
Javascript Alias: europe

Map Name: Europe Dimensions (Width x Height): 450x440

List of Entities

Original Id Id Short label Label
001 001 AL Albania
002 002 AD Andorra
003 003 AT Austria
004 004 BY Belarus
005 005 BE Belgium
006 006 BA Bosnia and Herzegovina
007 007 BG Bulgaria
008 008 HY Croatia
044 044 CY Cyprus
009 009 CZ Czech Republic
010 010 DK Denmark
011 011 EE Estonia
012 012 FI Finland
013 013 FR France
014 014 DE Germany
015 015 GR Greece
016 016 HU Hungary
017 017 IS Iceland
018 018 IE Ireland
019 019 IT Italy
047 047 KO Kosovo
020 020 LV Latvia
021 021 LI Liechtenstein
022 022 LT Lithuania
023 023 LU Luxembourg
024 024 MK Macedonia
025 025 MT Malta
026 026 MD Moldova
027 027 MC Monaco
028 028 MO Montenegro
029 029 NL Netherlands
030 030 NO Norway
031 031 PL Poland
032 032 PT Portugal
033 033 RO Romania
046 046 RU Russia
034 034 SM San Marino
035 035 CS Serbia
036 036 SK Slovakia
037 037 SL Slovenia
038 038 ES Spain
039 039 SE Sweden
040 040 CH Switzerland
045 045 TK Turkey
041 041 UA Ukraine
042 042 UK United Kingdom
043 043 VA Vatican City