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In FusionCharts XT, you can render the charts on devices where Flash player is not supported (like in iPhone or iPad), is not installed or is disabled using the built-in JavaScript rendering capabilities. The charts rendered by this module are purely using JavaScript and do not need Flash Player at all.

FusionCharts XT gives you the option of either using automatic fallback, wherein the charts figure out the best mode of rendering (either Flash or JavaScript, based on availability of Flash Player), or lets you configure whether to render charts exclusively using JavaScript. If you are already using FusionCharts XT and wish to add JavaScript fallback, you just need to replace the old SWF and JavaScript files with the new ones - without changing a single line of code.

In case you wish to render JavaScript charts only, irrespective of whether Flash Player is installed or not, all you need to do is add a single line of code to your existing implementation. This has been covered in forthcoming sections. Meanwhile, let's get a small overview of FusionCharts XT JavaScript charting capabilities.

How it works?

FusionCharts XT features a completely new FusionCharts JavaScript class. FusionCharts JavaScript class now consists of four main files: FusionCharts.js, FusionCharts.HC.js, FusionCharts.HC.Charts.js and jquery.min.js. These four files are present in Download Pack > Charts folder. You will only need to include FusionCharts.js in your Web page (however, do not forget to copy the rest of files to your web application). The rest of the JavaScript files will be automatically loaded on-demand by FusionCharts.js.

Once FusionCharts class determines that Flash player is not available in the device, it automatically switches the rendering mode to JavaScript. If you wish to render the chart as JavaScript by default, you can do this by setting the rendering method to JavaScript from your code.

Chart types supported

Given below is the list of chart types supported by the FusionCharts JavaScript renderer:

Chart Type JavaScript Chart Alias Flash file (SWF Name)
Single Series Charts
Column 3D Column3D Column3D.swf
Column 2D Column2D Column2D.swf
Line 2D Line Line.swf
Area 2D Area2D Area2D.swf
Bar 2D Bar2D Bar2D.swf
Pie 2D Pie2D Pie2D.swf
Pie 3D Pie3D Pie3D.swf
Doughnut 2D Doughnut2D Doughnut2D.swf
Doughnut 3D Doughnut3D Doughnut3D.swf
Pareto 2D Pareto2D Pareto2D.swf
Pareto 3D Pareto3D Pareto3D.swf
Multi-series Charts
Multi-series Column 2D MSColumn2D MSColumn2D.swf
Multi-series Column 3D MSColumn3D MSColumn3D.swf
Multi-series Line 2D MSLine MSLine.swf
Multi-series Bar 2D MSBar2D MSBar2D.swf
Multi-series Bar 3D MSBar3D MSBar3D.swf
Multi-series Area 2D MSArea MSArea.swf
Marimekko Marimekko Marimekko.swf
Zoom Line ZoomLine ZoomLine.swf
Stacked Charts
Stacked Column 3D StackedColumn3D StackedColumn3D.swf
Stacked Column 2D StackedColumn2D StackedColumn2D.swf
Stacked Bar 2D StackedBar2D StackedBar2D.swf
Stacked Bar 3D StackedBar3D StackedBar3D.swf
Stacked Area 2D StackedArea2D StackedArea2D.swf
Multi-series Stacked Column 2D MSStackedColumn2D MSStackedColumn2D.swf
Combination Charts
True 3D Chart (Multi-series 3D Single Y Combination chart - Column + Line + Area) MSCombi3D MSCombi3D.swf
Multi-series 2D Single Y Combination Chart (Column + Line + Area) MSCombi2D MSCombi2D.swf
Multi-series Column 3D + Multi-series Line - Single Y Axis MSColumnLine3D MSColumnLine3D.swf
Stacked Column2D + Line single Y Axis StackedColumn2DLine StackedColumn2DLine.swf
Stacked Column3D + Line single Y Axis StackedColumn3DLine StackedColumn3DLine.swf
Multi-series 2D Dual Y Combination Chart (Column + Line + Area) MSCombiDY2D MSCombiDY2D.swf
Multi-series Column 3D + Multi-series Line - Dual Y Axis MSColumn3DLineDY MSColumn3DLineDY.swf
Stacked Column 3D + Line Dual Y Axis StackedColumn3DLineDY StackedColumn3DLineDY.swf
Multi-series Stacked Column 2D + Line Dual Y Axis MSStackedColumn2DLineDY MSStackedColumn2DLineDY.swf
XY Plot Charts
Scatter Chart Scatter Scatter.swf
Bubble Chart Bubble Bubble.swf
Scroll Charts
Scroll Column 2D ScrollColumn2D ScrollColumn2D.swf
Scroll Line 2D ScrollLine2D ScrollLine2D.swf
Scroll Area 2D ScrollArea2D ScrollArea2D.swf
Scroll Stacked Column 2D ScrollStackedColumn2D ScrollStackedColumn2D.swf
Scroll Combination 2D (Single Y) ScrollCombi2D ScrollCombi2D.swf
Scroll Combination 2D (Dual Y) ScrollCombiDY2D ScrollCombiDY2D.swf
Single Series Grid Component SSGrid SSGrid.swf
How different is JavaScript charts from Flash charts?

FusionCharts XT in its JavaScript flavor essentially tries to provide a uniform visualization experience on desktop and mobile platforms by rendering FusionCharts using advanced HTML5 capabilities of devices that does not support Flash. However, due to the inherent difference between the technologies and differences in various browsers causes minor disparity between the Flash and JavaScript variants of the charts.

Nature of Configuration

Due to various reasons, there are minor implementation differences between Flash and JavaScript variants of our charts. Almost all such differences have workarounds to make them appear same using the same data configuration. Listed below are the major ones:

Lack of multi-line support when axis labels are rotated or slanted

Visual difference in Scroll-bars

Visual difference when round edges is applied to 2D charts using useRoundEdges = '1'

Browser Dependency

JavaScript and HTML5 are browser dependent features and every browser has certain differences in the way they handle implementation of HTML5 support. Hence, however hard we try to bridge the difference, there is still a likelihood of minor differences to be encountered when comparing the same chart configuration on various browsers.

For example, for a column chart with plotGradientColor='ff0000,00ff00,0000ff' and plotfillalpha='50,100,50' in its <chart> attribute list, there is a difference in the way IE (below IE 9) handles alpha (opacity) of colors. On FireFox and other browsers supporting SVG the chart will look like the following:

However on IE 6,7 and 8 supporting VML the same chart will be rendered as the following image: