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Server-side requirements: None. FusionCharts XT runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, UNIX or any other server. Just make sure that your server's MIME is configured for SWF files to ensure proper streaming. Most servers come pre-configured for SWF files.

Client-side requirements for rendering JavaScript charts: FusionCharts XT automatically renders JavaScript charts on those browsers or devices which do not have Flash player installed. The only client-side requirement is a modern browser (including those on iPhone or iPad) that supports JavaScript. More » Presently, JavaScript uses SVG or VML to render the charts.

Client-side requirements for rendering Flash charts: Adobe Flash Player 8 (or above). Adobe Flash Player is a free and light-weight plugin to render Flash movies. It can be downloaded from It's one of the most widely installed plugin on this planet. For client-side-export, Flash Player 10 is required.