FusionCharts for Flex > Your First Chart > Drill Down

FusionCharts for Flex helps you create drill-down charts easily. All the charts in FusionCharts for Flex suite support drill-down. The data plot of a chart (columns in Column Charts, Pie slices in Pie Charts etc.) can be made to act as hotspots or the chart itself can be a hostspot. Using drill-down functionality of FusionCharts, you can easily produce charts with drill-down or zoom in (data) capabilities.

Let us modify our "Simple Sales Chart" sample. To turn a column of that chart into a drill-down hotspot, we need to define link attribute against that data. Let us modify the existing XML. We want each of the data-plot hotspots to open in a new location. We define the links as follows:

<chart caption='Half Yearly Sales Summary' subcaption='For the year 2008 - First Half' 
	  xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Sales' numberPrefix='$' >
  <set label='Jan' value='17400' link='Location1.html' />
  <set label='Feb' value='19800' link='Location2.html' />
  <set label='Mar' value='21800' link='Location3.html' />
  <set label='Apr' value='23000' link='Location4.html' />
  <set label='May' value='29000' link='Location5.html' />
  <set label='Jun' value='27600' link='Location6.html' />