JavaScript API | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The angular gauge chart exposes the following JavaScript APIs: |
Additionally, you can control the annotations using JavaScript API, which has been discussed in the annotations sections. |
Using these methods | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
To use any of these methods, you need to refer to the chart and then call any of these methods. To refer to a chart, you can use the DOMID of the chart and pass it using any of the following ways: var chartRef = FusionCharts("myChartId"); or var chartRef = FusionCharts.items["myChartId"]; The legacy function getChartFromId() still works as show below: var chartRef = getChartFromId("myChartId"); However, note that getChartFromId() has been deprecated. You can call the JavaScript APIs of a chart only after it has rendered. You can use the FC_Rendered event tracker or the Rendered event listener to check if a chart has rendered. For more information, please see FusionWidgets XT and JavaScript section. The example below shows how to call getData() when an Angular gauge is updated with data: |
<html> <head> <title>FusionWidgets XT Edit Mode</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="Charts/FusionCharts.js"></script> <script language="javascript"> //FC_ChartUpdated method is called when user has changed dial value. function FC_ChartUpdated(DOMId){ //Check if DOMId is that of the chart we want if (DOMId=="ChId1"){ //Get reference to the chart var chartRef = FusionCharts(DOMId); //Get the current value var dialValue = chartRef.getData(1); //You can also use getDataForId method as commented below, to get the dial value. //var dialValue = chartRef.getDataForId("CS"); //Update display var divToUpdate = document.getElementById("contentDiv"); divToUpdate.innerHTML = "<span class='text'>Your satisfaction index: <B>" + Math.round(dialValue) + "%</B></span>"; } } </script> </head> <body> <div id="chartContainer">FusionWidgets XT will load here</div> <div id="contentDiv">Drag and move the dial to indicate your satisfaction index. The new value will be updated here.</div> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- // Define data for the gauge var editModeXML ='<chart lowerLimit="0" upperLimit="100" lowerLimitDisplay="Bad" upperLimitDisplay="Good" ' + ' gaugeStartAngle="180" gaugeEndAngle="0" palette="1" numberSuffix="%" ' + ' tickValueDistance="20" showValue="1" decimals="0" editMode="1">' + '<colorRange>' + ' <color minValue="0" maxValue="75" code="FF654F"/>' + ' <color minValue="75" maxValue="90" code="F6BD0F"/>' + ' <color minValue="90" maxValue="100" code="8BBA00"/>' + '</colorRange>' + '<dials>' + ' <dial id="CS" value="92" rearExtension="10"/>' + '</dials>' + '</chart>'; // Render chart var chart1 = new FusionCharts("../../Charts/AngularGauge.swf", "ChId1", "400", "200", "0", "1"); chart1.setXMLData(editModeXML); chart1.render("chartContainer"); // --> </script> </body> </html> See it live! |
FusionWidgets XT introduces two new events to track real-time updates on charts and gauges. The names of the two events are: RealtimeUpdateComplete and RealtimeUpdateError. RealtimeUpdateComplete event is raised when a real-time gauge or chart completes updating data. Example implementation:
FusionCharts("myChartId").addEventListener ("RealtimeUpdateComplete" ,
function(event, parameter)
alert( "Your satisfaction index: " + event.sender.getData(1) + "%" );
See it live! Existing JavaScript implementations using the FC_ChartUpdated event will continue to function without any problem. RealtimeUpdateError event is raised when an error occurs while updating data in a real-time gauge or chart. This event passes the HTTP Status (as number) of the error occurred. Example implementation:
FusionCharts("myChartId").addEventListener ("RealtimeUpdateError" ,
function(event, parameter)
alert( "Problem occurred while updating real-time data. The error status code is" + parameter.httpStatus );
Troubleshooting |
While accessing any of the JavaScript methods listed above, if you get an error like "... is not a function of ...", make sure of the following points: