We can change the Title and Axis Names of the charts through chartParams attribute of FusionCharts Querystring.
Adding Title
We can change the Title of the charts using caption and subcaption parameters in the chartParams attribute. Let's take an example.
We provide a caption to out chart.
&chartParams=[bgColor=FFFFFF;caption=Weekly Sales]
&labels=Week 1;Week 2;Week 3;Week 4
We can add Subtitle using subCaption parameter in the chartParams attribute. Let's see how it can be achieved:
&chartParams=[bgColor=FFFFFF;caption=Weekly Sales;subCaption=For July 2007]
&labels=Week 1;Week 2;Week 3;Week 4
Adding Axis Name
To display Axis Names to specify the items associated with an axis we will use xAxisName and yAxisName parameters of chartParams attribute. Let's take few examples.
X-Axis Name
We are adding xAxisName parameter to chartParams attribute to add X-Axis Name.
&chartParams=[bgColor=FFFFFF;caption=Weekly Sales;xAxisName=Weeks]
&labels=Week 1;Week 2;Week 3;Week 4
Y-Axis Name
We are adding yAxisName parameter to chartParams attribute to add X-Axis Name.
[bgColor=FFFFFF;caption=Weekly Sales;xAxisName=Weeks;yAxisName=Total Amount]
&labels=Week 1;Week 2;Week 3;Week 4
For Combination Charts
In combination charts we deal with two Y Axes. FusionCharts for FileMaker allows us to assign suitable tag to both Primary and Secondary Y Axis using PYAxisName and SYAxisName parameters respectively of chartParams attribute. Let's try two examples for better understanding.
Primary Y-Axis Name
[caption=Sales Comparison;xAxisName=Weeks;pYAxisName=Revenue;showvalues=0;numberPrefix=$]
&labels=Week 1;Week 2;Week 3;Week 4
&data=[seriesName=Current Month;numberPrefix=$]40800;31400;26700;55400
&data=[seriesName=Previous Month;numberPrefix=$]38300;28400;15700;48100 &data=[SeriesName=Qunatity;parentYaxis=s]400;300;300;500
Secondary Y-Axis Name
[caption=Sales Comparison;xAxisName=Weeks;pYAxisName=Revenue;sYAxisName=Amount Sold;
&labels=Week 1;Week 2;Week 3;Week 4
&data=[seriesName=Current Month;numberPrefix=$]40800;31400;26700;55400
&data=[seriesName=Previous Month;numberPrefix=$]38300;28400;15700;48100 &data=[SeriesName=Qunatity;parentYaxis=s]400;300;300;500
Note: yAxisName parameter does not respond in case of Combination Chart as it has two Y-Axes. pYAxisName and sYAxisName parameters should be used to assign name to Y-Axis in Combination Chart.

Please go to Common Parameters > Functional Parameters section for Axes Name Display related parameters.