the dropdown for users to configure page size.
showJumpToEndButtons Boolean If this property is set to true, then both jump-to-first and jump-to-last buttons will appear for navigation.
showJumpToFirstPageButton Boolean If this property is set to true, then only the jump-to-first button will appear for navigation.
showJumpToLastPageButton Boolean If this property is set to true, then only the jump to-last button will appear for navigation.


This property is part of column configuration. Tooltips for cells or columns should be configured on the individual column level. Here is the syntax:

var gridConfig = {
 columns: [
     field: 'value_1',
     tooltip : { }, // tooltip configs

Enabling Tooltips

Enable header and column tooltips like this:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'country_name',
            tooltip: {
                enableHeaderTooltip: true/false

By default, header tooltips are enabled once the tooltip object is defined. However, users can select to disable/enable header tooltip specifically.

Configuring Header Tooltips

To provide custom text to tooltip in the header, follow the example below:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'country_name',
            tooltip: {
                headerTooltip: 'Countries having trade connection.'

To show the tooltip on hovering a separate info/helper icon in the header, follow the example below:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'country_name',
            tooltip: {
                headerTooltip: 'Countries having trade connection',
                enableHeaderHelperIcon: true

Enable/Disable a cell tooltip

Tooltip is automatically enabled once the tooltip object is defined. But to selectively disable or enable cell tooltip, users can follow the example below:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'country_name',
            tooltip: {
                enableCellTooltip: true

If cellTooltip is not defined, but the tooltip is enabled, then the cell content will be shown in the tooltip.

Conditionally define content for cell tooltip

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'country_name',
            tooltip: {
                cellTooltip: function(params) {
                if (params['country_name']) {
                return 'Country : ' + params['country_name'] + ' in ' + params[continent]; 
                    } else {
                      return 'Country name is missing';

Cell info/helper tooltip

Users can enable info/helper tooltip in cells using the following function:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'country_name',
            tooltip: {
                cellTooltip: function(params) {
                if (params['country_name']) {
                return 'Country : ' + params['country_name'] + ' in ' + params[continent]; 
                    } else {
                      return 'Country name is missing';
                enableCellHelperIcon: true

Here is a list of properties available:

Property Name Data Type Description
enable Boolean Enables tooltips for the given column. For example: { tooltip : { enable: true; } }
enableHeaderTooltip Boolean Enables tooltips for the column header. By default it will show the column header value in the tooltip.
headerTooltip String Text to show when hovered over the header.
enableHeaderHelperIcon Boolean Enables the helper icon that helps users understand that the column is hoverable.
enableCellTooltip Boolean Enables tooltips for a cell. By default, tooltip text will be fetched from the cell value.
cellTooltip String, Function If you pass a string value, it will be shown for all the cells. However, the passing function will give you the ability to render dynamic data as well. Function will provide you with a parameter that will give you access to cell and row data. You have to return a text value that can consist of HTML elements as well.
enableCellHelperIcon Boolean Similar to head enableHeaderHelperIcon, this will enable the helper icon for all the cells.

Row Configurations

Allows you to configure rows of the grid. It accepts an object of properties explained below. Here is the syntax:

var gridConfig = {
 rowOptions: { key_1: 'value_1' }

Setting Row Height

Row height affects all rows, but if the user specifically wants to define header row heights, then they can do so following the example below:

config = {
    rowOptions: {
        rowHeight: '50px',
        headerRowHeight: '20px'

Styling Row

Users can apply row style. The attributes ‘style’ and/or ‘css’ can be used to style rows.

config = {
    rowOptions: {
        style: {background: 'green'},
        class: ['row-class1','row-class2']

If row style and cell style conflict, then cell style gets the precedence.

Row Hover

Like styling row and column, hoverStyle and hoverClass accepts both style/css and a function for any rule-based hover. By default, row hover is enabled, but users can override these settings.

config = {
    rowOptions: {
        hover: {
            enable: true,
            style: style object/func,
            class: css class name/func

Row Selection

If selection is enabled, then on mouse click single row is selected

config = {
    rowOptions: {
        rowSelection: {
            enable: true

Users can also select multiple rows with checkboxes, as follows:

config = {
    rowOptions: {
        rowSelection: {
            showSelectionCheckbox: true/false

Here is the list of properties:

Property Name Data Type Description
rowHeight String, Number Sets the height of rows in pixels.
headerRowHeight String, Number Similar to rowHeight but the value gets applied to only the header row.
class Array, Function Accepts an array of class names in string which will get assigned to all the rows. For example: { class: ['class-1', 'class-2'] } Or you could assign a function which should return an array of class names. This function provides a parameter that provides following properties: rowIndex: Index of the row. values: An object of values for the given rows.
style Object, Function Helps you customize the appearance of the entire row by passing CSS properties in the form of JSON object like: style: { 'background-color': 'offwhite' } You could also pass a function which should return an object of CSS properties. Similar to the function passed to class, you get an object parameter to access the data of the corresponding cell.
enableHover Boolean Enables hover state for the entire row.
hoverClass Array, Function Works exactly like class but the class name will get applied when you hover the row only.
hoverStyle Object, Function Works exactly like style but the class name will get applied when you hover the row only.
rowSelection Boolean Enables single row selection.
selectedRowStyle Array Configure appearance of selected rows.
showSelectionCheckbox Boolean Enables multiple row selection with checkboxes.

Conditional Formatting

Users can enable row and column conditional formatting to improve their grids.

Column Conditional Formatting

Column or cell conditional formatting can be achieved using the formatter option, style, by defaultRow or CSS. Formatter gives more flexibility, as shown in the example below: For instance, if a user wants to color red if revenue is less than 1000, color the cell yellow if revenue is between 1000 to 5000 and above that color green.

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'Revenue',
        formatter: function(params) {
            let value = '$' + formatNumbers(params.cellValue);
            let bgColor = '#ff0000';
            if (params.cellValue > 1000 && params.cellValue < 5000) {
                bgColor = '#ffff00'
            } else if (params.cellValue > 5000) {
                bgColor = '#00ff00'
            return '<span style="background-color: "' + bgColor + '/>' + value + '</span>';

Using style or CSS is more recommended when you are required to set only style conditionally, like this:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'Revenue',
        style: function(params) {           
            let bgColor = '#ff0000';
            if (params.cellValue > 1000 && params.cellValue < 5000) {
                bgColor = '#ffff00'
            } else if (params.cellValue > 5000) {
                bgColor = '#00ff00'
            return { background-color: bgColor };

Row Conditional Formatting

Conditional style can also be applied to rows. The RowOptions has both ‘style’ and ‘css’ attributes that accept functions. If we want to implement the same example above, we want to apply the style to row-level instead of cell-level.

config = {
    rowOptions: {
        style: function(params) {
            let revenue = params.values['Revenue'];
            if (revenue < 1000) {
                return {background-color: '#ff0000'}
            } else if (revenue > 1000 && revenue < 5000) {
                return {background-color: '#ffff00'}
            } else {
                return {background-color: '#00ff00'}

The params consist of the following attributes: values - consists of all cell values rowIndex - index of the row on the current page node - DOM node of row


FusionGrid provides fice default viewports with default layouts and default breakpoints.

Viewport Name Min Width Max Width Layout Type Layout Density
mobile 0 550px card
tablet-portrait 551px 1023px card
tablet-landscape 1024px 1199px row compact
desktop 1200px 1399px row default
large-desktop 1400px row comfortable
By default, the ‘row’ layout will appear for desktop and tablet landscape mode, and the ‘card’ layout will appear for mobile and tablet portrait mode. Here is the syntax to define viewport-specific properties: json var gridConfig = { viewports : { "mobile": { config: { } } } } ### Viewport object structure To configure a viewport, users need to mention minScreenWidth and maxScreenWidth attributes. ### Override default Viewport configurations To set your customized viewport configurations, you must mention the viewport name and define your preferred settings. In the example below, for mobile devices layout type is changed from card row. json gridConfig = { viewports: { 'mobile': { config: { layout: { type: 'row' } } } } } Additionally, users can also provide custom viewport and configuration. json gridConfig = { viewports: { 'mobile-portrait': { minScreenWidth: 0, maxScreenWidth: 400, config: { layout: { type: 'card', cardTemplate: function(params) { return some html template;} } } }, 'mobile-landscape': { maxScreenWidth: 600, config: { layout: { type: 'row', density: 'compact' } } } } } Please note - while defining custom viewport, either min or max width should be mentioned. Otherwise, the viewport will not take into effect. Each viewport is a key value pair, where key denotes the viewport name and value is a JSON object which consists of the following properties:
Property Name Data Type Description
minScreenWidth Number Assigns the minimum width of the specified view port.
maxScreenWidth Number Assigns the maximum width of the specified view port.
config Object Defines the configuration for the given viewport. You can set layout, pagination, rowOptions and columns.


The following are sorting configurations you can add to your grid.

Column Sorting

Users can enable sorting for each column individually.

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'country_name',
            sortable: true

The sorting operation triggers when clicking anywhere on the header (apart from other icons like a filter or a tooltip). The first click on the header sorts the column in ascending order. The second click sorts the column in descending order, and a third click clears the sorting.

Enabling or disabling Sorting

Users can choose to enable column sorting by setting the sorting attribute to true or false.

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'country_name',
            sortable: true/false

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'country_name',
            sortable: {
                enable: true/false

Pre-defined Sorting

Apply sort to specific columns by mentioning the applySort attribute to either asc or desc order.

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'Revenue',
            sortable: {
                applySort: 'desc'
Attribute Type Description
sortable boolean Enables Column sorting.
applySort boolean Choose to sort in asc or desc order .


All event listeners can be defined in JSON files. And this is the recommended way.

config = {
    'events': {
        'initialized': function(eventObj) { console.log('Grid Initialized - but not yet rendered'); },
        'rendered': function(eventObj) { console.log('Grid rendered'); },


You can apply four different types of filters to your columns; column conditional filter, value filter, custom filter, and quick search filter.

Column Conditional Filter

Apply column filters by enabling them like this:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'Revenue',
            filter: true

Or like this:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'Revenue',
            filter: {
                conditionalFilter: {
                    enable: true

The following are the conditions that users can apply to the filters:

String Type Columns Number Type Columns Datetime Type Columns
Equals Equals Equals
Not equals Not equals Not equals
Contains Less than Is before
Does not contain Less than or equal to Is on and before
Starts with Greater than Is after
Ends with Greater than or equal to Is on and after
Is empty Between Between
Is not empty Is empty Is empty
Is not empty Is not empty

Enable Multiple Filters

Users can enable multiple filters per column by following the example below:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'Revenue',
            filter: {
                conditionalFilter: {
                    enableMultiFilter: true

Users can combine multiple filters per column using the and/or operations.

Show the Apply and Cancel buttons

To enable the Apply and Cancel buttons on your filters, make sure to enable showApplyCancel like the example below:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'Revenue',
            filter: {
                conditionalFilter: {
                    showApplyCancel: true

Value Filters

Enable value filters to show a list of all available values for a particular column. To enable a value filter, follow the example below:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'Category',
            filter: {
                valueFilter: {
                    enable: true

Enabling Multi-select mode

Users can enable the multiple selection operation to use checkboxes to select multiple columns or use the ‘Select All’ operation to select all columns.

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'Category',
            filter: {
                valueFilter: {
                    enableMultiSelect: true

Users can also enable a search box to search for values like shown in the example below:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'Category',
            filter: {
                valueFilter: {
                    enableMultiSelect: true,
                    enableSearch: true

Custom Filters

Users can customize filters by defining conditions to apply to your filter. Follow the example below:

config = {
    columns: [{
        field: 'Nationality',
            filter: {
                customFilter: {
                    options: [{
                        displayText: 'English Premier League',
                        filterFunc: function(row, column) {
                            return ['Manchester Utd', 'Liverpool', 'Arsenal'].indexOf(row[columns['Nationality']]) >= 0;
                    }, {
                        displayText: 'Bundesliga',
                        filterFunc: function(row, column) {
                            return ['Bayern Munich', 'Borussia Dortmund'].indexOf(row[columns['Nationality']]) >= 0;
                    }, ...]

Each option has two configurations a display text and a filter function.

Property Name Data Type Description
filter Boolean Applies filter to columns when enabled.
conditionalFilter Boolean Enables conditional filtering
enableMultiFilter Boolean Enables multiple filtering per column
valueFilter Boolean Enables filtering per values
enableMultiSelect Boolean Enables multiple value selection
enableSearch Boolean Enables the search bar
showApplyCance; Boolean Enables the Apply and Cancel buttonsr

Specify Defaults

Specify your preferences by setting your default common column configurations, using the defaultColumnOptions, like this:

config = {
    defaultColumnOptions: {
        width: 300,
        enableHover: true,
        hoverClass: 'col-hover'
    columns: [{ field: 'Country' },{ 'Continent' },{ 'Revenue' }]

The difference between defaultColumnOptions and columns is: columns allow you to configure on an individual column level while defaultColumnOptions allows you to define it on the global level. All the properties available in columns are available in defaultColumnOptions as well with the only exceptions of field and type.