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As you've already seen in the previous example, the XML data document containing markers for the map looks as under:

<map animation='0' showLabels='0' showMarkerLabels='1' fillColor='F1f1f1' borderColor='CCCCCC' baseFont='Verdana' baseFontSize='11' baseFontColor='333333' markerBorderColor='333333' markerBgColor='CCCCFF' markerRadius='7' legendPosition='bottom' useHoverColor='0' showToolTip='0' showMarkerToolTip='1'  >
            <entity id='NA'  />
            <entity id='SA'  />
            <entity id='EU'  />
            <entity id='AS'  />
            <entity id='AF'  />
            <entity id='AU'  />
                 <marker id='HO' x='140.09' y='165.19' label='Head Office'  />
                 <marker id='PF' x='533.37' y='182.25' label='Production Center'  />
                 <marker id='SA' x='447.04' y='106.57' label='Sales'  />
                 <marker id='HO' shapeId='circle'  />
                 <marker id='PF' shapeId='arc'  />
                 <marker id='SA' shapeId='triangle'  />

All data pertinent to markers are defined within the <markers> element under <map> element.

Attributes for <map> element pertinent to markers

You can define the following attributes for <map> element that will help you control the markers:

Attribute Name Type Range Description
markerFont String Font Name This attribute sets the font face for all the defined marker labels. You can over-ride this using STYLES.
markerFontSize Number 0-72 This attribute sets the font size for all the defined marker labels on the map. You can over-ride this using STYLES.
markerFontColor Color   This attribute sets the font color for all the defined marker labels on the map. You can over-ride this using STYLES.
showMarkerToolTip Boolean 0/1 Whether to show tool tips for the defined markers?
showMarkerLabels Boolean 0/1 You can opt to show/hide label for all the markers on the map using this attribute.
markerLabelPadding Number Pixels This attribute lets you set a global label padding between the marker icon and its label. You can later over-ride the label padding for each individual marker too.
markerBgColor Color   This attribute lets you set a common background color for all the defined markers on the map. You can later over-ride individual marker colors by using SHAPE definitions.
markerBorderColor Color   This attribute lets you set a common border color for all the defined markers on the map. You can later over-ride individual marker border colors by using SHAPE definitions.
markerRadius Number Pixels This attribute lets you set a common radius for all the defined markers on the map. You can later over-ride individual marker border colors by using SHAPE definitions.
Since v3.2 SR-2
Boolean 0/1 This attribute lets you to scale the markers automatically with respect to the map dimensions. By default, this attribute is set to 0.
Since v3.2 SR-2
Color 0/1 Using this attribute, you can specify the fill color for the marker shape (hex code without #). If you specify a comma separated list of hex codes (without #), FusionMaps XT will use those colors to form a gradient.
Since v3.2 SR-2
Number 0-100 Used to specify the fill alpha. In case of gradients, you'll need to specify a comma separated list of alpha.
Since v3.2 SR-2
Number 0-100 If you're using gradient fills for the marker, this attribute lets you set the ratio (on a scale of 0-100) for the gradient component colors.
Since v3.2 SR-2
Number 0-360 If you're using gradient fills for the marker, this attribute lets you set the angle for the gradient.
Since v3.2 SR-2
Number 0-100 Border alpha for the marker shape.
Marker Definition

To define a marker, you need to create <marker> element under <definition> element.

Note that just defining a marker does NOT show it on the map. Defining a marker is like creating a list of markers for the map, from which you can selectively choose and later show (in <application> element).

Each <marker> element under <definition> element can have the following attributes:

  • x - Relative X-position of the marker. This should be set by the Visual Map Builder.
  • y - Relative Y-position of the marker. This should be set by the Visual Map Builder.
  • id - Unique Id for the marker (alphanumeric). Each marker needs to be allotted a unique ID, by which it can be referenced in <application> element. ID of each marker can contain only alphabets and numbers. Special characters are not allowed.
  • label - Label that you want to display for the marker. This label will be shown along side the marker on the map (unless you've otherwise opted not to).
  • labelPos - Where the label for this marker should appear, w.r.t. marker position - left, right, center, top or bottom? You can later over-ride the label position for individual markers, while applying them.
  • shapeId - Using this attribute, you can set the shape that this marker will assume on the map. FusionMaps XT offers 4 default shapes - circle, arc, triangle or diamond. You can also define your custom shapes and then refer to thos. The value of this attribute is overriden by the value of the shapeId attribute in <shape> element.
  • radius - In case of arc, circle or polygon, this attribute lets you set the radius of the same. The value of this attribute is overriden by the value of the radius attribute in <shape> element.
Marker Application

To show a marker on the map, you need to place a <marker> element under <application> element and match the proper ID from marker definitions.

For example, in our office location demo, we first define the markers with unique IDs under <definition> element. Thereafter, we use the same ID from definition to apply markers. You need to make sure that in <application>, you use only those marker IDs, which have previously been defined in <definition>.

Each <marker> element under <application> element can have the following attributes:

  • id - ID that matches the marker application to its definition. If you specify an ID which has not been defined previously, you'll see an error in the debug window.
  • shapeId - Using this attribute, you can set the shape that this marker will assume on the map. FusionMaps XT offers 4 default shapes - circle, arc, triangle or diamond. You can also define your custom shapes and then refer to those (as explained in next section).
  • label - You can over-ride the labels for each marker during its application. This label will over-ride the label specified during definition.
  • labelPos - Like label, you can also over-ride the label position for each marker during its application.
  • toolText - If you need to provide custom tool text for a marker, you can do so using this attribute.
  • link - If you need your marker to link to other pages, when clicked, define the link here. The link can open in same window, new window, pop-up, frames or as JavaScript functions etc. Please see "Drill Down Maps" section for more information on link format.
  • scale - If you're using the same shape (shapeId) to represent multiple markers on the map, you can have them differ in size using this attribute. This attributes set the scaling of a particular marker. Valid values are floating numbers between 0 and 5.

To make your lives easier, we've created marker definitions for important cities in the most of the maps and provided them as XML/JSON to you. You can re-use the definitions from those XML/JSON files present in Download Package > MarkerData folder.

That covers all the properties for the definition and application of markers, barring custom shapes. Let's see custom shapes next.