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Currency symbols, e.g., £(Pound), €(Euro), ¥(Yen) etc., may also be a part of the data which is displayed on maps. This section guides you on how to include the most used currency symbols as a part of your maps.

Using Pound(£) sign

To display the Pound character on a map, you can simply include it in the XML/JSON data source of the map. This is applicable in both Data URL and Data String methods.

Following data includes the £ character:

<map fillColor="D7F4FF" includeValueInLabels="1" baseFontSize="9" numberPrefix="�">
  <entity id="NA" value="515"/>
  <entity id="SA" value="373"/>
  <entity id="AS" value="3875"/>
  <entity id="EU" value="727"/>
  <entity id="AF" value="885"/>
  <entity id="AU" value="32"/>
"map": {
 "fillcolor": "D7F4FF",
 "includevalueinlabels": "1",
 "basefontsize": "9",
 "data": [
  {"id": "NA", "value": "515"  },
  {"id": "SA", "value": "373"  },
  {"id": "AS", "value": "3875" },
  {"id": "EU", "value": "727"  },
  {"id": "AF", "value": "885"  },
  {"id": "AU", "value": "32"   }

The above data produces a map with the £ symbol prefixed to all numeric values:

Using pound character in map

When using the HTML embedding method and Data string method, it is essential to encode pound character as %A3.

Using Yen(¥) sign

To display the Yen character on a map, you can simply include it in the XML/JSON data source of the map. This is applicable in both Data URL and Data String methods.

Following data includes the ¥ character:

<map fillColor="D7F4FF" includeValueInLabels="1" baseFontSize="9" numberPrefix='�'>
  <entity id="NA" value="515"/>
  <entity id="SA" value="373"/>
  <entity id="AS" value="3875"/>
  <entity id="EU" value="727"/>
  <entity id="AF" value="885"/>
  <entity id="AU" value="32"/>
"map": {
 "fillcolor": "D7F4FF",
 "includevalueinlabels": "1",
 "basefontsize": "9",
 "data": [
  {"id": "NA", "value": "515"  },
  {"id": "SA", "value": "373"  },
  {"id": "AS", "value": "3875" },
  {"id": "EU", "value": "727"  },
  {"id": "AF", "value": "885"  },
  {"id": "AU", "value": "32"   }

The above data produces a map with ¥ prefixed to all numeric values:

Using yen character in map

When using the HTML embedding method and Data string method, it is essential to encode yen character as %A5.

Using Cent(¢) sign

To display the Cent character on a map, you can simply include it in the XML/JSON data source of the map. This is applicable in both Data URL and Data String methods.

Following data includes the ¢ character:

<map fillColor="D7F4FF" includeValueInLabels="1" baseFontSize="9" numberPrefix='�'>
  <entity id="NA" value="515"/>
  <entity id="SA" value="373"/>
  <entity id="AS" value="3875"/>
  <entity id="EU" value="727"/>
  <entity id="AF" value="885"/>
  <entity id="AU" value="32"/>
"map": {
 "fillcolor": "D7F4FF",
 "includevalueinlabels": "1",
 "basefontsize": "9",
 "data": [
  {"id": "NA", "value": "515"  },
  {"id": "SA", "value": "373"  },
  {"id": "AS", "value": "3875" },
  {"id": "EU", "value": "727"  },
  {"id": "AF", "value": "885"  },
  {"id": "AU", "value": "32"   }

The above data produces a map with ¢ prefixed to all numeric values:

Using cent character in map

When using the HTML embedding method and Data string method, it is essential to encode cent character as %A2.

Using Euro(€) sign

To display the Euro character on a map, you can simply include it in the XML/JSON data source of the map. This is applicable in both Data URL and Data String methods.

Following data includes the € character:

<map fillColor="D7F4FF" includeValueInLabels="1" baseFontSize="9" numberPrefix='�'>
  <entity id="NA" value="515"/>
  <entity id="SA" value="373"/>
  <entity id="AS" value="3875"/>
  <entity id="EU" value="727"/>
  <entity id="AF" value="885"/>
  <entity id="AU" value="32"/>
"map": {
 "fillcolor": "D7F4FF",
 "includevalueinlabels": "1",
 "basefontsize": "9",
 "data": [
  {"id": "NA", "value": "515"  },
  {"id": "SA", "value": "373"  },
  {"id": "AS", "value": "3875" },
  {"id": "EU", "value": "727"  },
  {"id": "AF", "value": "885"  },
  {"id": "AU", "value": "32"   }

The above data produces a map with the € symbol prefixed to all numeric values:

Using euro character in map

Euro character falls into the category of extended Unicode character-set. To display a euro character in your map, the XML file should be encoded with UTF-8 BOM signature, otherwise the character will not be displayed properly. To know more about BOM and how to add it in your XML, please read What is BOM.

When using the HTML embedding method and Data string method, you need to use %E2%82%AC (the encoded form) instead of character.

Using Franc(₣) sign

To display the Franc character on a map, you can simply include it in the XML/JSON data source of the map. This is applicable in both Data URL and Data String methods.

Following data includes the ₣ character:

<map fillColor="D7F4FF" includeValueInLabels="1" baseFontSize="9" numberPrefix="₣">
  <entity id="NA" value="515"/>
  <entity id="SA" value="373"/>
  <entity id="AS" value="3875"/>
  <entity id="EU" value="727"/>
  <entity id="AF" value="885"/>
  <entity id="AU" value="32"/>
"map": {
 "fillcolor": "D7F4FF",
 "includevalueinlabels": "1",
 "basefontsize": "9",
 "data": [
  {"id": "NA", "value": "515"  },
  {"id": "SA", "value": "373"  },
  {"id": "AS", "value": "3875" },
  {"id": "EU", "value": "727"  },
  {"id": "AF", "value": "885"  },
  {"id": "AU", "value": "32"   }

The above data produces a map with ₣ prefixed to all numeric values:

Using franc character in map

Franc character falls into the category of extended Unicode character-set. To display a franc character in your map, the XML file should be encoded with UTF-8 BOM signature, otherwise the character will not be displayed properly. To know more about BOM and how to add it in your XML, please refer to What is BOM.

When using the HTML embedding method and Data string method, you need to use %E2%82%A3 (the encoded form) instead of character.