FusionCharts for Flex > Introduction >Version History
What's new in v1.3
Existing FusionCharts for Flex users can learn how to use the new features introduced in FusionCharts for Flex v1.3 here.
New Features:
AIR Desktop application support
Charts can dynamically resize based on the dimensions of the parent containers
Support for Interactive Legend
Automated numeric X-Axis in Scatter and Bubble charts
Regression line in Scatter and Bubble charts
Quadrants and quadrant labels in Scatter and Bubble and charts
Number formatting options for the X-Axis scale in Scatter and Bubble charts.
Configurable options for vertical divisional lines, vertical grids and vertical zero plane in Scatter and Bubble charts
Advance Image/SWF display and alignment support for background
Added legend in Pie, Doughnut, Funnel and Pyramid charts
Ability to plot columns on right axis of chart in 3D combination charts
Chart specific APIs added for Pie, Doughnut and MSCombi3D charts
Support to specify Y-Axis minimum values in all stacked charts
Support to align the vertical Axis names with respect to the whole chart or only the chart canvas
Macros or pre-defined variables to position Annotation better
Support for left or right alignment of caption and subcaption
Manually control the position of data values in line and area charts
Ability to hide zero plane values
Pack contains a separate Flash SWC component to help render charts in Adobe Flash CS3/CS4/CS5 Applications
Charts are cached to reduce bandwidth usage
Charts can now run in Flash Builder Debug mode
Optimized X-Axis label placement
The default size of the caption and subcaption has been increased
Annotations scale automatically when dynamic resizing is enabled
Customizable options of X-Axis ticks for Multi-series Combination 3D chart has been added
Major improvement in memory leak issue
"No data to display" issue
Known issues:
The text shown in the Debug Window of charts/gauges in API Application can not copied using context menu
The Custom component for Flash CS3/CS4/CS5 can only render charts
FusionCharts for Flex does not support Flex's "Spark only" component set
What's new in v1.2
New Charts and Widgets
New functionalities
Added support for images in chart background, logo and annotations.
Default palette of all 3D charts have modified to produce translucent background.
Improved print function.
What's new in v1.1
Addition of widgets from FusionWidgets framework (gauges and special charts)
Real-time Angular
Real-time Horizontal Linear
Real-time Horizontal LED
Real-time Vertical LED
Real-time Bulb
Real-time Cylinder
Real-time Thermometer
Spark Charts
Spark Line
Spark Column
Spark Win/Loss
Bullet Graphs
Horizontal Bullet Graph
Vertical Bullet Graph
Features available with the new introduced gauges
Widgets can now be updated in real time through URL feed or Flex API
Alert manager facility to track changes and throw alerts
Message logger function to log server/client side messages
Annotation facility to mark areas in your widgets
New functionalities
Ability to export the charts as PDF and images (JPEG, PNG) at client-side.
Rotated text doesn't need embedded fonts any more. Any UTF-8 character can now be rotated and used on the chart thereby making FusionCharts truly multi-lingual.
Option to specify a text value, which can replace the numeric values that are displayed on chart for each data item.
Ability to load custom logo on the chart at pre-defined positions and then link the same.
Option to add your custom menu item to the chart's context menu and then link the same.
Support for wrapping of caption, sub-caption, and tooltips.
Trend-lines can now have custom tool-text.
User definable color palettes for the data plots.
A lot more events to help you manipulate the chart better from your Flex code.
Ability to export data from chart as CSV using context menu or Flex API.
Ability to get the XML for any chart using Flex API.
Ability to get a chart attribute using Flex API.
For each chart, a sample data is provided. This feature is turned off by default, but can be turned on (if needed) using the new FCUseDefaultData attribute.
Charts have been recompiled at 36fps to solve the memory issues in Firefox.