FusionCharts for Flex > Introduction > Widget Types

You can use FusionCharts for Flex to incorporate the following types of widgets in your Flex solutions:

Widget Name Widget Type (value for FCChartType property) Widget File Name (SWF)
Real-time Angular AngularGauge  AngularGauge.swf
Real-time Horizontal Linear HLinearGauge  HLinearGauge.swf
Real-time Horizontal LED HLED  HLED.swf
Real-time Vertical LED VLED  VLED.swf
Real-time Bulb Bulb  Bulb.swf
Real-time Cylinder Cylinder  Cylinder.swf
Real-time Thermometer Thermometer  Thermometer.swf
Spark Charts
Spark Line SparkLine  SparkLine.swf
Spark Column SparkColumn  SparkColumn.swf
Spark Win/Loss SparkWinLoss  SparkWinLoss.swf
Bullet Graphs
Horizontal bullet graph HBullet  HBullet.swf
Vertical bullet graph VBullet  VBullet.swf
Gantt Chart Gantt  Gantt.swf