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Here, we'll see how to:

Let's see them one by one.

Show/hide tick marks and tick values

You can opt to hide both the tick marks and tick values using:

<chart ... showTickMarks='0' showTickValues='0'...>
{ "chart" : {... "showtickmarks": "0", "showtickvalues": "0"... } }

This will result in:

Configuring tick values

You can opt to show every nth tick value by setting:

<chart ... tickValueStep='2' ...>
{ "chart" : {... "tickvaluestep": "2" ... } }

This will result in every 2nd major tick mark's value being shown, as under:

You can also set the decimals for the tick values using:

<chart ... tickValueDecimals='2' forceTickValueDecimals='1' ..>
{ "chart" : {... "tickvaluedecimals": "2", "forcetickvaluedecimals": "1"... } }

Here, we've set tick value decimals as 2 and forced them to display. It will result in:

Configuring tick marks & values position

You can configure the ticks to show above/below the gauge using:

<chart ... ticksBelowGauge='0' ...>
{ "chart" : {... "tickbelowgauge": "0" ... } }

This results in:

Additionally, you can opt to place the ticks/values inside/outside using:

<chart ... placeTicksInside='1' placeValuesInside='1' ...>
{ "chart" : {... "placeticksinside": "1", "placevaluesinside": "1" ... } }      
Configuring number of major and minor tick marks

You can configure the number of tick marks as under:

<chart ... majorTMNumber='12' minorTMNumber='3'   ...>
{ "chart" : {... "majortmnumber": "12", "minortmnumber": "3" ... } }  

It will result in:

As you can see above, the chart has automatically adjusted the number of major ticks to a best feasible value. However, if you do not want the chart to do the same, you can add:

<chart ... adjustTM='0' majorTMNumber='12'   minorTMNumber='3' ...>
{ "chart" : {... "adjusttm": "0", "majortmnumber": "12", "minortmnumber": "3" ... } }
Configuring tick mark cosmetics

You can configure tick mark cosmetics using:

<chart ... majorTMColor='333333' majorTMAlpha='100'   majorTMHeight='10' majorTMThickness='2' minorTMColor='666666' minorTMAlpha='100' minorTMHeight='7' minorTMThickness='1' ...>
{ "chart":{ "majortmcolor":"333333", "majortmalpha":"100", "majortmheight":"10", "majortmthickness":"2", "minortmcolor":"666666", "minortmalpha":"100", "minortmheight":"7",
"minortmthickness":"1" } }

This will result in:

Configuring tick mark & tick value padding

You can set tick mark and tick value padding using:

<chart ... tickMarkDistance='10' tickValueDistance='10' ...>
{ "chart":{ "tickmarkdistance":"10", "tickvaluedistance":"10" } }

This results in: