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FusionMaps XT boasts of a plethora of enhancements which are listed below:

What's new in XT (v3.3.1 - SR3)

Existing FusionMaps XT or earlier users can learn how to use the new features introduced in FusionMaps XT here.


  • Fixed issues with unexpected and thick borders and other graphic artefacts appearing on Chrome version 29 and above.
  • Fixed the issue where on printing maps in IE8 and below, the tooltips were also getting printed along with the maps.
  • Fixed issue with tooltip text being incorrectly wrapped when maps are resized.
  • Plugged memory leakage caused while managing text wrapping when maps are repeatedly resized.
  • Removed custom id validations as it was not adding any significant value to the id management. Maintaining the validity and uniqueness of custom id is now the user's responsibility.


  • Improved legend interactivity in JavaScript maps.
  • Better label management for marker labels in Flash Maps.
What's new in XT (v3.3.1 - SR2)

Existing FusionMaps XT or earlier users can learn how to use the new features introduced in FusionMaps XT here.


  • External images are no more included in the export stream
  • Minor fix while exporting maps to PDF in Internet Explorer 9+

What's new in XT (v3.3.1 - SR1)

Existing FusionMaps XT or earlier users can learn how to use the new features introduced in FusionMaps XT here.

  • Hot-fix in VML Rendering Library.

What's new in XT (v3.3.1)

Existing FusionMaps XT or earlier users can learn how to use the new features introduced in FusionMaps XT here.


  • Improved legend interactivity in JavaScript maps.
  • Better label management for marker labels in Flash Maps.


  • Minor fix in rendering of tooltip and hover event related issues in JavaScript Maps.
  • Minor fix in the functioning of scale attribute when radius is provided within <shape> element of JavaScript Maps.
  • JavaScript functions as links for entities are no longer invoked twice when entity labels having connector lines are clicked.
  • Corrected entity id for 'Cuyuni-Mazaruni' (GY.CU) region of Guyana map and 'Central' (ZM.CE) province of Zambia map.
  • Fixed runtime errors in VML browsers when shadow is enabled in JavaScript Maps.
  • Minor fix in markers when shape type is arc in JavaScript Maps.
  • Inner radius of 'arc' shape is fixed within <marker> element in JavaScript Maps.
  • manageLabelOverflow attribute now works properly when set along with baseFontSize, in JavaScript maps.

What's new in XT (v3.3.0)

Existing FusionMaps XT or earlier users can learn how to use the new features introduced in FusionMaps XT here.

New Features:

  • 430 new maps added.
  • Four new additional packs.
  • New attributes to configure marker cosmetics in Flash map:
        - markerFillColor
        - markerFillAlpha
        - markerFillRatio
        - markerFillAngle
        - markerBorderAlpha
  • Support for radius and shapeId attributes in marker definition node in Flash maps.
  • Markers can now be auto-scaled when a Flash map is resized setting autoScaleMarkers='1'.
  • Exported JavaScript maps can now be saved to a server (using PHP and JAVA).


  • displayValue and maxValue attributes are now calculated from <colorRange> element when single color gradient is used in Flash Maps.
  • Added support to customize export related context-menu items of JavaScript maps.


  • Minor fix in space management for legend in Flash maps.
  • Flash maps now displays entity names properly in Apple Mac.
  • Entity labels are now click-able to allow drill-down in Flash maps.
  • Minor fix related to the position of Gradient-Legend pointer in Flash charts.
  • exportChart() can now be invoked multiple times in JavaScript maps.
  • Fix related to disparity between Flash maps and JavaScript maps with respect to their boundaries.
  • Flash World with Countries map no more returns "Null" as the DOMId through FC_Rendered event.

What's new in XT (v3.2 - SR1)

Existing FusionMaps v3.2 or earlier users can learn how to use the new features introduced in FusionMaps XT here.

New Features:

  • Ability to turn off url-decoding of links using the unescapeLinks attribute in JavaScript maps.


  • Kosovo added in World with Countries, Europe and Europe (with islands) maps.
  • South Sudan added in World with Countries and Africa maps.
  • Faroe island updated as a part of Denmark in Europe map.
  • Correction of entity definitions for numerous maps as listed here.


  • jQuery 1.8 compatibility issues.
  • Exporting issues related to JavaScript LinkedCharts.
  • Mixed content browser warning on Internet Explorer when using maps within secured (https) pages.
  • Minor fix related to legend interactivity in JavaScript maps.
  • Minor fix related to loading of chart or map SWF files while using LinkedCharts feature.
  • Links are no longer invoked when mouse is dragged onto map from foreign elements.
  • Flash LinkedCharts overlay button does not disappear anymore while exporting.
  • Bold and Italics styles can now be applied to tool tips.
  • JavaScript maps now export the current state of the maps.
What's new in XT (v3.2)

Existing FusionMaps v3.2 or earlier users can learn how to use the new features introduced in FusionMaps XT here.

New Features:

  • Automatic rendering of JavaScript maps on devices (like iPad and iPhone) where Flash player is not supported
  • Use of FusionCharts JavaScript Class (FusionCharts.js) to render and manage maps
  • Support for JSON data format
  • Support for LinkedCharts, where a single data source controls multiple maps
  • Color-range based interactive legends that allow selective showing/hiding of map entities
  • Interactive gradient legend to show/hide entities
  • Advanced print management for Flash Maps in non-Internet Explorer browsers
  • Additional options for efficient event handling using JavaScript
  • Introduced click, roll-over and roll-out events for Markers and Connectors
  • Introduced click event for Legend items
  • Support for dynamic update of map properties using JavaScript
  • Dynamic resizing of maps when parent containers resize
  • Image can now be used to fill the map background in different modes with custom alignments
  • Ability to control number formatting for Indian and East Asian thousand/lac separation formats
  • Support for recursive number scaling to display the map data better
  • jQuery plugin to render and manage maps using jQuery syntax
  • 2 new maps added in the Core Map Pack:
    • World with Antarctica (FCMap_WorldWithAntarctica.swf)
    • World 8 Regions with Antarctica (FCMap_World8WithAntarctica.swf)


  • FCMap_Netherland.swf is renamed to FCMap_Netherlands.swf
  • FCMap_NorthIreland.swf is renamed to FCMap_NorthernIreland.swf
  • "China-2" map has been renamed to "China (With Direct-controlled municipalities and Special administrative regions)"
  • Recreated maps of Scotland (FCMap_Scotland.swf) and Poland Counties (FCMap_PolandCounties.swf)
  • Option to show and hide individual label of entity (along with label connector line - if any)
  • Option to set hover color for individual entity
  • Option to hide or show tool tip for individual entity and connector
  • Option to set a map title and sub-title using caption and subCaption attributes
  • Option to position map title using captionPoistion attribute
  • Option to set a different cosmetic (color and alpha) for the entities with no value
  • Option to set hover color for individual entity
  • Option to disable hover color for individual entity
  • Option to hide common entity border using showBorder = '0'
  • exportdataready event returns more number of properties as event argument
  • Set default polygon shape to circle when sides are less than 3
  • Correction of entity long names for numerous maps as listed here


  • Maximum value of all the Color Ranges is now included in the highest Color Range
  • Individual entity label cannot be shown when all labels are hidden from the <map> element using showLabels='0'
  • Entity Definition does not change short name or long name when same internalId and newId is provided


  • Use of FusionMaps.js as the JavaScript Wrapper class to render map.
    Use FusionCharts JavaScript Class (FusionCharts.js and supportive JavaScript modules) instead.
  • Use of FusionMapsExportComponent.js is deprecated. Use FusionChartsExportComponent.js instead.
  • Use of FusionMaps.asp, FusionMaps.php, FusionMaps.dll (or the sources FusionMaps.cs, FusionMaps.vb) are deprecated
    Use FusionCharts.asp, FusionCharts.php, FusionCharts.dll (or the sources FusionCharts.cs, FusionCharts.vb)
  • Use of various XML and JavaScript APIs as listed here.
What's new in v3.1.0

New Features:

  • Ability to export maps as PNG/JPG/PDF at client side or server side. We've also devised a batch export mechanism at client side, which allows you to export all the maps in a page as a single image/PDF using one-click.
  • Ability to copy data from map as CSV using context menu, or JavaScript function.
  • Personalization of map - you can now add your logos over the map, and also add an "About your company" to map's context menu and link it to your URL.
  • 1 new map in core pack (Europe with islands); 69 new maps in Americas & India / Europe Pack, including Brazil (States), Portugal (Districts), Austria (States) & Caribbean Islands (Islands).


  • More control over chart using JavaScript - many new APIs and events exposed by map.


  • Entity IDs/ Physical entities bug fixes in many maps.
What's new in v3.0.6


  • Added another option to specify JavaScript links that works in IE 6/7.


  • Bug in showLabels attribute.
  • Bug in California and West Virginia map.
What's new in v3.0.5

New Features:

  • Ability to save maps as images and to invoke this functionality from JavaScript.
  • Ability to print maps from JavaScript.
  • Option to remove "Print Map" context menu item.
  • Option to show/hide entity label for individual entities.
  • Ability to handle the rollOver/rollOut event for entities in JavaScript/flash code.
  • Option to show entity long names as part of labels.
  • Map Specification Sheet Generator in JavaScript or as a Windows application. Generate CSV files for entity ids and names directly from map.
  • 125 maps in core suite. 2 additional packs (Europe & Americas/India) containing 170 additional maps that can be downloaded as part of your existing license.
  • ASP.NET code samples in both VB.NET and C# with new Master Page and Update Panel examples.


  • FusionMaps JavaScript Class v1.3 with support for maps within FORMs and transparent mode.


  • Flash Player 9.0.115 problem where links were not being invoked when map was loaded in Flash movie.
  • Security fix that restricts XSS attacks. FusionMaps now loads data from only relative URLs. Absolute URLs are not allowed.
What's new in v3.0.4

Renamed product to FusionMaps (from PowerMaps)

New Features:

  • Following 5 maps added: Europe (UK divided into countries), Central America with Caribbean, North America without Central America division, Asia-3, Malta
  • Added option for Marker Connectors. Marker Connectors allow you to connect any two markers using a line and a label. The cosmetic properties of the label and line can be configured from XML.
  • Added pre-built Marker XMLs indicating important cities for most of the maps in suite. You can now directly use these XMLs to show important cities in your region.
  • New code samples (ASP, PHP) and documentation on how to use FusionMaps with database.
  • Website, map gallery & dashboard samples.
  • Font properties can now be customized for each entity on the map.
  • Added option to disable hover for entities that do not have a value.
  • Added option to add a caption to legend.


  • Legend empty marker issue. Now, the legend marker will consistently show as filled rectangle across all platforms.
  • Label placement position, when x-scale and y-scale of map was simultaneously animated.
  • Tool tip position issue when map is loaded into nested movie clips inside other Flash movie.
  • Minor changes in World-8 Map, Virginia Map & North America Map tracing.