FusionCharts DOM API and Reference

Chart Parameters (list of attributes for <fusioncharts> tag)

These parameters let you control a variety of functional elements on the chart. For example, you can set the chart height and width according to your wish. You can also set language option, scale mode using these parameters. These parameters are set as either attributes in our <fusioncharts> tag, or in the "parameters" attribute in the <script> tag. For more information on setting parameters, see the parameter specification section.

Grayed out attributes are applicable for FusionCharts v3 only

Parameter Type / Range Default Value Description
chartId Unique, Alphanumeric, Required Autogenerated This parameter turns compulsory when the 'autoChartId' setting is set to false.
chartType Alphanumeric, Enumeration, Required Column2D See the 'Chart Types' section below for the full list of chart types.
width Positive Integer 300 Sets the chart width. It takes only pixel value.
height Positive Integer 200 Sets the chart height in pixels.
debugMode Boolean (0/1) 0 Decides whether to set the debug mode on.
registerWithJS Boolean (0/1) 0 Lets you register the chart with JavaScript.
backgroundColor HexaDecimal color codes (Example: #6699cc) Not Specified Using this you can set the background color of the chart.
scaleMode Alphanumeric, Values: exactFit, noScale, showAll, noBorder noScale  
lang Alphanumeric, Language Codes Not Specified This attribute enables you to specify the language you want.
detectFlashVersion Boolean (0/1) Not Specified Detects the Flash version, whether it is Flash 7 or 8.
autoInstallRedirect Boolean (0/1) Not Specified Whether to download Flash components directly from Adobe. If the plug ins are not found, this attribute is set to 1 to download Flash components from Adobe directly.
chartVersion Alphanumeric, Values: v3, free free Using this attribute you can set the chart's version according to the license you have acquired.
swfPath Alphanumeric FusionCharts/ Lets you set the relative or default path of the FusionCharts SWF file.
dataURL Alphanumeric Not Specified You can set the path of the chart's data URL using this attribute.
swfURI Alphanumeric Not Specified You can specify all FusionCharts parameter through an URI and set it as this parameter. If this parameter is set, it overrides all other parameters.

Chart Messages

Grayed out attributes are applicable for FusionCharts v3 only

Parameter Type / Range Default Value Description
PBarLoadingText Alphanumeric Loading Chart. Please Wait You would see this message while the chart SWF is being loaded.
XMLLoadingText Alphanumeric Retrieving Data. Please Wait To retrieve the chart XML data, FusionCharts engine takes some time. During this interval the XMLLoadingText message will be displayed to the user.
ParsingDataText Alphanumeric Reading Data. Please Wait To parse the chart XML data, FusionCharts engine takes some time. During this interval the ParsingDataText message will be displayed to the user.
ChartNoDataText Alphanumeric No data to display. It gets displayed if the chart fails to render due to the absence of data.
RenderingChartText Alphanumeric Rendering Chart. Please Wait This message would be displayed while the chart is in the process of being rendered.
LoadDataErrorText Alphanumeric Error in loading data. You would see this message if the chart fails to render due to any error in loading the XML data.
InvalidXMLText Alphanumeric Invalid XML data. This message would be displayed if the chart fails to render due to invalid XML data.

Chart Types

The following is the list of charts available in this FusionCharts Free. The firendly names in this list are the possible values of the "chartType" attribute in the <fusioncharts> tag.

Friendly Name Description Data Type Supported
Column2D 2D Column chart Only Single Series
Column3D 3D Column chart Only Single Series
Line2D Line Chart Only Single Series
Pie3D 3D Pie chart Only Single Series
Pie2D 2D Pie chart Only Single Series
Bar2D Bar Chart Only Single Series
Area2D Area Chart Only Single Series
Doughnut2D / Donut2D 2D Doughnut chart Only Single Series
MSColumn3D 3D Column chart Preferably Multi-Series
MSColumn2D 2D Column Chart Preferably Multi-Series
MSArea2D Area Chart Preferably Multi-Series
MSLine2D Line Chart Preferably Multi-Series
MSBar2d 2D Bar chart Preferably Multi-Series
StackedColumn2D Stacked 2D Column Chart Preferably Multi-Series
StackedColumn3D Stacked 3D Column Chart Preferably Multi-Series
StackedBar2D Stacked Bar Chart Preferably Multi-Series
StackedArea2D Stacked Area Chart Preferably Multi-Series
MSCombiDY2D Line & 2D Column Combination Chart, Dual Y Only Multi-Series
MSColumn3DLineDY Line & 3D Column Combination Chart, Dual Y Only Multi-Series
Candlestick Candlestick Chart Candlestick type
Funnel Funnel chart Only Single Series
Gantt Gantt chart Gantt type

FusionCharts DOM Behavior Settings

The settings are used mainpulate the behaviour of FusionCharts DOM. These properties are passed in the "settings" attribute of the <script> tag. For more information on manipulating settings, see the advanced settings section.

Parameter Type / Range Default Value Description

(alertOnErrors have been removed)

Boolean (0/1) false Shows error alerts if FusionChartsDOM encounters an error
autoChartId Boolean (0/1) true Automatically generates chart id if it is not provided. If its set to false, raises an error when no unique chart id is not provided.
containerClassName String "fusioncharts_dom_container" The class name for the element (default <span>) wrapping the FusionCharts object element.
loadingMessage String "Chart not loaded." The momentary message displayed while the DOM is being parsed.
renderOnLoad Boolean (0/1) true If set to false, FusionChartsDOM parses the DOM but does not render the charts. The RenderAllChart() ir RenderChart(id) function needs to be called in order to render the charts.