FusionCharts for Flex > Introduction > Overview

What is FusionCharts for Flex?

FusionCharts for Flex is a data visualization component for Adobe® Flex® solutions. It allows to embed interactive charts, graphs and gauges in your Flex solutions using methods that you are already familiar with.

Powered by FusionCharts XT and FusionWidgets XT framework, the industry leader in Adobe Flash based data visualization - FusionCharts for Flex offers 46 charts and 13 widgets (gauges), in both 2D and 3D. And, it works with Flex Builder 2, Flex Builder 3 and Flash Builder 4 and above.

How does it work?

FusionCharts XT had been coded in ActionScript 2 (Flash 8 - AVM1). So, if you're wondering how we converted them to Flex components – we’ll devote some time in explaining the process.

We haven’t ported them to ActionScript 3 (AVM2); instead, we have modified the existing FusionCharts SWF files – so that, they can load efficiently in your Flex solutions and then be controlled by your Flex code. To facilitate cross communication between AVM1 and AVM2 we have used LocalConnection. As such, you don’t have to bother about cross AVM issues. All you need to do – is load the FusionCharts SWF, provide the data, and control it from your Flex project.

FusionCharts internally uses XML as its only data source. Therefore, we've provided Flex APIs that can automatically convert data stored in Array, XMLList, Model etc. to FusionCharts XML format.

So, why should I use FusionCharts and not Adobe Flex charts?

We are not asking you to dump your licenses of Adobe Flex Charting – that would be a bold statement to make. Instead, we are asking you to use both products mutually to cover all your charting needs.

Each product has its own niche. FusionCharts for Flex covers some aspects of charting that are not covered by Flex Charting. For instance, Flex Charting neither supports real-time charts nor does it supports gauges. With FusionCharts for Flex however, you get the advantage of using gauges as well as real-time charts. If you're looking for greater variety of charts and plenty of chart configuration options – we may prove to be of great help to you. Also, some charts in FusionCharts suite are highly interactive, like the pie and doughnut charts which allow rotation and slicing of individual pies.

Listed below are a few justifications of why you should or shouldn't use FusionCharts for Flex:


  • Loads charts, as and when you need. You don't have to pack everything in your main SWF and increase the file size.
  • Plenty of charts and widgets to choose from. FusionCharts for Flex offers 46 charts and 13 widgets. It was initially released with just 40 charts, but more charts were added gradually and widgets were introduced.
  • Extensive range of available configuration options allows you to customize every aspect of the chart.
  • Real-time support facilitates automatic update of real-time gauges.
  • The charts are not native Flex components. You cannot update individual columns/lines etc. but you can change the data of the entire chart.
  • The charts are not coded in ActionScript 3 but in ActionScript 2 (if that matters).

Key advantages of FusionCharts for Flex are:

  • All the charts are animated: The charts rendered by FusionCharts are animated and pleasant to view. The default animation can be further customized via the API to suit your needs.
  • Lots of charts and gauges on offer: Apart from the standard chart types, FusionCharts for Flex features some exciting chart types like scroll charts, true 3D charts, Gantt charts, funnel and pyramid charts, bubble and scatter charts.
  • Numerous interactivity options: All the charts support tooltips and drill-downs. Many charts in FusionCharts for Flex offer unique interactivity options like the slicing/rotation in pie and doughnut charts, 3D capabilities in True 3D charts, 2D to 3D view change in Funnel, Pyramid and Pie charts etc.
  • Easy to get started: Getting started is as easy as dragging and dropping FusionCharts component from the toolbar into your project. When you build your project, it kicks FusionCharts for Flex into action and shows the default chart. After your wow moment, just use the visual configuration options to change the chart type, configure size, select data method or configure this default chart.
  • Supports multiple data sources: FusionCharts for Flex provides multiple data connection APIs that can connect to data stored in Flex structures like Array, XMLList, Model etc. If you wish to connect to other data sources like Blaze DS and webservices, these simple APIs can be used for the same as well. Our extensive documentation and code examples can be used as starting point to learn these.
  • Allows extensive customization: Lots of configuration options for each chart help you configure both the functional and cosmetic aspects of each chart to your satisfaction.
  • Supports drill-down: All the charts and maps support drill-down. Click actions can be set for individual data items that can be tracked as Flex events and acted upon.
  • Supports dynamic resizing: All the charts and gauges now support percentage (%) based sizes along with dynamic resizing when parent containers resize.
  • Works seamlessly with Flex charting: While the default charting provided with Flex is good for basic needs, they fall short when you need high level of customization in each chart, advanced interactivity or more chart types. FusionCharts for Flex has you covered in those cases.
  • Supports on-demand loading of charts and maps: You can load charts as and when you need, instead of packing everything in your main SWF, thereby increasing the file size. The charts are present as external SWF files that allow them to be loaded on-demand.
  • Works with Flex Builder 2, 3 and Flash Builder 4 or above: FusionCharts for Flex works with various versions of Flex Builders and SDK enabling a consistent experience for your end users.
  • Works with AIR applications: FusionCharts for Flex works in Flex AIR (Desktop) applications.