FusionTime JSON structure

Unlike FusionCharts which is controlled by a single JSON data source, that is, the same source contains data to plot, functional settings and cosmetic properties, FusionTime comes with a different approach. In FusionTime, the data is handled by the data layer (DataStore and DataTable), whereas, the functional and cosmetic settings are specified separately.

In this article, we will discuss the JSON structure to set the functional and cosmetic properties of different components FusionTime.

FusionTime JSON Structure

In FusionCharts, the functional and cosmetic properties are defined using attributes under the chart object.

For example, you can define the caption under the chart object as shown in the code below:

    chart : {
        "caption": "Chart Caption"

In FusionTime, each and every component is a separate object which has specific properties of its own.

For example, to specify the caption you need to create a caption object under the dataSource object inn the FusionCharts constructor and set the value of the text property. Refer to the code below:

new FusionCharts({
        type: 'timeseries',
        dataSource: {
            caption: {
                text: 'Online Sales of a SuperStore in the US'

Similarly, to configure the y-axis in FusionTime you need to create a yAxis object and define the y-axis related properties within the object. Refer to the code below:

new FusionCharts({
        type: 'timeseries',
        dataSource: {
            "yAxis": [{
                "plot": {
                    "title": 'Sales ($)'

Every component in FusionTime has its own set of properties to configure. To know more click here.


In FusionCharts, you can define the cosmetic properties using attributes within the chart object.

For example, you can set the font of the caption using the captionFont attribute within the chart object. Refer to the code below:

    chart : {
        "caption": "Chart Caption",
        "captionFont": "Arial"

FusionTime allows you to define the cosmetic properties using Styles in two different ways. You can:

  • Define a StyleDefinition object and set the style properties within the object. You can then use the style properties to style any chart component. Refer to the code below:
new FusionCharts({
        type: 'timeseries',
        dataSource: {
            styleDefinition: {
                "small-text": {
                    "font-size": "6"


  • You can directly create a style object within a component to set the style properties. Refer to the code below:
new FusionCharts({
        type: 'timeseries',
        dataSource: {
            caption: {
                text: 'Online Sales of a SuperStore in the US'
                style: {
            text: 'small-text'