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The Component Attributes are those values that are passed on to FCExporter.swf as flashVars. The values of this section determine various behavior of the Exporter Component, like its user interface, saving mode, etc.

Typical usage of these attributes is in componentAttributes of every new FusionChartsExportObject.


<script type="text/javascript">
    var myExporter = new FusionChartsExportObject('myExporter', 'FusionCharts/FCExporter.swf');
// customize the exporter by modifying the componentAttributes
myExporter.componentAttributes.imageBaseColor = '334455';
myExporter.componentAttributes.defaultExportFileName = 'My Charts';

// render the UI

In the FusionChartsExportObject constructor, you can provide component Attributes in {key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2', ... } format.


var myComponent = new FusionChartsExportObject('myComponent', 'FusionCharts/FCexporter.swf',
{ defaultExportFormat: 'PDF', defaultExportFilename: 'My Charts' } );

Attribute Name Value Type Description Default Value

Export Settings

imageBaseColor string (hexcode) The base background color of the exported image. FFFFFF
defaultExportFileName string This is name of the file that will be exported in case of Batch export. For individual export, it acts as a prefix for the file names.

Note: You do not need to specify the extension for the file.
This is available for "both" and "batch" mode only.

defaultExportFormat string

The default format, in which to export the file.

Note: This is available for "both" and "batch" mode only.



General UI Settings

width number

The width of the exporter UI.

height number

The height of the exporter UI.

saveMode string ('self', 'batch', 'both', 'individual')

The value 'Self' is used when you have one component per chart

The value 'Batch' shows a single list item with a button to export all of the charts.

The value 'Individual' shows a series of list items pertaining to the individual export properties of different charts.

The value 'Both' integrates the options 'Individual' and 'Batch' into one list.

'batch' when full mode

'self' when compact mode

fullMode boolean (0/1)

Shows the list of charts which have the option to be exported.

If value is set to 0 (default), the list is displayed as a drop down list.

If value is set to 1, the list is displayed as an expanded list of item panels.

showAllowedTypes boolean (0/1)

Gives the option of selecting an export format. The options are shown in a drop down list.

In case of full mode, the options appear at every list item panel, and can be applied to individual charts.

message string The caption of the exporter UI. FusionCharts Image Saver
showMessage boolean (0/1) A flag to determine whether the caption should be shown. 0
bgColor string (hex color code)

The background color of the exporter UI and the export item menu list

borderColor string (hex color code)

The border color of the exporter UI and the export item menu list.

borderThickness number

The border thickness of the exporter UI.

vMargin number

The border thickness of the exporter UI.

btnDisabledTitle string

The status message to show until the chart has been exported.

Note: Not available when fullMode is set to '1'



Chart List Attributes

saveAllTitle string

The caption for the chart item list.

Note: Available when fullMode is set to '1'

Save as single file
showAlternateColorBands boolean (0/1)

Determines whether alternate color bands are to be shown for the chart list panels.

Note: Available when fullMode is set to '1'

alternateBandColor string (hex color code)

The background color of the alternate chart list panels.

Note: Applicable when showAlternateBandColors is set to '1'

itemPanelHeight number

The height of the individual panel items within the list.

Note: Available when fullMode is set to '1'

saveAllPanelBgColor string (hex color code)

The background color of the save all panel.

Note: Available when fullMode is set to '1'



Font Configuration

fontFace string

The font face of all text

fontColor string (hex color code)

The color of the text

fontSize number

The size of all text



Button Configuration

btnFontFace string

The font face of the button text

btnFontColor string (hex color code)

The color of the button text

btnFontSize number

The size of the button text

btnWidth number

The width of the button

btnHeight number

The height of the button

btnColor string (hex color code)

The base color of the button

btnBorderColor string (hex color code)

The border color of the button

btnSaveTitle string

The title of the 'Save' button

btnSaveAllTitle string The title of the 'Save All' button Save All


Drop-Down Combo Configuration

comboBgColor string (hex color code)

Specifies the background color of the combo button

comboBorderColor string (hex color code)

Specifies the border color of the combo button

Same as btnBorderColor
comboSelectedItemColor string (hex color code)

Specifies the color of the selected item in the combo drop-down

Same as btnColor
comboBtnBgColor string (hex color code)

Specifies the background color of the combo drop-down button

Same as btnColor
comboBtnBorderColor string (hex color code)

Specifies the color of the combo drop-down button

Same as btnBorderColor
comboBtnArrowColor string (hex color code)

Specifies the color of the arrow of the combo drop-down button

comboHeight number

Specifies the height of the combo button

Same as btnHeight


Scroll-Bar Configuration

scrollWidth number

Specifies the width of the scroll-bar

scrollChannelColor string (hex color code)

Specifies the color of the scroll-bar channel

scrollChannelBorderThickness number

Specifies the border thickness of the scroll-bar channel

scrollChannelBorderColor string (hex color code)

Specifies the border color of the scroll-bar channel

scrollBarColor string (hex color code)

Specifies the color of the scroll-bar

Same as btnColor
scrollBarBorderColor string (hex color code)

Specifies the border color of the scroll-bar

Same as btnBorderColor
scrollBarBorderThickness number

Specifies the border thickness of the scroll-bar

scrollBtnColor string (hex color code)

Specifies the color of the scroll-bar directional button

Same as btnColor
scrollBtnBorderColor string (hex color code)

Specifies the border color of the scroll-bar directional button

Same as btnBorderColor
scrollBtnBorderThickness number

Specifies the border thickness of the scroll-bar directional button

scrollBtnArrowColor string (hex color code)

Specifies the color of the arrow of the scroll-bar directional button

Same as comboBtnArrowColor