FusionExport Server

FusionExport server is an HTTP server which accepts data in JSON format to export your charts and data to file format you wish to export. Although, you can directly communicate with the server using endpoints but it is recommended to download one of the FusionExport SDKs which will make it easy to implement FusionExport in your infrastructure.


To install the FusionExport Server click here.

CLI Options

FusionExport server accepts following command line arguments to configure the server very easily.

Option Alias Default Description
--host -H IP address of the server host.
--port -P 1337 Port number where you want to run the server.
--worker-count -W 2 Maximum number of workers to spawn.
--library-directory-path -L Custom FusionCharts library directory path. Useful while using licensed version of FusionCharts.
--config-file -C Configuration file path.

Config File Options

To persist the config every time you start the server or for getting access to more special options or you can pass a config file through the --config-file or -C option of the CLI. It should be a JSON file having the following properties.

Option Default Description
host IP address of the server host.
port 1337 Port number where you want to run the server.
workerCount 2 Maximum number of workers to spawn.
libraryDirectoryPath Custom FusionCharts library directory path. Useful while using licensed version of FusionCharts.
allowSave (1) true Allow saving of exported images in disk.
savePath (1) exported_images Path to save the exported images.


To run FusionExport server from Docker, click here for detailed installation setup.

Docker Config

Docker takes the following config in it's .env file.

Option Default Description
SERVICE_PORT 1337 Port number where you want to run the server
DATA_SAVE_PATH (1) ~/.fusionexport Storage path for saving the exported images

HTTP Endpoints


Required for supporting the latest export features of FusionExport.

  • HTTP Method: POST
Param Name Default Description
chartConfig Array of chart configs to export. These chart configurations are similar to FusionCharts Chart attributes.
type png Output file type. Accepts either png, jpg, pdf, svg, csv or html.
quality better Output file quality (good / better / best)
outputFile export--<%= number(1) %> Output filename
payload The zipped dependency files which could include resources like HTML templates, images, CSS etc.
templateFilePath template/template.html Template file path inside the payload zip.
callbackFilePath callbackFile.js Callback file path inside the payload zip. This file will be executed upon successful execution of the export action.
outputFileDefinition Output file definition file inside the payload zip.
dashboardHeading FusionCharts Dashboard heading text.
dashboardSubheading The best charting library in the world Dashboard subheading text.
dashboardLogo dashboardLogo.jpg Dashboard logo file inside the payload zip.
inputSVG inputSVG.svg SVG file path inside the payload zip.
asyncCapture false Set the async capture flag.
maxWaitForCaptureExit 6000 Timeout in ms for async capture to trigger.


Required for supporting export functionality of FusionCharts library.

  • HTTP Method: POST
Param Name Default Description
stream_type In this case where charts will be rendered and exported. SVG/IMAGE-DATA
stream {} In case of svg, it will contain the svg string. In case of image data, it will contain the base64 string.
parameters exportfilename=FusionCharts exportformat=png, exportactionnew=save, This will contain the output filename, format, and the action to be perform.
meta_bgColor #FFFFFF Background color to be used.
meta_bgAlpha Alpha value for the background.
meta_DOMId DOM Id.
meta_width Width of the chart.
meta_height Height of the chart.
chart_caption Caption or title.
chart_sub_caption Sub caption or subtitle.
is_single_export Whether it is bulk, or a single export.
is_full_version Whether it is a trial, or a paid version.
user_time_zone User timezone.
log_enabled true Whether logging is enabled.
version Version.