
Beginner's Guide

Charts / Gauges / Maps Guide

Customizing Charts


Integrating With Your Stack



Installing Maps as part of FusionCharts Suite XT

Maps are installed as a part of FusionCharts Suite XT package. For detailed instructions on installing FusionCharts Suite XT or FusionMaps XT, see [Installation FusionCharts](/archive/3.11.3/getting-started/installation.html).

Once installed, ensure that fusioncharts.js and fusioncharts.maps.js files are present in the fusioncharts folder. You will also need to paste the relevant map definition files in the fusioncharts/maps/ folder for any specific maps you want to use.

Installing Additional Map Files

The FusionCharts Suite XT download package contains only the USA and World maps as a part of the package. To work with other maps, you will require the map definition files for those maps. A map definition file contains all the data required to create and render a map. You can download the additional map definition files from here.

The map definition files thus downloaded are extremely high resolution maps. If your application is not required to render the full resolution maps, you can send in a request for custom resolution maps to our Customer Support team.

Once you’ve downloaded the map definition package, locate the maps folder in the package. Copy the relevant map definition files from the maps folder of the download package to the fusioncharts/maps folder to start using those maps. For example, if you are interested in the California map, copy the fusioncharts.california.js file from the maps folder of the download package and paste it in the fusioncharts/maps/ folder.
