FusionMaps Library is a collection of pre-defined Scripts which execute some important tasks users often need to perform.
How to use FusionMaps Library?
FusionMaps Library.fp7 resides in the Apps > Maps folder in FusionMap Pro for FileMaker Download Pack. You can use FusionMaps Library as a File Reference with your FileMaker solution. Go to File >> Define >> File References and add the file.
List of Scripts available in FusionMaps Library File and brief descriptions of each
This script is used to set the basic path configuration for the FusionMaps Pro for FileMaker engine.
  • It sets the path of the FusionMaps Pro for FileMaker Engine .
    (Maps folder inside the folder where the database is residing)
    It sets a global variable $$FusionMapsFilePath to store this.

  • It also sets semicolon (;) as the default delimiter in global variable $$delimiter.
This script Returns the current path of FusionMaps for FileMaker Engine
( Map folder inside the folder where the database is residing).

Users can use this script in their own database file to access the path.


Appends the QueryString starting with ?, followed by the parameters to the given address

Script Parameters :

  • mapName - Type of chart. Takes values like USA, World
  • mapWidth - Width of the map in pixels
  • mapHeight - Height of the map in pixels
This script accepts following parameters:
  1. Web Address: The address to which map parameters need to be appended.
  2. mapParamsValue: Parameter list of mapParams attribute required to configure the map, e.g.

The script prepends '&mapParams=' to the mapParamsValue and append the full string to the given Web Address.

This script accepts following parameters:
  1. Web Address: The address to which map parameters need to be appended.
  2. dataValue: Value for data attribute of this map, e.g.
The script prepends the term '&data=' to the dataValue and append the full string to the given Web Address.
This script accepts following parameters:
  1. Web Address: The address to which map parameters need to be appended.
  2. Parameter Name: Name of the map parameter we want to append, e.g. "debugMode".
  3. Parameter Value: Value of the parameter, e.g. "1"

This script appends specified map parameter name and value to the given web address in FMQS format.

Parameter : text
  • This script accpets text that contains any Special Character.
  • Then it encodes the Special Characters and
  • Returns the encoded string.
Parameter : text
  • This script is used to encode '%' and '/' only. It accepts the text that contains any of these characters and returns the encoded string.

Appends the custom internal id definition parameter to the given address.
Here it is assumed that some parameters have already been assigned to the WebAddress
The parameter name and value are appended to the WebAddress in the format "&ldDef=" & $ldDefValue
And then appended to the Web Address

Script Parameters

WebAddress - The address to which chart parameter needs to be appended
LdDefValue - This is a value for the ldDef parameter
Block of values. Each block enclosed in square brackets. Each parameter seaprated by delimiter
Sample for this parameter: "[01=AS;sName=AS;lName=Asia] [02=EU;sName=EU;lName=Europe]"

This script accepts following parameters:
  1. Web Address: The address to which map parameters need to be appended.
  2. colorRangeValue: colorRange blocks required to apply colors to the map entities based on data values e.g.
    [minValue=99;maxValue=201;color=cc0000; displayValue=Poor Business]
    [minValue=201;maxValue=601;color=0066cc; displayValue=Good Business]
The script prepends '&colorRange=' to the colorRangeValue and appends the resultant string to the given Web Address.
This script accepts following parameters:
  1. Web Address: The address to which map parameters need to be appended.
  2. styleDefValue: Value for styleDef attribute of this map, e.g.
The script prepends '&styleDef=' to styleDefValues and append it to the given Web Address in FMQS format.
This script accepts following parameter:
  1. Web Address: The address to which map parameters need to be appended.
  2. styleAppValue: styleApp blocks required to apply styles to the map e.g.
The script prepend '&styleApp=' to syleAppValue and append the full string to the given Web Address.
This script accepts following parameters:
  1. Web Address: The address to which map parameters need to be appended.
  2. markerDefValue: markerDef blocks required to define markers on the map e.g.
    [x=180;y=150;id=HQ;label=Head Quarter;labelPos=bottom]
    [s=135;y=150;id=RSO;label=Regional Sales Office;labelPos=top]
The script prepends '&markerDef' to the markerDefValue and append the resultant string to the given Web Address.
This script accepts following parameters:
  1. Web Address: The address to which map parameters need to be appended.
  2. markerAppValue: markerApp attribute blocks required to apply defined markers to the map e.g.
The script prepends '&markerApp=' to the markerAppValue and append the full string to the given Web Address.
This script accepts following parameters:
  1. Web Address: The address to which map parameters need to be appended.
  2. markerShapesValue: markerShapes attribute blocks required to define marker shapes to the map e.g.
This script prepends '&markerShapes=' to markerShapesValue and appends the full string to the given Web Address.
This script accepts following parameters:
  1. Web Address: The address to which map parameters need to be appended.
  2. markerConectorValue: markerConn attribute blocks required to connect markers e.g.
    [from=HQ;to=RSO;label=Transportation Path;tooltext=886 Km]
This script prepends '&markerConn=' to markerConnectorValue and appends the concatenated string to the given Web Address.