Kyrgyzstan Map Configuration
Select a country or region from the list below
Map Name: Kyrgyzstan
JavaScript Alias: maps/kyrgyzstan
"map": {
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"x": "382.61",
"y": "55.56",
"label": "Bishkek",
"labelpos": "left"
"id": "01",
"shapeid": "newCustomShape",
"x": "345.57",
"y": "67.91",
"label": "Kara-Balta",
"labelpos": "right"
"id": "02",
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"x": "234.44",
"y": "66.88",
"label": "Talas",
"labelpos": "left"
"id": "03",
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"x": "257.08",
"y": "170.8",
"label": "Kara-Kol",
"labelpos": "left"
"id": "04",
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"x": "270.45",
"y": "214.02",
"label": "Jalal-Abad"
"id": "05",
"shapeid": "newCustomShape",
"x": "295.15",
"y": "230.48",
"label": "Ozgon",
"labelpos": "right"
"id": "06",
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"x": "264.28",
"y": "257.23",
"label": "Osh"
"id": "07",
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"x": "217.98",
"y": "274.72",
"label": "Kyzyl-Kyya",
"labelpos": "left"
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"x": "288.97",
"y": "311.77",
"label": "Sary-Tash"
"id": "09",
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"x": "443.32",
"y": "185.21",
"label": "Naryn"
"id": "10",
"shapeid": "newCustomShape",
"x": "440.23",
"y": "57.62",
"label": "Tokmok"
"id": "11",
"shapeid": "newCustomShape",
"x": "474.19",
"y": "84.37",
"label": "Balykchy"
"id": "13",
"shapeid": "newCustomShape",
"x": "614.12",
"y": "87.46",
"label": "Karakol"
"id": "14",
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"x": "145.95",
"y": "295.3",
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New JSON format for map marker data.
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"x": "345.57",
"y": "67.91",
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"y": "66.88",
"label": "Talas",
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"id": "03",
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"y": "170.8",
"label": "Kara-Kol",
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"id": "04",
"x": "270.45",
"y": "214.02",
"label": "Jalal-Abad"
"id": "05",
"x": "295.15",
"y": "230.48",
"label": "Ozgon",
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"id": "06",
"x": "264.28",
"y": "257.23",
"label": "Osh"
"id": "07",
"x": "217.98",
"y": "274.72",
"label": "Kyzyl-Kyya",
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"id": "08",
"x": "288.97",
"y": "311.77",
"label": "Sary-Tash"
"id": "09",
"x": "443.32",
"y": "185.21",
"label": "Naryn"
"id": "10",
"x": "440.23",
"y": "57.62",
"label": "Tokmok"
"id": "11",
"x": "474.19",
"y": "84.37",
"label": "Balykchy"
"id": "13",
"x": "614.12",
"y": "87.46",
"label": "Karakol"
"id": "14",
"x": "145.95",
"y": "295.3",
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Old JSON format for map marker data, using separate application and definition blocks.
<map animation='0' showShadow='0' showMarkerLabels='1' fillColor='F1f1f1' borderColor='999999' baseFont='Verdana' baseFontSize='10' markerBorderColor='000000' markerBgColor='FF5904' markerRadius='6' legendPosition='bottom' useHoverColor='1' showMarkerToolTip='1' showLabels='0' >
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<entity id='KG.TL' />
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<marker id='13' x='614.12' y='87.46' label='Karakol' />
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<marker id='11' shapeId='newCustomShape' />
<marker id='13' shapeId='newCustomShape' />
<marker id='14' shapeId='newCustomShape' />
Old XML format for map marker data, using separate application and definition blocks.