The Shadow Style Type helps
you apply shadow effect to any of the chart objects.
Note: In JavaScript charts, customized shadow style type is not available.
It extends the following configurable properties: |
distance |
offset distance for the shadow (in pixels). The default value is 4. |
angle |
angle of the shadow. Valid values are 0 to 360˚. The default
value is 45. |
color |
color of the shadow in hex code (without #). The default value is
alpha |
alpha transparency value for the shadow color. Valid values are
0 to 100. For example, 25 sets a transparency value of 25%. |
blurX |
amount of horizontal blur. Valid values are 0 to 255. The default
value is 4. Values that are a power of 2 (such as 2, 4, 8, 16 and
32) are optimized to render more quickly than other values. |
blurY |
amount of vertical blur. Valid values are 0 to 255. The default
value is 4. Values that are a power of 2 (such as 2, 4, 8, 16 and
32) are optimized to render more quickly than other values. |
strength |
strength of the imprint or spread. The higher the value, the more
color is imprinted and the stronger the contrast between the shadow
and the background. Valid values are from 0 to 255. The default
is 1. |
quality |
number of times to apply the shadow effect. Valid values are 0 to
15. The default value is 1, which is equivalent to low quality.
A value of 2 is medium quality, and a value of 3 is high quality.
Shadow with lower values are rendered quicker. |
The following code helps set the shadow distance and angle:
<style name='MyFirstShadow' type='Shadow' distance='6' angle='45'/>
"definition":[{ "name":"MyFirstShadow", "type":"Shadow", "distance":"6", "angle":"45" }]
distance |
in pixels' |
distance='6' |
angle |
between 0 to 360' |
angle='45' |
When applied on the columns of a 2D Column Chart, as under:
<apply toObject='DataPlot' styles='MyFirstShadow' />
"application":[{ "toobject":"DataPlot", "styles":"MyFirstShadow" }]
It gives the following output: |
You can set any distance (in pixels) and any angle between
0-360. |
You can configure shadow color and alpha as under:
<style name='MyFirstShadow' type='Shadow' color='D72060' alpha='30' distance='6' angle='45' />
"definition":[{ "name":"MyFirstShadow", "type":"Shadow", "color":"D72060", "alpha":"30", "distance":"6", "angle":"45" }]
color |
color='Hex value (without #)' |
color='D72060' |
alpha |
alpha='value (between 0 to 100)' |
alpha='30' |
The above code changes shadow color to pink (D72060)
with a transparency of 30% as under: |
You can configure the blur amount of shadow as under:
<style name='MyFirstShadow' type='Shadow' distance='6' angle='45' blurX='14' blurY='14'/>
"definition":[{ "name":"MyFirstShadow", "type":"Shadow", "distance":"6", "angle":"45", "blurx":"14", "blury":"14" }]
blurX |
blurX='value' |
blurX='14' |
blurY |
blurY='value' |
blurY='14' |
(Original shadow
– without any blur) |
(With blurX and blurY
as 14) |
The shadow's strength and quality can be controlled as under:
<style name='MyFirstShadow' type='Shadow' distance='6' angle='45' quality='10'/>
"definition":[{ "name":"MyFirstShadow", "type":"Shadow", "distance":"6", "angle":"45", "quality":"10" }]
quality |
quality='value' |
quality='10' |
strength |
strength='value' |
strength='3' |
(With default quality) |
(With quality set
as 10) |
You can also set the strength of the shadow as under:
<style name='MyFirstShadow' type='Shadow' distance='6' angle='45' strength='3'/>
"definition":[{ "name":"MyFirstShadow", "type":"Shadow", "distance":"6", "angle":"45", "strength":"3" }]
This yields the following: |
(With default strength) |
(With strength set
as 3) |
Using a combination of the above discussed attributes,
you can create shadow effects the way you like it!
Let's now shift focus to Glow Style Type. |