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FusionCharts XT provides various options when trying to highlight selective data. Here, we will be discussing some of them, including:

Let us see all of the above one by one.

Highlighting a dataset by changing its alpha

Highlighting data by altering its alpha is one of the simplest methods. Consider the XML below:

   <set label='John' value='420' />
   <set label='Mary' value='295' alpha='50'/>
   <set label='Tom' value='523' /> 

Here, we have set the alpha of second column to 50 (on a scale of 0-100). Now, when you see this chart, you will see that the middle column is semi-transparent making it the visual focus point.

Using dashed border to highlight data

You can also highlight a data by setting it as dashed. Consider the XML below:

   <set label='John' value='420' />
   <set label='Mary' value='295' dashed='1'/>
   <set label='Tom' value='523' /> 
When applied on a Column chart
When applied on a Line chart
Using individual anchor properties on a line/area chart to highlight a data

FusionCharts XT allows you to set individual <set> level anchor properties too. Consider the following XML:

<chart showValues='0'>
   <set label='John' value='420' />
   <set label='Mary' value='295' />
   <set label='Tom' value='523' anchorRadius='6' anchorSides='4' anchorBorderColor='0372AB' anchorBgColor='E1f5ff'/> 
   <set label='Hary' value='323' /> 


The above XML gives the following output on a Line chart:

You can clearly see the highlighted anchor on the chart.

Using individual color properties on a Multi-series chart to highlight a single data

FusionCharts XT also allows you to specify <set> level color in a Multi-series chart. Consider the XML below:

        <category label="Product A" />
        <category label="Product B" />
    <dataset SeriesName="2005">
        <set value="324" />
        <set value="457" />
    <dataset SeriesName="2006">
        <set value="456" />
        <set value="787" color='FF5904'/>
    <dataset SeriesName="2007">
        <set value="557" />
        <set value="767" />
          "label":"Product A"
          "label":"Product B"

In the above code, we have a Multi-series XML. We are highlighting a single <set> by setting its color explicitly. When you now see this chart, you will get the following output: