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You can also configure various properties of the pyramid chart. Here, we'll see a few of them:

Now, see each one of them one by one.

Drawing 2D pyramid

When you draw a normal pyramid chart, it renders as 3D, with a context menu allowing you to switch between 2D & 3D mode. However, if you intend to render the pyramid as 2D itself, you can set:

<chart ... is2D='1' ...>
"chart": {

"is2D": "1"


This will result in:

See it live!

When in 2D mode, you can customize the border properties of the pyramid using:

<chart ... is2D='1' isSliced='1' showPlotBorder='1' plotBorderThickness='1' plotBorderAlpha='100' plotBorderColor='333333'>
"chart": {
"is2D": "1", "issliced": "1",
"showplotborder": "1",
"plotborderthickness": "1",
"plotborderalpha": "100",
"plotbordercolor": "333333",


This will result in:

Applying shadow to 2D pyramid
Using Styles, you can add shadow to 2D pyramid chart as under:
<chart caption="Sales distribution by Employee" subCaption="Jan 07 - Jul 07" numberPrefix="$" is2D="1" isSliced="1" showPlotBorder="1" plotBorderThickness="1" plotBorderAlpha="100" plotBorderColor="FFFFFF">
<set label="Buchanan" value="50000"/>
<set label="Callahan" value="49000"/>
<set label="Davolio" value="63000"/>
<set label="Dodsworth" value="41000"/>
<set label="Fuller" value="74000"/>
<set label="King" value="49000"/>
<set label="Leverling" value="77000"/>
<set label="Peacock" value="54000"/>
<set label="Suyama" value="14000"/>
<style type="shadow" name="myShadow"/>
<apply toObject="DATAPLOT" styles="myShadow"/>
  "chart": {
    "caption": "Sales distribution by Employee",
    "subcaption": "Jan 07 - Jul 07",
    "numberprefix": "$",
    "is2d": "1",
    "issliced": "1",
    "showplotborder": "1",
    "plotborderthickness": "1",
    "plotborderalpha": "100",
    "plotbordercolor": "FFFFFF"
  "data": [
      "label": "Buchanan",
      "value": "50000"
      "label": "Callahan",
      "value": "49000"
      "label": "Davolio",
      "value": "63000"
      "label": "Dodsworth",
      "value": "41000"
      "label": "Fuller",
      "value": "74000"
      "label": "King",
      "value": "49000"
      "label": "Leverling",
      "value": "77000"
      "label": "Peacock",
      "value": "54000"
      "label": "Suyama",
      "value": "14000"
  "styles": {
    "definition": [
        "type": "shadow",
        "name": "myShadow"
    "application": [
        "toobject": "DATAPLOT",
        "styles": "myShadow"
This will result in:
Showing labels at center (in 2D Mode)

In 2D pyramid chart, you can opt to show the pyramid labels at center of the chart using:

<chart ... is2D='1' showLabelsAtCenter='1' ...>
"chart": {

"is2D": "1"
"showlabelsatcenter": "1"

This will result in (with shadow filter applied to data labels):

Showing labels in legend

Starting FusionWidgets XT, you can choose to place the labels in a separate legend box. You can click on the legend items to slice in and slice-out the respective pyramid item as shown below:

To show the legend (and hide the labels beside the pyramid) set:

<chart .. showLegend='1' showLabels='0'...>
{ "chart" : {... "showlegend" : "1", "showlabels": "0" ... } }

You can also place the legend at the right by setting the value of the legendPosition attribute to RIGHT:

<chart .. showLegend='1' legendPosition='RIGHT' showLabels='0'...>
{ "chart" : {... "showlegend" : "1", "legendposition": "RIGHT", "showlabels": "0" ... } }

The legend will be placed on the right as shown below:

Showing values as percentage

You can opt to show the values in pyramid chart as percentage by setting:

<chart ... showPercentValues='1' ...>
"chart": {

"showpercentvalues": "1"


This will result in:

Slicing out individual pyramid slices

You can slice out individual pyramid slices by setting:

<set ... isSliced='1' ..>
"chart": {

"issliced": "1"


This will result in (here, we've sliced Fuller's slice):